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Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if everything would just do what they're supposed to do. I have come to realize that what you want and what you get aren't exactly the same thing. Although some are to blind to it, there are many things more important than money and scarier than school. I just wish that they weren't so blind.

Bvbrides16 · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter Eight

Kace's POV

Running. That's all I have been doing for what seems like forever. Running and letting my mind drift to things other than the landscape that is filling my senses with a calming affect that is needed after my day at school. Images of my mate flood my mind as my feet hit the ground in rapid succession of each other. I can still see the way the her hair feel over her face as she slept through the first class of the day, the way she hyper focused on how her paint brush connected to her canvas, and the way her face twisted in anger as I stopped her to try and apologies earlier.

I'm running of my frustrations, my need to storm up to her where ever she may be in this very moment and taking her far away, and fighting my urge to claim her as my own the very second I see her next time. I come to a complete stop as something snatches my attention; her scent. It was intoxicating and overwhelming the way her scent aroma completely flooded, took control or my faculties, and changed the course I was heading down to go towards the scent.

Something was different about her scent now then earlier at school, but I can't pin point what it is at the moment. As the sun was setting behind me an older house came into view. I took a second to pause and take a moment to make sure it was the same place her scent was coming from, it looked like a run-down house. After I was sure the house was where her scent was coming from the home I slowed my pace to a jogged to the back yard.

By now the sun was barely on the horizon, barely lighting the the environment around me. I slowly make my way to the see-through back door and peered through it with the caution. What I saw shocked me. It was my mate, covered in blood with a blank stare plastered on her face. Shock coursed through my body while I watched the light come back into eyes as she relies what position she's in. The terror and fear that covered her face as she looked back down at her blood covered hands brought a low growl from my throat as I can to a certain realization that she had lost control in the way a young wolf looses control when it comes to the first time they feel anger after their first transition.

I sniffed the air to reassure what I already knew: my mate was, in fact, a human and not a werewolf. So how could she have blacked out and come to covered in someone else's blood. It just doesn't make sense. What does make sense is that she's scared, my mate is scared, and I cannot go into her house and comfort her without her thinking I'm either a creepy stalker who followed her home. What am I going to do?