
please reset the booktitle FavourDeWriter 20231218092329 66


FavourDeWriter · Fantaisie
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Mary's Birthday

Ella's POV

"I always feel tired when I wake up to the fact that I am still with my parents, I need something more out of my life. I want to know what it feels like to live outside the box"

"Phone Rings", it's Sarah my favorite Comedian

"What's up babe, are you all dressed up for the party?, we need to move now, I am currently on my way to your house", Sarah says as she literally woke up me out of my thoughts

"I don't recall having any appointment with you Sarah, or do you want to hang out with me?". I asked

"Today is Mary's birthday and we need to buy some gifts for her, I sent you a text last night", She replied

"Oh my gosh, I actually forgot that today is her birthday. Quickly come over, let me freshen up".

Mary and Sarah are my two best friends, they both come from wealthy families, and we kind of flow with the waves and luxuries of life. Mary on the other hand also happens to be celebrating her 20th birthday today.

And I literally forgot an important event like that. My male servant came in right after I dropped my phone on the shelf

"Good morning ma'am, breakfast is ready", He said and prostrated with his hands

"Alright kindly turn on the shower for me, I need to bathe". I replied, trying to move my lazy body out of the bed

A few hours later, Sarah arrived at my parent's house and she exchanged some pleasantries with my dad. Obviously, I don't care much about greeting my parents

They don't seem to flow with me well and that's why we always have issues with each other, especially my dad.

"Good morning babe, I can see that you are set", Sarah said and smiled at me

"Yeah, let's get going. And we are taking my car this time", I replied while trying to take my keys from our security protocol.

We quickly zoomed off in my Ferrari as we headed straight for the most expensive gift shop in town. My idea was to buy a customized diamond pendant for Mary

Because Mary is a fan of expensive jewelry and adding a customized pendant to her collection would certainly make her smile

"I don't know if Mary will be happy if I get her a pair of Joggers with her name written on it". Sarah said while trying to come up with a perfect gift for Mary

"You can get her a luxury gold watch, that would be nice". I replied back

"That sound nice, and we are even getting closer to the gift mall". she said and let out a sigh of relief

We gently walked into the gift shop, and I went straight to the jewelry section to get the customized diamond pendant I ordered online a few minutes ago

"Welcome ma'am, your package is ready, kindly meet with the cashier over there so that you pay up the bills. The manager replied as he pointed out the Cashier's point