
please reset the booktitle Junior_Dre 20231218092329 41

Domineering love

Junior_Dre · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 12 Will you accompany me to give birth to our baby tonight?

Shi Ciyuan swallowed the meat in his mouth with a cold face, and said coldly, "Last Time?"

"it's just that you are still a big..." Song Tingwan almost said, "Big dog" for a moment, and quickly corrected him: "Ah bah, it was when you were sick. Didn't you really like beef at that time?"

Shi Ciyuan said, "I don't like it."

Song Tingwan thought that you should be stubborn, and push the plate of fried fish over: "Try this, it super delicious!"

Shi Ciyuan frowned and looked at her, tentatively took a piece with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth - as before, it didn't have any taste, it tasted like chewing gum.

He turned cold, put down his chopsticks with a snap, and said to Song Tingwan, "Get out."

Song Tingwan had a crab roe steamed buns in her mouth, and asked in a daze, "Huh?"

Sang Yu thought thought to her ancestors. It would be a great gift for you to get out! If it was someone else, i would have to move my head now! You still have to go!

But Song Tingwan did not only refuse to leave, she was also very wronged: "Eat well, why are you losing your temper? you also want to eat this steamed bun? But I like it very much, there is only one left..." She struggled for a while, he said, "Oh forget it..."

She stretched out her hand and stuffed the bun into Shi Ciyuan's mouth.

Shi Ciyuan: "..."

Sang Yu: "!!!"

it's over, it's over! Song Tingwan you are dead! This time you are really dead!!!

Shi Ciyuan's face darkened quickly, his knuckles were creaking, and he had a steamed bun stuffed in his mouth, which looked cute. Song Tingwan propped his chin: "Try it, it's really delicious."

Shi Ciyuan couldn't spilt out the steamed bun, so he had to take a bite, and he was slightly taken aback by this one bite.

He tasted the softness of fermented pasta, and salty aroma of crab roe.

But this fish just now was clearly tasteless...

He couldn't help looking at Song Tingwan in surprise.

Could it be that this woman can not only comfort him when he is sick, but also make him eat?

He slowly took another bit of this Xiao long BAO, it still tasted good, it wasn't his illusion.

Song Tingwan smiled and said, "look, I don't lie to you, it's really delicious."

Shi Ciyuan didn't speak for a while.

Sang Yu was a little puzzled - he was going to drag Song Tingwan out, why didn't the third master say anything?

Not long after, Shi Ciyuan finally spoke, "Song Tingwan..."

Sang Yu was very dedicated to hid duty and prepared to roll up his sleeve to drag Song Tingwan out, a traitorous spy.

Shi Ciyuan said coldly, "feed me."

Sang Yu subconsciously said, "Okay, third master."

it wasn't until he finished speaking he realized what was wrong, and looked at Shi Ciyuan like a ghost. "Third lord... what did you just say?"

Everyone present was dumfounded, Song Tingwan pointed to herself, "you just called me, feed you?'

Shi Ciyuan face was very ugly, "Are you deaf?"

Song Tingwan: "I'm not deaf, but i think you may have something in your brain. you have big hands and feet, and you can't eat by yourself? You are not a three-year-old kid. Master Shi, can you be more mature?"

Sang Yu quickly covered Song Tingwan's mouth, "Stop talking!"

Shi Ciyuan said, "let her talk."

With Sang Yu's expression of, "I've tried my best, don't come to me if you die.' Song Tingwan realized that she had gone too far and hurriedly said, "what I just meant is that I am very happy to serve you, Mr. Of!"

She moved her stool and sat next to Shi Ciyuan, with an eager expression on her face. "Third master, what do you want to eat?"

Shi Ciyuan was too lazy to argue with her and said, "Whatever."

He just wanted to test if this woman could really make him eat.

Song Tingwan just randomly picked up a piece fish and gave it to him, like feeding a child. "Ah, open your mouth and you will grow taller if you eat obediently.

"..." Shi Ciyuan said coldly, "Can you be normal?"

Song Tingwan said in her heart.

Dogman, you asked me to feed you. who is abnormal?

Shi Ciyuan slowly ate the piece of fish.

It was clearly the same dish, but this time, he tasted the oil and salt sauce, and it boomed on the top of his tongue like a flower.

It is true.

This woman can make him eat.

Sang Yu quickly understood, but he couldn't believe it.

He had followed Shi Ciyuan for many years now, and he knows how Shi Ciyuan suffered from anorexia, and serious Shi Ciyuan's anorexia is. For so many years, he has sought so many physchiatrists, but none of them found anything. Sometimes Shi Ciyuan is in poor condition and can only use nutrient solution to maintain the basic needs of his body.

Bug now, Shi Ciyuan was able to eat, and he didn't feel disgusting at all!

Song Tingwan didn't know their mood, and she was perfunctory in feeding Shi Ciyuan, mainly because she wanted to eat, and she had been hungry for a long time, and she used serving chopsticks to pick up vegetables for Shi Ciyuan, once she got confused and used her own chopsticks, so she hurriedly changed them back secretly, thinking that know one would notice.

in fact, everyone has discovered it.

I just found out and didn't dare to say it.

Today, Song Tingwan has committed so many deaths and is still sitting here in good order. it is estimated that such a small matter will be fine.

The servants all felt that this Miss Song, who they didn't think highly of, might not be that simple. Just because she could make Shi Ciyuan eat, she was by no means a treasure.

Shi Ciyuan felt full for a long time, and Song Tingwan had almost eaten it. I have to say that the taste of this meal is really good.

She took a sip of water and said, "Third master, if it's okay, I will go back first? I still have to prepare for school tomorrow."

"En" Shi Ciyuan nodded lightly.

When Song Tingwan reached the door, she suddenly heard Shi Ciyuan say, "Come and have a breakfast with me at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

Song Tingwan paused.

"..." you really treat me like a maid.

She turned her toes lightly on the ground, then turned around and looked at Shi Ciyuan eagerly. "Then I will accompany you to have breakfast tomorrow morning, will you accompany me to have a baby tonight?"

Shi Ciyuan: "...Get lost..."

Song Tingwan quickly rolled away.

Sang Yu said with concern, "Third master, is there anything uncomfortable for you?"

"No." Shi Ciyuan said.

Sang Yu said, "I will call the doctor to come over and take a look at you."

"No need." Shi Ciyuan said flatly, "Don't let others know about this."

Sang Yu understood when he taught about it, because of anorexia and mania, the outside world had been rumoring that Shi Ciyuan life would not be long, but now because of Song Tingwan appearance, Shi Ciyuan may become like ordinary people, and when the news spread. Song Tingwan does not know how many people she would become the target of, the first one who will not let go, is Ju Shaqing.

He nodded, "Don't worry, I will block the news and won't let others know.

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