
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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320 Chs

Chapitre 284

Chapter 284

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Rowe nodded and raised his head...

The vision in front of him suddenly became hazy, and the fog appeared.

This is Tokyo Amusement Park.

But it is also under Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji is the leyline hub of the whole of Eastern Ying, and the ley lines of Eastern Ying are connected to the land of China.

He came here not just to accompany Xiaoen.

It is also to meet a 'person'.



Divine Ancestral Dragon Vein!

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for many years, Luo Wei."

"My friend!"

Chapter 26 Casting the Sword

The surrounding fog is foggy, and both the high-rise buildings in the distant city and the entertainment facilities in the nearby amusement park have disappeared. Luo Wei and Xiao En have both left the world and entered another dimension through the leyline hub under Mount Fuji. middle.

Maybe it should be called 'A Fang Gong' or something?

Looking up, you can see that the pale space is suspended in the sky, showing a three-dimensional prism, a huge 'palace' made of countless buildings.

That is the palace.

But it is also a 'computer brain'.

It was the 'First Emperor' Ying Zheng who took over his mechanized gigantic body from another dimension after being transformed into an ancestral dragon.

And the one standing under the Abam Palace and appearing in front of them with undisguised laughter was undoubtedly the human figure of Ying Zheng.

The Shenzhou Zulong who swore to protect China for thousands of years at the top of Shenzhou.

Wearing twelve white jade crowns on his head, wearing a jet-black black bird robe, he is tall and straight, with a sword on his waist, his face is handsome and majestic, and his red-gold eyes glow with a look that is different from ordinary people.

The moment Luo Wei and Xiao En entered this dimension, he already felt it.

And here waiting for Rowe.

"It doesn't look like Your Majesty has changed..."

"Hahaha, what can change?" The first emperor touched his chin and smiled: "It's you, you have another person next to you, and you are a strong man again."

"It's such a blessing that I can't even put it into words!"

Xiaoen smiled without saying a word, but Luo Wei somehow felt a little chill behind her... Even if he knew that Xiaoen did not reject this kind of thing, and even meant to encourage Luo Wei, she was the first person Luo Wei knew in this world after all. One of the 'people'.

According to the principle of first come, first served, saying this in front of her always felt a little wrong.

He coughed softly and bypassed the topic: "For thousands of years, Shenzhou has been under the care of His Majesty Lao Lao."

"Shenzhou is the world of Daqin, so what is there to do?" Ying Zheng flicked his long sleeves and his jet-black uniform, and the 'Apang Palace' above his head turned slightly. The surrounding fog changed and faded in an instant, and the pale ground instantly solidified into pitch black. The flat floor, two pillars stand, and the huge wall is closed on three sides and woven into a majestic and beautiful palace.

"You two, sit down!"

Ying Zheng pointed his finger forward, and the two seats were instantly woven from nothing.

"Turn the fake into the real, the information solidified?" Luo Wei raised his eyebrows.

"After so many years, if there is really no progress, wouldn't I be ashamed to be your friend?"

Ying Zheng grinned, and his eyes as long and narrow as a black bird showed a little smugness: "Although I am still inferior to you, I can definitely stand side by side with the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and even surpass it!"


Luo Wei glanced at the mountains, rivers, waters, and waterfalls reflected outside the gate of the palace. There were cities and people lived there. Birds and animals were boiling, just like a 'Peach Blossom Land'.

He took Xiaoen's hand and sat down opposite Ying Zheng, smiling.

Today's Yingzheng is a self-contained realm, and the Abam Palace is a miniature and complete 'celestial structure', which contains mountains and water, all living beings, and a complete ecological circle... As this microcosm The specification for the existence of the first emperor of the 'will manifest' of a celestial body is also 'primitive' without a doubt.

He has completely digested the power of the First Emperor of the Lostbelt, but although the former First Emperor of the Lostbelt can be said to be the 'primitive', he only has computing power to reach the primordial, and the information covers the entire planet, but he cannot weave a complete ecosystem, When it is closed, its instantaneous output cannot reach the original one.

Now the first emperor has moved forward, a step further.

Genuine planet specs.

And this kind of strength, regardless of the ancient and modern times, only said that it was still in the state of Shenzhou, among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Yao, Shun, and Yu, only half of them could reach it.


Shi Huang chuckled and lifted the wine bottle on the table in front of him.

Luo Wei lifted up, took a sip, and smiled at Xiao En.

"It's better than Uruk's wine." Xiao En commented.

"Huhaha, Uruk? That's a good place too." Ying Zheng grinned: "Unfortunately, I couldn't really lead Daqin's iron cavalry to take it down."

"But Your Majesty has done what he wants, hasn't he?" Luo Wei tapped his finger: "The Qin system has not changed for two thousand years. Even though the land of China has entered a new era of democracy and republic, its structure has not changed. There is still a lot to learn from Qin."

"The bright moon in Daqin still shines brightly in the windows of every household."


Ying Zheng rubbed his palm and laughed.

Xiaoen tilted his head and looked at Luo Wei, with a slight smile in his emerald green eyes.

Rowe rubbed her head, smiled and wiped the wine on her lips.

He knew what Xiao En wanted to say. Luo Wei had never concealed his own experience from the people around him, so of course Xiao En also knew about the existence of the First Emperor Ying Zheng, and knew that he and Luo Wei were strong. A bit of a gentleman's friendship is as light as water.

However, at this moment, the first emperor in front of her gave her a sense of familiarity.


