
Family II

Dwayne rejected the offer from his colleagues to party, telling them he wasn't feeling well and promised to take them out for celebration some other time. After work, Dwayne got into his car and drove home.

He couldn't help but think of how he is going to move his things into his new apartment, it all seems surreal. He is gonna miss his car. He remembered when he got the car 2016 and partied all night with his friends.

Coming back to d present, Dwayne smiled to himself as he parked his car and the front of his house and got into his apartment.

He really wouldn't need much because the new apartment was furnished. He scratched his head, he didn't want to let anything go, his furniture, his TV....He was deep in thought, thinking of what he'll need to pack and what he'll leave behind when he felt a hand wrap around his torso.

Noticing it was a woman's hand and how the hand caressed him....his countenance changed and he smirked, he took in a deep breath, recognising the perfume. "Tricia" he called out...."How many times do I have to tell you I hate surprises and how the hell did you get in?...always call me before coming...what if my mom or dad was around?

"Puhleease🙄 Dwayne shut the fuck up, I got your key from Oscar and besides you and I both know your parents can't be here...now go in, freshen up and come out for dinner...I made your favorite." Tricia said smiling.

"What the fuck"...that bastard Oscar, he"ll deal with him later. Dwayne rolled his eyes and went to his room, too bad Trix doesn't know he knows about her cooking, he wonder who she had to bribe this time to make the food for her.. 'well he said to himself, if I need some ass, I have to play along' And besides he didn't wanna fight with Trix...she's the only one who understands him and even knowing he's not the committed type still agreed to date him...she was a cool chick but if only she could ease up on the lies.

He got up to shower and thought of whose food he'd be eating tonight, knowing how smart she is, she wouldn't order the food...it's definitely a home cooked meal.....

Sky stopped at the front of her mom's house and paid the taxi man. looking at the apartment she got 4 years ago, A four bedroom apartment, she remembered when she refused Mr Jayden's offer to stay in one of his estate....looking back, she was glad she didn't take the house now. She peeped into the compound and found, her elder sisters car, her brother in-laws car all parked...sighing she took a deep breath, arranged her clothes and put a smile on her face.

The first person she saw was Tega riding his bicycle.....the love of her life, opening her arms she laughed as the two years old boy struggled to get off his bike to hug her.... "Auntey"he said running towards her