
please reset the booktitle Junior_Dre 20231218092329 41

Domineering love

Junior_Dre · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 13 The shame

The next day Song Tingwan woked up early, washed up, changed her clothes, and went to find Shi Ciyuan. Shi Ciyuan was already sitting at the dinning table, and there was a wide variety of food on the table, including dumplings, porridge, noodles, steamed buns and fried dough sticks.

Song Tingwan sat down opposite Shi Ciyuan, and when he looked up and saw her, his fingers froze.

"what are you wearing?" he asked.

Song Tingwan blinked, "I spent over forrty minutes doing my makeup, Doesn't it look good?"

Sang Yu who was pouring water heard her, and turned around to look at her. He almost spilled the water, and coughed violently. "Miss song, what is this?"

"Don't be shocked by my amazing makeup skills. Song Tingwan said proudly. "I no I'm good."

Sang Yu was speechless has he looked at her.

Indeed, Song Tingwan's make up was extremely advances, to the point where even her own mother wouldn't recognize her. Her face was covered in thick, white foundation, making her look pale and lifeless. She had also applied heavy smoky eye make up, with dark circles that rivaled those of a natural treasure. Her eyeliner was thick and long, almost reaching her temples. Her blush was unevenly applied, making her cheeks look like a monkey's butt.

The most terrifying part was her bright red lipstick, which outlined her lips with an eerie aura that made people wondered if she had encountered ghost early in the morning.

Sang Yu struggled to say, "Miss Song don't you think..., your make up is a bit to much, it not good to wear make up to school right?"

Song Tingwan couldn't help but laugh. The first time she put on this make up, she was also scared of herself. But since she returned to china to avoid some trouble, she had been wearing make up like this all the time. Over time, she got used to it. she said slowly, "it's because am going to school, so I want to put on a beautiful make up!"

Sang Yu, "..." You might have understood the meaning the meaning of the word, "beautiful."

Song Tingwan picked up a small bowl of wotton and said, "I'll l just eat this."

Shi Ciyuan said coldly, "Did I ask you to come here to eat?"

"?" Song Tingwan was confused. "Otherwise, did you ask me to come here for a funeral?"

Shi Ciyuan: "..."

He closed his eyes and said, "your make up is quite suitable for a funeral."

"you flatter me."

Sang Yu reminded her, "Miss Song, Third master means... he want you to feed him."

Song Tingwan reluctantly moved over and scooped up a small wotton, blowing on it perfunctorily, "Here, open your mouth."

Shi Ciyuan's heart refused.

Looking at Song Tingwan's made-up-face, no one could eat anything.

No one.

But his body was out of his control. when he reacted, he had already eaten the small wotton.

The fresh shrimp and meat mixed with pork belly and carrots, tasted delicious and was quite good.

Shi Ciyuan ate a bowl of small wotton with a cold face. Song Tingwan put down her spoon with a joyful expression on her face. She tore the youtiao into small pieces and put them into the soy milk. Shi Ciyuan frowned and asked, " what kind of a eating habit is this?"

Song Tingwan was suprised and said, "Haven't you tried it before, soaking youtiao in soy milk is the way to eat. if it hasn't been soaked, it not really youtiao."

Shi Ciyuan had never tried it before.

He watched as Song Tingwan ate a spoonful of soy milk with soft youtiao and suddenly felt a desire for it. He grabbed Song Tingwan's hand, lowered his head, and ate the youtiao on the spoon.

it tasted pretty good.

Song Tingwan was a little stiff.

Shi Ciyuan's well - defined hand held her slender wrist. Song Tingwan could clearly feel his body temperature and his long finger bones.

She was a little stunned. When she come back to her senses, the youtiao had been eaten, and her hand has been released.

She was a bit amused and helpless.

Was Shi Ciyuan a child, did he really think that the food in others people bowl was better?

Now she could compare Shi Ciyuan with the big dog that licked her all over.

After finishing breakfast and putting some lipsticks, Song Tingwan said goodbye to Shi Ciyuan with a good mood, "Then I'll leave first Shi Ciyuan."

Shi Ciyuan was very cold, "Get lost."

Song Tingwan looked at him, turned her eyes, and suddenly rushed forward to kiss him. Shi Ciyuan was prepared this time and covered his mouth with one hand, saying coldly, "Don't kiss me."

Song Tingwan was disappointed that she didn't succeed in leaving a lipstick mark on Shi Ciyuan's face. She pushed away his hand and complained, "when you need someone, you call them your sweetheart, and when you don't need them, you tell them to get lost. Men!"

Shi Ciyuan remained silent.

Song Tingwan ran away like a rabbit, leaving Shi Ciyuan in a state of confusion. He turned to Sang Yu and asked, "When did I call her sweet heart?"

Sang Yu quickly replied, "No no, it's just nonsense from Miss song! You never said such a thing."

Shi Ciyuan tried to calm down and rubbed his temples, "So Ju Shaqing sent this thing to disgust me?"

Sang Yu said, "isn't it good,? Miss Song is full of energy, and you haven't relaxed like this in a long time."

Shi Ciyuan looked at him expressionlessly, "Say that again."

Sang Yu stuttered, "Er... Second madam is really wicked! She wants to use Miss Song to provoke you!"


Song Tingwan carried her school bag and left. The bag and cosmetics were prepared by her servants last night. Those people were afraid of Shi Ciyuan and dared not to disobey her order. Everything she wanted was delivered quickly.

Sang Yu arranged a driver for her, and Song Tingwan sat in the car, looking out the window.

She had finished her high school courses and was now attending a specialized training school. The people who attended this school was either academically excellent of from wealthy families. The graduates of this school had a greater chance of entering world class top universities.

This training class is like a small class specially opened by a world - renowned class. As long as the score meets the standard during the exam, you can directly receive the admission notice.

Of course, for academic underachievers like Song Tingwan, who only scored 100 in six subjects, she got in through connections. Even if, she forced her way in, she could only study in the worst class 11, Unlike Song caiwei who had good grades and was in class 1.

Not many people knew about Zhou Siwan's murder case. Song caiwei and Wang xinrui were only suspicious but didn't dare to publicize it widely. They kept it tightly under wraps, So there was no news in the school. Everyone taught that Song Tingwan had accidentally broken her leg and had taken a two-month leave of absence .

Even the students in class 11, who had terrible grades, despised her. The reason was simple. Song Tingwan was an ugly person who caused trouble.

She pursued the class monitor relentlessly, even making a public confession over the loud speaker. later, she repeatedly blocked the admirers of the class monitor, forcing them to drop out or commit suicide. She was always at the bottom of the class, single handedly lowering the average score of the entire training class. Moreover, because her family was wealthy, the leaders turned a blind eye to her behavior, making people hate her even more.