
please reset the booktitle Junior_Dre 20231218092329 41

Domineering love

Junior_Dre · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 Dismissal

All the students in the school stood in the playground. Su Zefeng didn't know why, but he looked in the direction of class 11 and asked Sun lidao, "Sun lidao, they say that Song Tingwan is really going to be expelled this time! Are you happy about it?"

Su Zefeng paused his lips and said, "Why should I be happy?"

Sun li looked confused and said, "isn't Song Tingwan bothering you a lot? if she's expelled, no one will bother you anymore, isn't that good? And Sun Keke can get the justice she deserves..."

That true, but everytime Su Zefeng thought of what Song Tingwan said in the classroom not long ago, he felt annoyed and frustrated.

what does, "I don't like you anymore mean?" is her liking so casual?

Forget it, it's good for her to leave the training class. Wrong doing should always be punished.

Su Zefeng looked away and said, "The principal is on stage now, let's not talk."


The principal of the training class was a middle-aged man with big belly, wearing a pink shirt that looked particularly festive. However, at this moment, his face was serious as he said, "Good morning students. we are holding an emergency school meeting today, to deal with the conflicts between Song Tingwan and Sun Keke, two months ago."

The students immediately applauded. Song Tingwan was really going to be expelled! the school leader were all here, which showed how serious the matter was. it was estimated that the school would not take in Song Tingwan in the future!

it was really a relief!

The principal said, "I believe everyone has heard about the incident incident where Sun Keke's suicide was forced by Song Tingwan. The school has now investigated the matter and the results are as follows!"

Everyone looked excitedly at the principal, and some looked disdainfully at Song Tingwan, waiting to see her embarrassed expression.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed. Song Tingwan dis not despair and cry, nor did she silently shed tears. Instead, she held a lollipop in her mouth and both hands were in her school uniform pocket, leisurely looking at the platform.

... how thick-skinned do you have to be so indifferent?

But it doesn't matter, she is about to be rolled out of the training school.

The principal voice was stern: "Because Sun Keke suicide acted badly and intend to harm her classmates, after being caught by Song Tingwan, she not only did not repent, but Instead falsely accused Song Tingwan of causing her suicide. She wanted to use public opinion to get Song Tingwan expelled. After the truth was revealed, she did not recognize her mistakes and was unteachable. She seriously damaged the school's moral education, so the school's moral education office has decided to expell Sun Keke from the training class! from now on, Sun Keke is no longer a student of the training class and needs to compensate Song Tingwan for her metal damages?"

Before the principal finished speaking, the students were already in an uproar.

what the hell? did the principal make a mistake? isn't it Song Tingwan who should be expelled, How did it become Sun Keke?

The principal did not say much but said, "The specific written documents would be issued soon. I hope that everyone would take Sun Keke has a warning and not follow in her footsteps! here, I need to commend Song Tingwan in particular! she endured humiliation for the sake of her classmates reputation, united with her classmates and loved her teachers. Her name would be included in this year's lists of excellent students. I hope that everyone will learn from Song Tingwan!"

"The school meeting is over, please everyone return to your classrooms in an orderly manner." the principal's speech was like a nuclear bomb, catching everyone off guard.

"How is this possible?" Liu Qi face full of disbelief. "it's impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Song Tingwan smiled sympathetically, "I told you, Sun Keke is much capable than you!"

Liu Qi shouted, "This punishment must be fake! you must have bribed the school! how could Sun Keke be expelled?"

Zhao Jianzhou pursed his lips and said, "I already said, she didn't do anything wrong. it was Sun Keke who was wrong."

"it's impossible!" Liu Qi was almost about to collapse. "it's impossible? you clearly forced Sun Keke to commit suicide. why would the school punish her? what did Sun Keke do to deserve expulsion?"

"why don't you ask her yourself?" Song Tingwan said. "After all, You guys are best friends."

She wasn't in the mood to enjoy Liu Qi breakdown, so she went back to the classroom and logged onto the school's website. As expected, the website was buzzing with activity.

"what's going on? the principal said, Sun Keke did something inappropriate to her classmates, what does that mean?"

"Hehe, Song Tingwan really has a way of manipulating things at school. Even the principal was on her side, and directly expelled Sun Keke, she's the most tragic victim, isn't she?"

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs, the Song family may be rich, but bribing the principal requires more than just money. it also requires power. if a school bully did something wrong, I believe the school principal would help cover it up, but Song Tingwan... she doesn't have that kind of power yet!"

"what happened at the school meeting today? how did the suddenly clear Song Tingwan's name and give her the title of excellent students? wasn't Keke the real victim?"

"Don't ask, it's the shame of the training class. from now on, everyone should avoid her and be careful, or she'll get you expelled, with a snap of her finger."

"This school is garbage. I'm disgusted! so money can buy anything? Give Sun Keke some justice."

Song Tingwan scrolled through the comments. Although some people suspected that Sun Keke was really at fault, most of them were still blaming Song Tingwan for covering up the truth. it was quite lively.

She registered a new account and uploaded the recording. the list was titled, "Come and see what your pure and innocent Goddess Sun Keke had done." After posting, she immediately received replies: "is the OP Song Tingwan's lapdog? covering up for her? #disgusting#"

"Song Tingwan still has lapdogs? isn't this the shame of training class herself? you actually have the nerve to show your face after being criticized like this?"

These were all comments from people who hadn't listen to the recording yet, So, Song Tingwan didn't pay any attention to them.

Gradually, the wind began to shift.

"...hiss stop blaming her and listen to the recording first. I finally understand why the principal called it 'improper behavior' it's too embarrassing to say out loud."

"I just want to say that Sun Keke is amazing, she usually act so pure and weak, but she's so skilled at drugging men behind there backs! And she's so calculating and clear... it's terrifying."

"Sun jie, you are really good at playing the theif - crying - catch - theif game, the novel reads."

"After listening to the recording, I feel sorry for Song Tingwan... She did a good thing, but was framed by Sun Keke. Why didn't she present the recording when she was being accused? wouldn't that have cleared her name?"

"I'm response, to the previous comment, I analysed that Song Tingwan probably didn't present the recording because she wanted to give Sun Keke a chance to come clean. However, Sun Keke didn't realize her mistake and even sent Liu Qi and Zhao Jianzhou to trouble Song Tingwan. it was only then that Song Tingwan had enough and presented the recording."