

Four beasts like dogs can be seen fighting each other ripping chunks of meat and flesh of each other this is our parasite and his 'willing' companion who after their battle were ambushed by two beasts who despite putting up a fight were being pushed back one of them was missing its tail the other half its head was drenched in its blood and yet as of the devil himself would collect their souls they kept attacking only to fail.


The battle was long and tedious parasite's body was a wreck his ear hanging by a piece of skin and his leg badly torn apart but he did not get fazed by this instead he used it as motivation to get stronger in this unfamiliar world.

After turning the two dead beasts into hosts they traveled slowly and cautiously stalking another beast who this time was no dog but a lone huntsman a few seconds pass as they wait for the man to stop and as he did they pounced but as if the huntsman knew they were there spun around and slamming his ax into one of the dogs ripping its head off their body as this happened the others bite the huntsman.

One of them grabbed his arm the others the legs and lucky enough their weight slammed the man into the ground and still the huntsman put up a fight slamming his other weapon a torch onto the three but they held after what felt like hours the man blood ran out.

Parasite body could not take anymore and give out under its weight thinking to himself he left his old shell not before turning it into a host and dove into the man.

Opening his eyes starring at a dark atmosphere the man now parasite stood up shaky at first but he quickly got the hang of it.

Hmm, this body feels much better than a hound picking up 'his' weapons he set off back to the bonfire with his three hounds.


A man covered in a long coat can be seen clashing with five men but he was not alone three hounds bit at their heels and dragged them into the floor.

This scene did not last long as the combination of beast and man was too much for them they perished but this will not be their last battle as a worm snatched control of their soulless remains.


On an old bridge covered with wagons and debris.

"This town is filled with death," a man who looked more beast than human spoke out as he pulled his ax from the skull of a dog kneeling he placed his hand against its head worm-like beasts slithered out of him and penetrated the carcass.

Parisite spent the last few hours collecting bodies for his army of the dead and this place was perfect for that job as this place somehow could reset the fallen.

Parisite had found this out when he walked back to where he met his first ally only to see the same beast there and being the ever-curious thing he is decided to check all his past battle locations and to his surprise there they were alive and healthy.

After abusing this strange occurrence his group grew from ten to a hundred but this did not matter as the moment his foot touched the cold tiles of the bridge the fate of his men was sealed.