
Chapter Six

 Luna was the first one to wake up. She stood up stretching and then yawned. Her siblings where still asleep and so was her mother. Today mother promised us that she take us to the creek to drink water. Mother had told us that the water wasn't deep in the creek and she thought it would be a good place for us to play!

 Luna sat there for a minute thinking to herself "I'm gonna wake up Jasper and Holly so we can play!". She goes over and nudges them, she doesn't get a response. She nudges them again a bit harder when Holly complained "That hurts I'm trying to sleep... why are you waking us up" Holly and Jasper sit up sleepy and yawn looking at Luna. Jasper remember today mother promised to take them to the creek and gets excited. "Holly, Luna mother said today she was gonna take us to the creek!" He squeaks out.

 Connie gets woken up by the noise of her pups. "Yes dear pups I did promise that, just didn't think you wake up this early to go" she laughs to her self. 

 Connie looked at her pups each one was special to her. Jasper was a darker red color with yellow eyes he looked just like the male she mated with. Holly was a lighter red color with amber eye she looked like she could be Connie's twin. Then her eyes fall on the sweet white wolf pup who had icey blue eyes and fur that was white as snow. She thought to her self as Luna had grown her paw seemed to of untwisted it self and looked like a normal back paw now. Connie was happy that it wasn't gonna affect Luna in any way specially as she got bigger. "Ok pups wait till I call you to follow me out of the den" she said to her pups.

 Connie then went out and check the area. There was no signs of any predators any where, she turn her head back to the den and said "ok pups come on let's go to the creek!" They all stumbled out of the den in a hurry and followed there mother to the creek it wasn't far from the den but it was new to the pups and that's what excited them the most. Connie took a drink of water when they got there then made her self comfortable under the shade of the tree. "Stay close pups just in case there is danger!" She warn. Luna, Holly and Jasper all took a drink of cool water it was refreshing. As Luna was still drinking she was suddenly pushed in to the creek by her brother Jasper who was laughing.

 Luna got up and started to wrestle her siblings. They all loved how the water cooled them off from the hot summer day. They even go as far as getting soaked and going over and shaking water on to there mother who would laugh and try to run from them. "Oh you naughty naughty children!" She exclaimed but she enjoy every minute of it because she knew they grow up faster then she wanted.

 After a few hours Connie stood up and stretched. "Ok pups it's time to go back to the den I have to hunt now" she said. Jasper, Holly and Luna all said at once "can't we stay a little longer mom." Connie smile and said "I'm sorry pups but I have to hunt so you can eat. Here soon I'll be teaching you how to hunt and fight to defend your selfs." The pups got excited about the idea of being able to catch there own food. Connie manged to corral the pups back to the den where they settled down quick. "Poor things are exhausted from having so much fun at the creek" she smiles. Then she sets off into the woods.