
please reset the booktitle Noor_Singh_8442 20231218092329 61

this is my first time writing a novel so forgive me for bad grammar and writing i hope you enjoy it the story is about max how he dies because of jealousy rick will he be able to able to forgive that Mf and start a new life or he try to take revenge

Noor_Singh_8442 · Fantaisie
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are you sure young master is will be fine "person A said to "person B I am sure he just drink wine or do you think a wine can kill a person hey just take young master to his room he will be OK after sometime "person C said I hear voices of unknown persons I feel like my body is not in my control I try to move my body but no valid and I try to speak but my mouth was not opening lay young master on his bed "person B said "person A ok but you also help me "person C just hurry up the master and miss are about to celebrate youngest master firth birthday ok"person A'B

they lay me on bed after sometime they left

I try to remember how I was there but I feel pain in my head as I try to remember I try to open my eyes buy no response I just try to sleep suddenly I feel a brust of pain in my head as I remember who I was and were I was my name is max welfare I was young master of welfare clan my father name is drake welfare my mother name is jasmine welfare I has 2 brothers and 1 sister I was next in line to became clan master this world is called naleo in this world there are two force who rules the half of world the humans and demons after every 100 years a war begins between humans and demons the demon are wrong and humans are Wright this is what we were teach from young age there are other races like elves who live in peace they believe there is nothing is wrong and nothing is right so they don't have problems with demon or humans they don't harm you if you don't harm them

in demon empire is has seven clans and demon emperor is ruler of demon empire 'the elves also has 3 great clans and one royal family the elve emperor rule over elves empire and human human empire has 5 great clans one imperial family and emperor who rule over human empire

these world has magic so there are mages and

mages"improve there magic ability so there body are weak

but demons that have very powerful body

but power ranking of all races are Same 'power ranking are like this


master, (max)


perfect,(drake welfare)





half-saint, (emperor of human/demon empire)

Saint,(emperor of elves)


"there are also spells they are very important if a person want to became mage he has to learn a spells

"there are 6 elements (fire,water,wind,earth,light,dark)

my welfare family is medium class family "the ranking of family are this (low, middle, high, big, and last great) there are only 5 great clans my welfare family is not very grate or not very powerful "max thought as he remember who he was suddenly max face became pale because he remembered he has a fiancee he is 15 years old this year and max marriage will take place after he reach 20 years so "max has 5 years to prepare "max fiancee is from big clan so he can't understand why whould someone from a big clan want to marry someone from medium clan max try to remember the face of his fiance but he all he get is pain in his head so try to leave that topic for sometime

"max try to move his body but still no respond it was really irritating he start to blame that jealousy basterd

for his and that child death after sometime he hear a voice in his head the voice was saying the (energy system is updating pls wait for 1 min before system can start) max hear that voice and he got excited just by listening to that voice because he like to read novels he read every kind of novel so he know what voice in his had means he calm down and start waiting for 1 min to pass after I min he hear same voice in his head again this" max can easily hear the voice the "voice was saying the energy system is ready to bind to host soul for continue host must say "yes" max hear it and said yes in his mind " the energy system will start to bind with hist soul system will go to sleep for 1 hour after that the energy system will be ready to use bye host "the voice said in max head

max start to feel dizzy he just lost his consciousness

after some time max wake up he looked at window and saw dark night he hear the strange voice in his head again "the energy system is ready to start say status to see main pannel "the voice said

"max said status and a panel appears in his eyes

■ ENERGY SYSTEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■







[AGILIT/ 9 ]




[MANA POINT/ 200/500]


○"energy point can be used to get any thing in world if it exists it can used to strengthen the host body or mind but the process of getting energy points is to host the system can't help in it."