"Like Kim Pika? I think so too." Rowe affirmed Xiao En's thoughts.

"Golden Pika? Which one?"

The First Emperor heard their conversation and looked over.

"The oldest king of Uruk, the king I first assisted."

Luo Wei responded, and the first emperor was suddenly stunned. He was about to say something, but heard Luo Wei's next comment: "A foolish criticism."

Ying Zheng choked, silently swallowed the words 'that must be a great king'.

"I am arrogant, but he is indeed a great king in human history." Rowe shook his head.

"Interesting." Ying Zheng touched his chin, pondered for a moment, but then asked, "Your Excellency Luo Wei came here to find me, shouldn't it be just to catch up?"

"Of course not." Luo Wei put down the wine bottle, and he pulled his hand back from Xiao En's hand: "As the 'King of the Lost Belt in the past', Your Majesty should know what will happen next in our time and space, right?"

"Well... I naturally know." Ying Zheng pondered and exclaimed: "The feat of pulling the 'seat' down, no matter how many times I hear it, I think it's amazing!"

"Naturally, there is a saying in the West that the Tao of Heaven is balanced, and I have always agreed with it."

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight... This world has the possibility of breaking free because of you, but because of this, the future it represents and the 'life' it breeds will inevitably attract coveted coveted ."

The earth of this world shines brightly in the universe because of Luo Wei's previous actions, but the universe is vast, no matter how bright the brilliance, it will take a long time to be captured by foreign civilizations.

No matter whether it is a wandering star or a silicon-based civilization like the Atlantis civilization that grows itself by absorbing the power of the star core, it is not a real crisis.

The real crisis is always internal.

The splendid light in the inner sea of ​​stars cannot be more conspicuous.

There were countless engulfed worlds and countless 'dead' worldlines in the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

"The dead are dead, but the lingering ones will come to snatch them out of the instinct of survival."

"Next, there will be seven 'worlds' that will not die."

This body captures Yingzheng from the 'Lord of the Lost Belt', the ruler of a 'dead' world, most clearly.

This is why Luo Wei came here to find Ying Zheng.

The twelve white jade bead curtains above his head swayed, Ying Zheng raised his hand, the table table remained the same, but the time and space where he stood changed instantly.

He said: "One of them is the god of beasts, Ivan the Terrible who rides thunder."

Although his words fell, Luo Wei and Xiao En could clearly see a huge, colossus-like monster with the size of a continent stepping on the inner sea of ​​the stars, slowly waking up.

"The second is one of the Nordic giants, Surut."

After the colossus, there is a giant as huge as a star, holding a flaming sword in his hand, and his body is wrapped in an amazing aura of destruction.

"The third... well, the third is me."

Shi Huang grinned and pointed to the 'Efang Palace' above his head.

"Internal response?"

"Of course!"

"As expected of you." Rowe couldn't help but be amused, but the previous figures of Ivan the Terrible and Surut all confirmed the conjecture in Rowe's heart.

That was the figure that came, all from the 'Loss Belt' that he knew.

Ivan the Terrible is a well-known tyrant in Russia who was transformed from a human to the ultimate demon god, while Surut is the god of the fire giant who devoured everything in Norse mythology.

Although these two are powerful, it is not a problem for Rowe.

Even if they were more powerful than what Rowe knew, Ivan the Terrible had the size of a continent, and his power was undoubtedly the original peak. After devouring the Norse gods, Surut further devoured the entire depleted planet of the Age of Gods.

But after all, they are still only 'top primordial', and they have not obtained the star-making power that vaguely breaks through the boundaries.

With Luo Wei's great power at the moment, it would not be a problem to defeat them.

Not to mention there is 'Ying Zheng', the same original top-notch inner ghost.

But this is only the first three...

"The fourth is the God of Destruction, the eternal calamity of life and destruction of the stars."

Dark and slender men appear among the lotus flowers, such as the scene of Brahma giving birth to Vishnu in Indian mythology.

Arjuna, the god of eternal calamity, the son of the original Indian goddess of heaven, destroyed and reborn the Indian gods three thousand times, and used his own power to maintain the Lost Belt, which was about to die completely, on the edge of dying. A real star maker.

Still stronger than the similar existences that Rowe knew.... Rowe's face was a little dignified, and this was the first 'big enemy'.

But still accepting the category.

"Fifth, Chaos in the interlayer of the universe."



Luo Wei looked at the lava that followed 'Arjuna', like the 'eyes' of a nebula, and almost swears.

Jump straight to the star level from within the planet.

Existence of galaxy specs... how to fight?

But in just an instant, Luo Wei wanted to understand: "The original earth did not have much attraction to him, but now, the earth with the characteristic of 'immortality' has a strong attraction to him."

"It will come, isn't it natural?"

The words fell, Ying Zheng nodded, his face solemn, and then continued: "The sixth is Cornunos, the god of horns."

Celtic who condensed the 'death' of the world, although this is strong, it is not outrageous.

As for the last one.

"Oort Nebula UO, Otter."

The huge spider, this one did not come from the inner sea of ​​stars, but was awakened by six outsiders in North America.

Sevenfold destruction, sevenfold disaster.

"I can deal with the first two and barely contain Arjuna, the god of eternal destruction." Ying Zheng flicked his sleeves and made a judgment: "Gathering the power of the whole planet can only deal with the remaining two at most..."

This is the result of his already enormous computing power.

"Chaos, leave it to me!"