
please reset the booktitle YamanoOkina 20231218092329 5

10,000 years ago I was summoned by God, the Alpha, and the omega, to be his little errand boy. Worked my butt off for 10,000 years... Now I am tired, can't think of anything, but a way out of this stupid low-ass paying job. Author: Beware, my grammar is shit.

YamanoOkina · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Remove your hand

After the mother and daughter pair left the shop Xiao started to clean the table when the bell on the front door chimed again, he slightly turned his head and saw a nervous teenager with a round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles.

His hands suddenly stopped, and he released his grip on the cleaning cloth, and with an irritated look, Xiao approached the nervous kid.

"M-Mister... I am sorry for trespassing..." Xiao ignored the kid and walked past him, Xiao exited his restaurant, and instead of getting greeted by a beautiful night sky and street, he was greeted by sunlight, a blue sky, and a stretch of pines grove.

Immediately his irritated expression contorted in fury "Fuck you, OLD MAN!!" Xiao howled while pointing an accusing finger at the sky. "You sadistic, A-Hole!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and in pure unadulterated fury, he unconsciously released his suppressed magical energy, not even a month has passed & the old man already had started to mess with him.

The kid trembled in utter horror as the man before let out a sickening dark aura, the surrounding air became so thicker that he found himself even hard to breathe. A feeling of dread filled the air, the kid topples down on his butt as he finally took notice of the surrounding, terror like never clutched his heart with an iron grip as he saw the very space around Xiao started to contort, the trees up to 100 meters radius dried up and deteriorated in seconds.

Dark black clouds formed overhead and pretty soon a loud boom of thunderclap greeted his ears, he slowly looked up and saw the man's eyes glowing with a crimson shroud, the kid couldn't take it anymore and finally passed out in fear.

After cursing for minutes Xiao finally calmed himself down, he put a lid back on his power, and with a wave of his hands, the destruction caused by him was restored to its original state.

With an irritated look on his face, he turned and walked back inside his restaurant, on the way in he grabbed the kid by his collar & roughly drag him to an empty seat.

He set the kid down on an empty seat and sat opposite to him, he then conjured up a small ball of water hurled it at the kid's face.

"Hah!" The kid woke up with a sudden jerk. "Ahhh!!" The Kid shrieked out in fear as soon as his eyes landed on Xiao.

"Stop screaming like a little bitch, your voice is annoying to listen to." Xiao's cold words shut him up.

"How did you find this place? Is it the old man... Hmm?" Xiao looked down at him coldly. "I... I... I am sorry..." The Kid broke down to tears while he profusely begged Xiao not to kill him.

"Kid, beg for your life one more time and I will cut off that little head of yours" The scared kid let out a gasp on hearing this. "You can't..." He stammered out in panic.

"Chuckle" Xiao let out a dark chuckle. "I can, Kid. " The kid paled on seeing the confidence in the man's voice. "So, Come on, chop-Chop, I don't have all day" Xiao growled in a deep, menacing voice

"Seven... hour ago..." The kid lowered his head and looked down at his lap. "I meet All Might..." He said quietly.

"All who?"

"He is the number one hero and symbol of peace... in my world" The kid replied and was about to say few more words on this 'All Might dude'. "Whatever, get to the point. I don't have all day" The green-haired brat meekly nodded his head.

"I asked if I can become a hero, even though I don't have a quirk... he said you can't." The kid said & broke down to tears.

Xiao heaved a tired sigh on seeing him bursting into tears again. "Kid, don't waste my time." Xiao said in a tired voice.

"Yes... All my life I was suffered constant bullying and unacceptance from the society... so I decided I didn't want to have a bad day anymore. and take my life from jumping off the school roof" He said in shame.

"Wow, School roof, really, do you want to give kids nightmares?" Xiao sneered. "I am sorry" The kid lowered his head in a submissive way and continued to tell his sob story.

"When I was about to jump... I heard a voice claiming to be God, he told me not to take my life and he can help me to become strong..." The Kid said quietly.

