
please reset the booktitle Junior_Dre 20231218092329 41

Domineering love

Junior_Dre · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 20; My Eldest Uncle

"I didn't cause any trouble!" Song Tingwan instinctively protested.

Since she was young, it had always been like this. Whenever something happened everyone would think it was her fault and wouldn't listen to any explanation. Song caiwei had used this trick to frame her many times.

"Then how did I end up here." Shi Ciyuan lowered his gaze and looked at her nonchalantly. "isn't it because you got into a fight with your classmates at school? I can tell that you are quite capable."

Song Tingwan was about to explode with anger, but she didn't dare to do anything to Shi Ciyuan, she could only say, "Third master has an important matter to attend to. please don't waste anymore time on me and leave."

Shi Ciyuan suddenly laughed and leaned in close to her, their noses almost touching. His voice was a bit malicious as he said, "I won't leave. What can you do about it?"

Song Tingwan "....."


Ah ah ah! This scumbag!!

The smile on Shi Ciyuan's face disappeared in an instant, and he put on a cold and indifferent expression again as he faced the others. "Since we want to understand the situation. let's begin!"

Hu Lijing instinctively followed his leave and said, "Oh okay."

She said, "Today, Song Tingwan, Sun Keke and Zhao Jianzhou had a conflict..." She looked at Zhao Jianzhou and said, "Zhao Jianzhou, why don't you tell us what happened."

Zhao Jianzhou had been knocked down by a girl, and because it was to embarrassing, he still hadn't recovered. When he heard Hu Lijing words, he stuttered, "it's just... keke was forced to commit suicide by Song Tingwan, but the school didn't punish her. I was angry and wanted to go and find Song Tingwan to make her apologize to Sun Keke..."

Hu Lijing asked, "What happened to the dirt on your clothes and the injuries on your face?"

Zhao Jianzhou certainly wouldn't admit that he was thrown over Song Tingwan's shoulder, but before he could come up with an excuse, Liu Qi sharply injected, "Director, Song Tingwan did it! She even to hit Keke!"

Hu Lijing asked Zhao Jianzhou, "is that true? How did she hit you?"

"..." Zhao Jianzhou was so embarrassed that he almost hated Liu Qi. He didn't even have a chance to cover up the embarrassing incident, and Liu Qi had already blurted it out!

"...She... just threw me over her shoulder, I wasn't prepared for it at the time..." Zhao Jianzhou blushed with shame. "I really wasn't prepared, that was how she succeeded."

Song Tingwan looked aggrieved and said, "Classmates, how would you acise me falsely? when did I ever hit you? clearly, you wanted to hit me and fell down by yourself."

She looked pitifully at Hu Lijing and said, "Director Hu! look at Zhao Jianzhou and then look at me! could I have thrown him over my shoulder?"

Hu Lijing also felt it was absurd and don't believe it at all. She said sternly, Zhao Jianzhou ! can't you come up with a more reliable excuse? Song Tingwan threw you over Shoulder? you could have done the same to her!"

Zhao Jianzhou was speechless, and Liu Qi hurriedly said, "Director! it's true, everyone saw it! if you don't believe me, you can ask the other students!"

Hu Lijing said, "Enough! I know you all don't like Song Tingwan, and even if I asked I won't hear the truth. Although Song Tingwan doesn't follow the rules, you can't forcefully accuse her like this!"

Liu Qi was shocked, "Director!"

"Shut up!" Hu Lijing said, "I still have brain! I won't believe your nonsense!"

Song Tingwan stood behind Hu Lijing, and smiled at Liu Qi, full of sarcasm. Liu Qi was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. "you bitch... it was clearly you..."

She was about to rush up and hit her, but Hu Lijing stopped her. "Liu Qi! did you still want to hit someone in front of me?!"

"Director! it's really her, she really hit someone. Liu Qi said.

"That's enough! Hu pushed her out and said, "Go out and clam down! I will settle account with you after this is over."

After that, She slammed the office door shut.

Song Tingwan whispered, "Director, don't be angry, it's not good to have wrinkles."

Hu Lijing said angrily, "I did all of this for whom? if you weren't so antisocial, would this have happened today?"

After today's incident, she had a slightly Betty impression of Song Tingwan. if these students could make up such nonsense to fool her, then the rumors about Song Tingwan in the past must have been partly untrue.

perhaps this child was not beyond redemption.

Song Tingwan quickly nodded, "Director, I know I was wrong, I will try my best to get along with my classmates in the future."

Hu Lijing glared at her, and said, "Alright, sit down."

Song Tingwan obediently sat down.

Hu Lijing turned to Zhao Jianzhou's father and said, "Mr Zhao, Zhao Jianzhou is a student with sense of justice. it's a good thing that he wants to seek justice for his classmates, but is it too much for a male students to lay hands on a female student?"

Mr. Zhao quickly replied, "yes yes, I will definitely educate my child well! this is really unacceptable."

Zhao Jianzhou thought to himself, "why am I being scolded, when I'm the one who got beaten up?"

"This time, since he has suffered the consequences of his own actions, I won't give him a demerit." Hu Lijing said. "But we will definitely criticize and report this to the entire school! Our training class has always had strict rules and does not allow bullying of classmates."

Upon hearing that there would be no demerit, Mr Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, okay, No problem, I will definitely discipline him well when I get home."

Zhao Jianzhou felt wrong and said, "Dad, you won't even believe me."

Mr Zhao angrily replied, "Believe you? Believe that a tall man like you, who is one meter eighty, was thrown over by shoulder by a little girl? if it's really like that, then I'll pretend I never had a son like you! you're too useless!"

Zhao Jianzhou thought to himself, "I guess I'll just let him misunderstand me!"

Miss Sun took the opportunity to say, "Director Hu, since you said that your training class has strict rules, then let deal with the incident where Keke was forced to commit suicide together today?"

Hu Lijing was somewhat embarrassed.

The school had not punished Song Tingwan all along, not because they favoured her, but because the evidence was really insufficient. Although, Song Tingwan did warn Sun Keke not to get close to Su Zefeng, she did not cause any substantial harm to Sun Keke. Sun Keke's suicide was necessarily because of Song Tingwan's warning."

Later Sun Keke suggested not to purchase the matter any further, and the school naturally did not want to investigate it deeply. who knew that Sun Keke's mother would bring it up again today.

"Forced to commit suicide?" A low and pleasant male voice sounded, like the sound of shattered jade, with a hint of coldness. "Tell me about it."

Hu Lijing was a little surprised, "Aren't you Song Tingwan's guardian? Don't you know about this?"

Shi Ciyuan glanced at Song Tingwan and said, "Temporary guardian."

Hu Lijing nodded and asked, "I see. Are you her...?"

Song Tingwan immediately said, "Uncle! My Eldest Uncle!"

Shi Ciyuan "..."