
please reset the booktitle Junior_Dre 20231218092329 41

Domineering love

Junior_Dre · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 22 How about I give you a little baby

Shi Ciyuan frowned as he looked at the hand that had touched Song Tingwan, and Sang Yu quickly handed him disinfectant tissue. Shi Ciyuan slowly wiped his fingers, which had distinct knuckles, and said coldly, "Watch her."

Sang Yu nodded. "yes."

Song Tingwan was a little stunned.

This was the first time someone had protected her like this.

And the person was actually Shi Ciyuan.

Seeing her dazed expression, Shi Ciyuan was displeased, "Are you a wooden? just standing there waiting for her to pounce on you?"

Song Tingwan whispered, "I can afford her myself..."

Shi Ciyuan asked, "what did you say?"

Song Tingwan quickly attached a sweet smile, "I said thank you! third lord, if it weren't for you, I might have been cought by Sun Keke and ruined my face, love you so much!"

Perhaps her heavily made up face was really nauseating, when she smiled, but in any case, Shi Ciyuan expression was very disdainful, he said coldly, "just remember the kindness of your third lord."

Song Tingwan cursed the man in her heart, but on the surface, she was very obedient. "Okay, i will definitely remember it."

Sun Was held down by Sang Yu, but the recording continued.

"...what am I going to do with this medicine? Do you know Su Zefeng from our school? Hmm... is the young master of the Su family, I've been pursing him for two months, but he is indifferent to me. it's seems that he his particularly interested in that Song Caiwei..."

The girl in the recording sneered, "He is such a big fat sheep, and I don't want to let him go. I might not have the chance to meet someone like him again. As long as he drink this bottle of drink and sleeps with me, if I'm lucky to Enough to get pregnant with his child, even if I can't become his wife, my child can still get a share of the Su family's property. if I am not lucky to get pregnant, it doesn't matter. After all, as long as we sleep together, he has a handle in my hand. we have a long way to go..."

"...Seems like someone is here, I've to hang up first!"

The recording ended here.

Although she was only eighteen or nineteen years old, she was calculating and calm, making people feel shocked.

Not to mention the others, even Sun Keke's mother was stunned. "Keke... you!"

Sun Keke's face was full of tears, gritting her teeth: "what can I do? Our family is so poor? My dad is a gambler, I'm afraid of being poor! I don't want to be poor anymore!"

Hu Lijing could hardly believe that this was something a trainee could do: "Sun Keke! Do you know that what you did is a crime?"

"A crime?" Since everything was already out in the open, Sun Keke was fearless, her face darkened: "if it weren't for Song Tingwan, that bitch, I would have succeeded! Even if Su Zefeng didn't want to take responsibility for me, I could still get a lot of money! of it weren't for Song Tingwan..."

Her eyes was full of hatred, staring straight at Song Tingwan. If looks could kill, Song Tingwan would have died hundred of times now. "it's all your fault! why did you have to ruin my plan? if you hadn't stumbled upon this, I wouldn't have wanted you to be expelled from school. it's all your fault!"

Hu Lijing was so angry that she trembled: "you're so stubborn and unrepentant! how can a trainee be like this?!"

Sun Keke turned her anger towards Hu Lijing and sneered, "And you! if it weren't for your school's inaction and not expelling Song Tingwan, this wouldn't have been exposed! it's all your fault!"

Hu Lijing covered her chest, her blood soaring with anger. Song Tingwan quickly said, Director, have a sip of water."

Hu Lijing drank some water and finally calmed down. she said in a low voice, "Sun Keke, I will report this to the higher ups of the school. you will definitely be expelled! Our trainee class cannot tolerate a student like you!"

Sun's mother, who had been arrogant before, quickly said, "Director... Director! Sun Keke is still young! She's just a child, please give her another chance! if she's expelled for this reason, which school will accept her?"

Hu Lijing said coldly, "Still young? She is already eighteen years old, An adult! Did you hear her planning, so meticulous! Does she look like a child?!"

Sun's mother couldn't say anything and suddenly knelt in from of Song Tingwan, crying, "Student Song! I was wrong before, please don't hand over the recording, I apologize to you, I'll make it up to you! if you hand over the recording, Sun Keke's life would be ruined!"

Sun Keke hoarsely said, "Mom! Don't apologize to her!"

Song Tingwan looked down at Sun's mother, her eyes showing no sympathy, and said lightly. "Auntie, I gave her a chance, but she didn't want it."

After witnessing this incident, she chose to intervene directly instead of letting Sun Keke make a big mistake. She had not handed over the recording all along, hoping that Sun Keke would repent. However, it's seems that she was not willing to change her ways.

Even worse, they wanted to use public opinion to drive her out of the training class.

Song Tingwan was not a Buddha or a bodhisattva. One chance was enough.

Sun's mother cried her heart out.

Her husband was a gambler, and all her hopes were pinned on her daughter, hoping that she would have a bright future and live a comfortable live. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen!

it was too late to say anything now. Everything was over!

At this moment, Zhao Jianzhou finally understood the whole thing and looked at Song Tingwan in confusion, "isn't it you who forced Keke to commit suicide? then why did she..."

"If she didn't pretend to commit suicide, how could she drive me out of the training class?" Song Tingwan said calmly.

Zhao Jianzhou stretched his head, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I didn't plan to bring out the recording earlier. Would you have believed me, if I had said it?" Song Tingwan asked in return.

Zhao Jianzhou had know answer to that. if Song Tingwan's had said it earlier, she would have been criticized to death.

He looked at Song Tingwan then at Sun Keke. Originally, in his mind, Sun Keke was a delicate little flower, innocent, naive and fragile, needing careful care. Song Tingwan was a bully who bullied her classmates. But now, the two images seem to have been reserved. Sun Keke was the one who used all means to scheme against others, while Song Tingwan, for the sake of Sun Keke's reputation, was willing to bear the blame and not bring out the evidence.

And he, he even helped Sun Keke bully Song Tingwan.

Zhao Jianzhou felt guilty and ashamed, his face turned red. However, he couldn't bring himself to apologize to Song Tingwan.

To his surprise, Song Tingwan didn't even pay attention to him. She turned to Shi yand whispered, "Third master, the matter has been resolved. you can go back now."

Shi Ciyuan was much taller than her has he sat there, his long and thin eyelashes dropping as he looked at Song Tingwan with an indifferent expression. "I came all the way here just for you, and you don't even show any gratitude?" he said.

Song Tingwan replied, "it's not like I asked you to come..."

Seeing the man squinting his eyes, Song Tingwan quickly changed her tone. "So, third master, what kind of gift would you like as a thank you?"

Shi Ciyuan replied coldly, "I'll think about it myself."

After a moment of thought, Song Tingwan said, "How about I give you a little baby? what do you say we start tonight?"