max read it was in shock it was really good system after this max try to get up to his surprise he cam actually get up after standing up max start to wonder if system name is energy system and point name is energy point then I must try to absorbe energy but the question is where I can find energy after sometime I got a idea i Got under the bed find a brown and black small box the box has a symbol of dragon on it max pick the box up and place it on bed after doing it max also sit beside the box and bite his finger deep enough to so that blood can flow out after he drop the blood on box the box start Makin sound as if some old loker was opening after the sound stop max place his hand in box and open it there was a stone in it the stone was red in colour I was called MANA stone I was very expensive for for buying it use must go to elves empire and find imperial family to buy because it was very rare it value should be 500 to 800 million gold and 100,000 gold was monthly income of high clan you can imagine how much it worth if you are wondering how this poor welfare family got it it is not welfare family tha got it I was the one who got it I saved a little girl from drowning so his father give me this don't ask me who were they I also don't know after taking the MANA stone in my hand I start absorbing it after 30 min I got a notification (THE ENERGY DETECTED THAT AN UNKNOWN ENERGY IS FLOWING THROUGH HOST BODY THOSE THE HOST WANT ENERGY STSTEM TO ABSORB IT ) yes of course I want you to absorb it if not I will explode in 10 seconds the MANA stone hold very wast amount of energy If I try to absorb it in my body I will explode If I want to absorb the MANA stone I must be at least hald-divine realm after 1 min I said status and the panel appear in my eyes agains

■ ENERGY SYSTEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


[ENERGY POINT/100 100,000]





[AGILIT/ 9 ]




[MANA POINT/ 200/500]


○" for unlock the shop pls use 10,000 energy point "

so you can't see me getting rich I just got the point and the system started to make me poor again "max said

max decided to improve first unlock shop after that he will unlock next realm then he will improve his statics after doing that if he has point left he will buy spells

spells are also rare max thought

unlock shop said max in very misquote voice

"shop unlock you can know buy any thing you want as long in exists anything anything anyway thinnng"

"max read the description and felt that the system really want to see him begging for energy

after unlocking the shop max decided to update his statics after updating his statics max decide to ask

system I want to update my SEA OF CONSCIOUSNESS level how much it cost "max said

( host it will cost 1000 for level 2 and 3000 for level 3

and ............for level 10 it will cost at 10,000)

and how much if I want to increase my MANA POINT

system max said

(host for MANA POINT it will cost 10 energy point )

hey system I want my MANA CORE to be at grandmaster level how much it will cost (host updating MANA CORE will cost 1000 for grandmaster )

■ ENERGY SYSTEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


[ENERGY POINT/ 73,500]



[SPEED/ 20]

[CHARM/ 20]

[AGILIT/ 20 ]



[MANA CORE/ grandmaster ]

[MANA POINT/ 200/1000]


after updating my MANA

after updating every single thing I can see on my status pannel I decided to open shop

hey system how an I open my shop ( host must say open shop after going to status )

■ ENERGY SYSTEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


[ENERGY POINT/1,089 500]














"max focus at blood line and bloodline open there are many blood line I looked at panel again

■ ENERGY SYSTEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


[ENERGY POINT/1,089 500]


BLOODLINES / earth / heaven / divine/ godly / otherworldly / invincible

otherwordly = poison bloodline( 500,000 / moon boodline/ earth bloodline / God of War bloodline/ sun bloodlind /

all elements bloodline /. . . . . . .

BODY = earth / heaven / divine/ godly / otherworldly / invincible

otherwordly= the mighty dragon physics/ the beast king physics/ the stone physics/darkness physics /

the demonic emperor physics ]

max decided to ask system a question

hey system can u change blood line later (yes host can change bloodline later but the process will be painfull and cost ENERGY POINT)

after hearing system answer I decided to take otherworldly bloodline *all elements body*( the wilder of this blood line has will became child of all elements he will easily learn any elements spell not matter what is rank of spell the wilder will master it easy after taking after taking the blood line I fell like hot oil drop all over my body I try to endure it for sometime after 5 min the I feel like I was born today very fresh after taking 1min break I decide to change my body means my physics I also change my physics to otherworldly the demonic emperor physics ( wilder of the demonic emperor physics will rule over demons every demon will be under your command you just need to give order every beast in world will fear the wilder will also have a an immoral body the can't be destroyed any weapons coted in Wilders blood will kill any one as long weapon come to contact skin the wilder body stop growing after the age of 25 but only in growth not in power wilder can also update the body there have not a single demonic emperor born in any universe not in any time line not in any dimension you will be the first the process of changing body/physics will be very pain full so the system will make host lost consciousness so host can will able to complete process without proble

'yes' change my physics/body "max said

■ ENERGY SYSTEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


[ENERGY POINT/ 89,500]


BLOODLINES / all elements bloodline (otherworldly)

BODY / the demonic emperor physics (otherworldly)

( can be updated)