"I knew it, fucking Old man... " Xiao muttered under his breath. "You believe this voice, kid, it seems you do have some screw loose..." Xiao said.

"I am sorry... but I am not lying... the voice is real... I can prove... Agh!" Xiao bopped the kid on the head. "Stop saying sorry every fucking time, you sound like a restrained dog!" The kid lowered his head. " I am..." A sudden chill ran down the kid's spine, he looks up and saw Xiao's body is doused in a crimson black aura and his eyes are as cold as ice.

"Say sorry one more time, I dare you!"

"Gulp... God gave me this" The kid pushed back his right-hand sleeve and shows xiao a tattoo of a dragon swallowing its own tail. "God said if I concentrate hard and say activate this tattoo will take me to a sub-dimension where I can train to become strong." The kid continued.

"When I came here, I found your door, and God said that you will be the one who will train me" The kid's finished.

Xiao burst out in laughter after hearing his words 'Really, you choose an unstable suicidal kid to do my job, wow?' Xiao muttered underneath his breath while he stared at the ceiling.

[I did not choose him] Xiao's face scrunched up in irritation on hearing his former boss's voice in his head. [Before you start to cuss again, first hear me out]

[Old man, every time you mess with my business it makes me wanna take my boot and shove it so far up your arse you're gonna be spitting out shoelaces all your life] Xiao replied.

[Ho ho, you kiss your mother with that mouth?]

[I don't even have a mother, smelly old man!] Xiao grumbled. [What the fuck do you even get by interfering with my life?]

[Chuckle... Nothing, help me out just this once] God chuckled. [You are the God, the creator of cosmos and life, just snap your finger and take care of the problem] Xiao said in irritation.

[What's done is done, if I interfere my daughter will throw a fit] God said. [Let Fate throw a fit, I don't want to shoulder this problem!]

[One more assist and I will never contact you, promise] God replied. [You never keep your promise!] Xiao sighed heavily and then looked down at the kid who is staring down at the floor, wallowing in self-pity.

[Fine, what do you want me to do with this kid?] He asked. [A random low-level fucker, reincarnated a person from earth on that kid's worlds, and that person took this kid place as the protagonist]

[This crybaby is a protagonist?] Xiao asked in disbelief. [Well, if you jog your memory you might remember who this kid is... Or do you want me to awaken those memories?] God asked.

[Nope, thanks, I am fine.] Xiao declined the offer. [I see... Your loss, moving on... so this reincarnated person doesn't do well in the future, and due to his countless mistakes this world will be in ruins in a matter of few years] God stopped and let out a chuckle. [Well that's to be expected, you know. If you stole someone's else fate, my daughter will sure hit you back with more problems] The old man said with a proud chuckle.

[Xiao, my old friend, I want you to train this kid and prepare him for the upcoming troubles] God added.

[Who the fuck is your friend, go to hell!] Xiao snapped back before he let out a sigh [This crybaby will die before he can complete my training] Xiao said after a moment of silence. [The crybaby will survive, trust me, the kid has a will of iron.] God added and then ended the conversation.

Xiao rubbed his forehead and grabbed the kid by his collar. "You want to be a hero, huh? Kid lesson number one... Heroes don't exist, the world is full of cravens who pretended to be heroes" Xiao said coldly and dragged him roughly out of the restaurant and entered the subspace.

"Sol" Xiao called out and seconds later an old man with crimson eyes materialized out of thin air. "My Master, what can this servant do for you?" The old man kneels and asked respectfully.

"Take care of my restaurant" Xiao replied. "Yes!" The old man rose to his feet and gave a polite bow before he entered the restaurant and closed the door behind.

Xiao used his powers and broke the link between the subspace and his restaurant. "H-How did he?" The kid in his grip stuttered out with wide eyes after seeing a man popped up from thin air.

"You talked with God, and this shit surprise you?" Xiao dropped the kid on the ground and asked. "Name?"

