
Chapter Thirteen

 A day had passed since the Alpha had told Luna her faith would be in her own paws depending on how the trails go. She was nervous she never had to something like this before. She knew she could do alot of the skills but she was thought by a fox. She wonder if she could pass using the skills she learned. She remember back to when her second mother died how she and her siblings had fought off the bear. "If I could make a bear run with my siblings, maybe just maybe I could win in the fighting trail." She thought to her self. She knew she could catch smaller pray like rabbits, squirrels, and birds. She wondered if that be enough to pass the hunting... she knew the answer would be no.. she would have to catch a deer or elk.. maybe if she got an old one or a smaller younger one... she might be able to. She knew she was fast as a fox, for she use to race her siblings all the time and they liked to cheat to make sure they won. The only thing she didn't know for sure if she could pass was the test of courage. She knew she was gonna be brave and do what was right no matter what so that had to count for something.

 Luna had a hard time falling asleep, she kept wondering if she would be good enough. She kept having doubts. When she did fall asleep, she had a dream where she was back at the den where she grew up. She sat down and sighed when she heard the bushes move. Luna turned her head towards it to see her adopted moved walk out. Connie smiled at Luna and walked over to her and sat down beside her. "Your looking a bit thinner, are you getting enough to eat?" She says as casual to Luna as if she had not passed on. Luna stared at her with her eyes wide. "How are you here I thought you.... " Luna couldn't even finish her sentence as it got cought up in her throat " My dear Luna I am dead this is a dream. I am in good place now" Connie says softly to her

 "To be honest mom, I'm only given a small chunk of meat a day till I can pass this trials." Luna says looking down at the ground. "I'm so glad you found your own kind! Are they everything like what you thought they be like?" Connie asked excited "No mom there not but I've only begun to get to know them and there saying if I fail.. these trials there gonna make me due I'll be an omgea but if I pass I'll be a warrior..." Luna says looking at Connie. "Mhmm I see your afraid to fail and your also afraid to pass because you still don't know much about your own kind" Connie lets out a small sigh "well I see it like this my dear Luna.. do the best you can like you always did. Like when you was a small pup and your brother would always win in the races you used your brains to win. You also trained hard to get faster. I believe you can do anything you put your mind to." Connie says. "Do you really think I can do it mom? Luna ask still doubting herself. 

 "Yes Luna I do. Ive always had a feeling you come from a great line of alpha who are strong, ferice and brave. The reason I believe this is because you are a big wolf. Even as small as you were you grew fast, and you where very smart. Don't let anyone ever tell you that your not." Connie says to Luna. "Thank you mom, you always knew what to say to cheer us up" Luna says while smiling. "It's time for me to go my little one. But know this I'll come back to visit again" Connie says softly. Connie gets up, faces Luna and puts her head over her shoulder in a hug. Luna does the same with her. "I miss you mom" was the last thing Luna said to her as the dream started to fade away. Luna woke up in a dimmly lit den as sun was just starting to come up.

 Luna smiled to her self as she now knew her second mom had believe in her that she could do this. "If she believes I can then I know I can do this." Luna thinks to her self. She knew it wouldn't be long before they came and got her for the trials. She settles back down in her nest and falls asleep peacefully