
2.2 Bumpy ride (After the wedding)

After loading the boxes and bags in the carriage Yvoone stepped into the carriage meant for her she sat alone waiting for the trip to begin,she peeked outside the window she saw her father in the terrace watching her she waved but he didn't respond.

She was sad,why would her father do that soon enough a figure appeared at the carriage window

"All set up?" the figure asked and she nodded he didn't even look at her he whistled and soon the the ride begun she kept jumping on the her sit she went up and down several times.

Soon enough the ride came to a stop she was shocked is the prince palace that close?..And the figure appeared again "Are you hungry?" he asked and she nodded and she asked back "what's your name?" he looked at her as if she just asked the most stupid question ever but he replied "I'm Ian,wait here I'll get food" he walked away.

She sighed, he looked weird he's skin was a little pale even the prince skin looked pale too she just sighed and rested her head soon enough Ian appeared with food that was fast "I have human...I mean I brought food" he said and vanished from her sight.

She looked at the bag he brought and saw food she saw chicken and bread with some butter how did he get those she didn't care she began to dig in she ate to her satisfaction and saved the rest for next time she rested her head soon enough she drifted into sleep.

She woke up with a loud thud the road was still bumpy and she hit her head on the carriage the door she winced and rubbed the spot why can't they drive slower??....Ugh she said and drank a little water soon enough she was feeling so pressed and she shouted Ian's name from inside the carriage she didn't blink her eyes he appeared outside the carriage.

"I will like to go to number 1 right now" she demanded and he looked at her weirdly before nodding he opened the carriage door and helped her out "Don't go to far we don't trust trust the forest" he said and she sighed and walked into the forest.