

Another day, another day of life.

Tomorrow, nekoma is having a practice match with Karasuno. The flightless crows.


* *

The automatic doors open for me, but instead of an oily smell.. It smelt like lavender.

My eyes widen at the smell, my heart was beating rapidly. This smell on a woman could take any man.

But that's not the point, really..

Well, atleast it doesnt smell like shit anymore.

My eyes went back to droopy, ignoring the smell. I started walking to my usual spot, the uncomfortable bench.

I had this weird feeling, like something is going to happen. Something bad. Like..something is not missing, but is going to be missed.

God..I feel nauseous.

I looked around to see everyone just minding they're own business.

Seems like you cant be famous everyday..

I sat down on the bench, waiting for the train.

I clenched on the strips of my backpack, everything was blurry now.

The hell..? I can't see god dammit..

A concussion maybe..?

No.. I haven't bumped into anything.. Guilt? Man, I don't know!

I kept thinking to myself before I heard a voice,

"ᴼᴴᴬʸᴼᵁ, ᵀᴴᴱ ᵀᴿᴬᴵᴺ ᴴᴬˢ ᴬᴿᴿᴵⱽᴱᴰ"

I couldn't hear it well, but I knew it was the train. By the annoying automatic, ' OHAYOU ' thing.

The train arrived.



The train arrived..!!

I quickly got up and my blurry vision wasn't there anymore, but half of it was. I ran towards the automatic doors before it closed. I slipped myself through and fell to my knees when inside.

I panted and panted and my eyes felt heavy, I got up and shaked it off.

But the feeling of being watched washed over me.

I looked to my sides, everyone's eyes were on me.

The relief inside me was now gone.

Everything inside me was now full of Anxiety.

My breathing got heavier this time.

Not a concussion.

Cant be..

Anxiety Attack

Overwhelm was covering my whole body, my sides were feeling numb.

My mind was on the bottom side of heaven and my mind wasn't communicating with me.

Everything was heavy, my head, everything was heavy.

My legs were shaky and I didn't let go of the strips of my backpack.

My breathing got more heavier, but I still had SOME strength and started walking to my usual spot.

I could see people eyeing my shaky form, I heard them whispering.

But the one that caught me off guard, got me mad and scared and the same time

"is that boy okay? Does he get abused or something?"


I don't get abused..

Is that what people think about me?

Everything was going slow motion, the world was turning and I felt vomit trying to access my throat.

I felt so quirky, I was sweating and I didn't realise my eyes were open wide the whole time.

I can't,

I've got to get out of this train before-!



I slowly turned towards my right, it was my usual seat.


For some reason..

the feeling of being overwhelmed washed away from me. I felt all the eyes turn away.

I didn't feel nauseous.

I didn't feel numb.

I felt,

I felt safe.


The last pair of sweat rolled down my jaw.

My eyes going to ;

Sad, overwhelmed looking eyes, to calm and secure looking eyes.

I smiled at them.

A genuine smile.

My cat friend.

Little ol' dead pussy

I reached towards the kitten's head,

*deadly cat glare*

"A-ack! Scary a-aura..!"