
please reset the booktitle Omnipotent 20231218092329 55

The Earth has undergo Evolution and it becomes 10 timew bigger than the sun. But why am I not there? "Who are you? Why dafuq do you have those red eyes and what are those dots in your eyes? And you! How can you fuc*ing stretch you arms like that? Are you made of rubber?"

Omnipotent · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

City of Gods

Using only my physical strength I run through the grassland but even only using physical strength my speed is similar to if not much faster than the speed of light.

I arrived in the city gate entrance in no time. What surprise me are the tall walls. I used my divine sense to measure the whole city. Im shocked that a 300 meters tall wall can actually stand like that. Even the whole city is as big as Mercury from my universe.

"Just how big is this planet?" I thought to myself.

After that I scan inside of the city and my jaw almost hit the ground. There are actually many Gods here ranging from Low to Peak Gods there are even few Primordial Immortals The biggest surpise is all the humans inside are all practitioner and the weakest is a Low God while the strongest is a Primordial Emperor.

While walking inside I noticed that there is no one guarding the gates. Well im not much surprise considering the tall walls and the strength of the Immortal practitioners here. No one will mess with this city unless they want to die.

I hurriedly go inside as I see the busy streets I shouted with joy. "Finally a real living person."

The onlookers are looked at me with disdain "Who the hell is this country bumpkin?"

I ignored everyone and go to the nearest pub to gather more intel. I eavesdrop on them with my enhance hearing. I have discovered that this city is called City of Gods "The residents here are mostly God level practitioner no wonder" I said to myself.

While continuing eavesdropping an old waiter from the pub came to me and asked "Hello sir, youve been sitting here for a while. Would you like to order anything?" I turned my eyes on him calmly but inside I was swaeting bullets.

"What the hell old man I dont have money, how am I going to order anything" I said to myself.

"Ah no im fine. Im just resting here for a while" I replied. While im having a good talk with the old man for thousands of years. I suddenly heard a bang from the entrance of the pub.

A group of five person entered the pub arrogantly while looking everywhere. The bustling pub that was once lively become a church where people are silent.

"It seems like they are here to cause trouble." I said to the old waiter while looking at the man who is leading the group.

It was a slim prettyboi with a long blond hair. He is standing tall with 182cm. When I was talking to the old waiter he noticed me looking at him. What shocked me the most is his strength. He is actually a High God level. No wonder he dares to cause trouble he has some strength at least.

He made his way to me and said "Huuuh? dafuq you looking at bastard?"

"You must not offend him. His father is the only Primordial Immortal Emperor. The City Lord. nonethless his strength is already at the High God. Just apologize to him." The oldwaiter whispered in my ear.

"You dont have to worry" I replied with confidence. "Soooo Blondy what do you want?"

"What did you call me?"


"Thats it youre going to die. No one has ever call me that."

"Calm down Blondy why dont we sit down and talk?"

"Nah u ded! Oy you! (underling 1) kill him for me."

The underling did not reply and immediatly pounce on me with killing intent. I dodge him and sent him flying with a kick. Blondy is shocked but recovered early and ordered his men to kill me. His underlings immediatly took out their weapons and rush over to me.

I dodged all their attacks and fighting back a little to make it looks like im having a hard time. What im severly lacking is experience I have strength but if I dont know how to use it properly then its useless.

I would be like a child with a knife. As time passes by Blondy is getting more irritated "Thats enough I'll kill you myself"...

but thats for another day...