"Midoriya Izuku, Sir" The kid replied. "Midoriya Izuku, let me clear a few things... I will train you, but if I saw you slacking even once, I will kill you" The kid nodded vigorously.

"Second, you do what I ask, no complaining no whining, do you understand?" Xiao asked. "Yes!" The kid nodded.

"Third, If I ever saw you slacking and whining like a little bitch, I will kill you, You're a man, so act like one!" The kid nodded his head quickly so that Xiao can understand that he understands and willing to do every task.

"Good... Soul Removal" instantly Midoriya's expression went blank and then his body fell backward on the ground.

"...My Body, what did you do to me?!" An astral form of Izuku's appeared beside the fallen body. "Shut up, you are not dead!" Xiao growled out.


"I am altering your body so that you can get some powers..." Xiao said shocking the kid. "... You are giving me Quirk?"

"I am giving you something more powerful than that... Now, shut up! Let me do my work!" The kid shuts up immediately. Xiao summoned a vial filled with red blood and poured it down the kid's throat.

"What is that?" Izuku couldn't help but ask. "Phoneix blood..." Xiao replied with a sigh, it looks like his new disciple is too stupid to keep his mouth shut.

"B-B-Blood?" Midoriya cried out in fright. Xiao ignored the kid and summoned another vial filled with golden liquid and poured it down his(Izuku's) throat.

He then used his power and modified Izuku's cells to accept the blood and the golden liquid, after he has done this he sat back and watched calmly for the process to start.

"Oh My God! My Body is growing!" Midoriya let out a cry of surprise when he saw his body grew up by few inches right before his very eyes, soon muscle started to appear on his lanky arms, his green haired darkened & soon changed to army green, his face, and skin also underwent big changes.

Right now Midoriya looks like a living doll with soft, beautiful skin and a mature handsome face.

"Congratulation, you have joined the rank of Casanova!" Xiao said sarcastically. "...Now get back in your body" Before Midioriya could say something Xiao grabbed his astral form and yeeted it back towards the altered body.

After a few moments, Midoriya's lips twitched and his eyelids fluttered open, he groggily rose up and looked at his body.

"What did you do to me?"

"You are mortal... Do you think you can handle my training? No, you can't... I used Phoneix Blood and the blood of Atlas, the titan of endurance, to bestow you some powers like regeneration and superhuman durability to withstand this..." Without a fucking warning Xiao kicked Midoriya right in the gut.


Like a metal ball shot through a cannon, Midoriya's body hurled through the stretch of pine groves, no matter how many trees Midoriya crashes into they are not even able to decrease his speed. Very Intense pain spiraled through his chest area, Midoriya felt his consciousness seeps away from him as he violently crashed into trees after trees.

The last thing the poor Midoriya Saw Xiao interrupts his trajectory by suddenly teleporting before him and grabbing roughly by his head, stopping him completely.

"That was just a love tap" Xiao sighed in disappointment at seeing the passed-out disciple in his grip.

[A Week Later]

It's been a week & Xiao's restaurant is doing well, but strangely he didn't even once get a human customer to serve, almost all of the customers are from the supernatural side. He assumed that the place his shop is probably in the territory of these supernatural beings, and at first, he thought they might cause some problems for him, but he was wrong these supernatural beings act like civilized peoples and like normal well behaved people they enter his restaurant, order something to eat and they leave after paying for the food.

Since he opens his restaurant at night, he utilized his daytime to train the little twerp. Today Xiao plans to travel to his disciple world and make some changes in the little twerp life.

After putting on some black sports pants, a white hoodie, and a face mask, he tore the very fabric of space and opened up a portal close to Midoriya's location.

When he walked out of the portal he found himself on top of a rooftop, he approached the railing and found he was on top of a school as he can see kids in uniform exiting the gates.

As he looked through the swarm of kids he finally found a mop of green hair in the midst of the kids. "There you are..."

[Midoriya POV]

As his homeroom teacher distributed printouts on the students' desired life-course, his childhood friend, well former friend, Kaida sneered and spoke. "Hey, teach... Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers! I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister, Ha!" Kaeda declares arrogantly.

"You think you're better than us?" "Let's go, I'll take you all on!" shouts of enraged classmates filled the class.

"Huh, you've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into U.A. High." 'Don't boast her ego' Midoriya thought as he quietly glared at the teacher, they don't understand how many mistakes these peoples are doing, one day this massive ego of her will become her downfall.

"Heh... I aced all of the mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance of getting in. I'll end up more popular than All Might himself! And be the richest hero of all time! People all across the world will know who I am and it all starts with U.A. High!"

'Please shut up, your voice is so annoying' His body is already aching and sore from the beating and the gruesome training under Xiao's tutelage. He was trying to have some light nap and rest before he enters the subspace, but it is not possible to sleep when someone is screaming like a banshee.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya... Don't you want to go to U.A. too?" Izuku grimaced while his classmates burst into laughter.

"Midoriya? You're kidding, right?" A random guy exclaimed. "There's no way of getting into the Hero Course without a Quirk." Another one said. "Well, actually they got rid of that rule." A girl said, Izuku knew if the teacher was not here he would have instead got these words. "A useless like you have no place in U.A" "Stop dreaming, Quirless shit!"

He snapped out of his stupor when he felt a hand grabbed him by his collar, the person was Kaida.

"Listen up, Deku, you're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you Quirk-less wannabe! Do you really think they let someone like you in when they could have me?" Midoriya instead of replying looked down at his left hand, he is looking specifically at the silver bracelet on his hand.

This bracelet is given to him by Xiao to hide his new changes from the world, the bracelet creates a real solid illusion around his body and even suppresses his overall abilities so that he doesn't harm anyone by mistake.

He subdues his desire to remove it and looked blankly at Kaida "Bakugo, remove your hand..." All the racket in the classroom came to a halt, a cold chill crept up Kaida's spine, raising the hair on the back of her neck as he saw Izuku's eyes, they are cold as ice, she for the first time of her life didn't saw any innocence or warmth present them, all she saw deep hatred.

She unconsciously releases his grip, without saying another Izuku grabbed his school bag & exited the class.

"Oi, Midoriya where are you going you? The class hasn't yet ended ye..." Before the teacher could finish his words the bell struck and school was dismissed.

"Am I dreaming, did he just stood up against Kaida?" A random student exclaimed. "He is acting out of his character for the past week..." another one pointed out.

'Fucking Deku, I'll get you for this humiliation!' Thought Kaida in anger as she clenched her fists. Unknown to her she will never get the chance as this will be his last day on this school ground.


After, Izuku reached halfway down his house he felt a presence behind him. "What got you so mad?" A familiar voice entered his ears, he turned and saw Xiao.

"Sensei, what are you doing here?" He asked him politely. "Your studies are getting in the way of training."

"But If I don't finish my middle school, no hero school will accept me!" Miodriya complains. "...You don't have to worry about that, I have taken care of that... Here" He shoved a certificate in his face.

"How did you..." Midoriya looked at the passing certificate with wide eyes, he quickly snatched it from Xiao's hand and saw yes indeed there was his name printed on it.

"Now you have two years to prepare before U.A exams" Xiao said and continued. "Go home and pack your stuff"

"Huh, why?" Confused, Midoriya asked. "You are going to stay in the subspace from now on." Xiao said.

"B-But, what about my mother?" Midoriya asked. "You can meet her once a week... Listen, Midoriya, I know it's hard to leave a loved one behind, but if you want to achieve your goal you have to work hard" Xiao said seriously.

"Aren't you tired from all that stares of disdain? Aren't you tired of being kicked down like a dog?" Xiao asked.

"I... "Xiao could clearly see turmoil in his eyes. "One day, I will give you one day to decide. Midoriya" Xiao sighed and then disappeared without a trace.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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