
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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320 Chs

Chapitre 275

Chapter 275

Author: Luozhou White Horse

The furnace spews, and thousands of lights and shadows flow.


The core of chaos curled up in place and did not move forward. The huge body of the machine god just showed the world before the formation of creation.

Neither really took off.

The only one who really shot was Luo Wei, and only Luo Wei in the humanoid form with relatively weak defensive power among the three.

"Big brother, why don't we take action together?" Abigail tilted her head, looking puzzled.

Rowe stepped on the firelight of the lava, stepped on the nebula-like scenery, and faced the 'star gate' in front of him.

He said: "There is no need to shoot together, this is enough for me."

Although Abigail is no longer the same as before, but the still delicate and lovely face is slightly bulging, and there is still a bit of immature unhappy: "Does big brother look down on me?"

"Yes, you're right." Rowe spread his hands: "Sorry, I'm not targeting anyone—"

"I mean, everyone here is rubbish!"

Huhuhu, the wind is stirring and winding.

Invisible ravings and spiritual shocks simultaneously conveyed to Rowe's consciousness.

Inflated, agitated, confused, scattered, confused...

Endless thoughts emerged in an instant.

Nebula foggy.

Luo Wei's brain, as a human, was also foggy at the same time.

The old rulers of the dark side of the universe are no longer in the universe, so the realm they really control at this moment is never in reality, but in the realm of spirit and consciousness.

Make people crazy.

lead to death unconsciously.

Even the gods can't resist their intrusion, and even the gods of gods can't resist their terror.

Because their ravings are pervasive, their existence can drive everything into madness and collapse just by looking at it.

Who can look directly into the void beyond the stars?

Who can look into the abyss beyond the universe?

"But have you forgotten..."

"I am the most ancient godslayer!"

The smile on Luo Wei's face has not changed, and his face has not changed.

He closed his eyes.

He watched consciously.

'Looking' at the old ruler outside the star gate in front of him, and even more 'looking' at Abigail standing in front of him at this moment.

"I know that the shadow of the old days has always shrouded the world, and I know that you are always interfering with us."

Luo Wei once washed away the six-day ghosts of Shenzhou, cut off the traces of the old rulers left in Shenzhou, plus the protection of the ancestors of Shenzhou in the universe, the ancient land has not been collected since then. to intrusion.

But that is only Shenzhou.

Only Shenzhou Huaxia.

The ancestral gods and saints can compete with the old rulers, but they are extremely reluctant. They can only shelter Shenzhou, but not the entire earth.

Therefore, in the more than two thousand years, there are still many places that have been attacked.

The accidents that have brewed from this are even more numerous.

Needless to say, Abigail, who was dragged into the abyss as the protagonist of the "Witch's Trial Incident", gradually became the incarnation of the old ruler.

Katsushika Hokusai, a painter in Eastern Ying, and Van Gogh, a painter in Europe... In addition to them, in Eastern Ying and in the West, there are also many people with sensitive thinking and surging spiritual thoughts. into madness.

The shadow of the old god has always lingered in the depths of time and space.

Difficult to remove.

Hard to get rid of.

"You were... scared, right?"

"What—?" Abby didn't respond.

"When you were still human, you were still human, and when faced with unknowable disasters, you should feel fear."

Rowe stepped forward slowly.

The confusion in his mind did not block his thinking, but instead made his consciousness clearer at this moment.

What is the original man?

The original and purest person is both a saint and a villain, a man and a woman, an old man and a child... Everything has a beginning, and all people have a source.

Rowe is the source of this 'person'.

So he can empathize with all 'people'.

So at this moment, Abigail's eyes widened slightly.

She is now a servant of the Old Ones.

It is Yog-Sothoth's agent in the world.

But back then.

The tragedy that occurred in America in 1692 recalls the circumstances at that time.

Abigail Williams was terrified at the time.

as pure Puritans.

As a devout believer who honors the gods.

But being targeted by the evil god...

Who can keep calm?

Not to mention that at that time she was the same as her appearance today, immature, young, and weak.

At that time, she had longed for the salvation of the 'Lord' countless times.

At that time, she had hoped countless times that the brilliance of the 'Lord' would shine on her body.

that time,

She longed for the light she saw in this moment.

Even though Abigail didn't need to be rescued now, facing Rowe, she still froze in place.

After all, she just has a 'future' to become a 'primetime immortal'.

But now, not yet.

Now she is Abigail Williams.

The human element is more composed than the old gods.

Forward here.

Rowe passed through the guardian guarding the first silver key gate to the ultimate abyss of the universe.

He stood in front of the door and 'looked' at the pair of weird and dark 'eyes' behind the door.

He felt the more chaotic consciousness in his mind.

Cthulhu, indescribable.

Cthulhu, do not stare.

But this moment.

Rowe stood in front of the star gate, facing the sight of the old ruler, and slowly opened his eyes.

He blocks all that is indescribable.

It will also close all chaos.

He wants to overwhelm the Old Ones with his consciousness.

Use yourself to tell the evil gods.

"Humans, not your toys."

"Neither are we."

this moment.

Luo Wei's eyes had already become chaotic.

But in the chaos, there is a glimmer of light.

The vast world.

Like a little bit of fire going forward in the wind and rain...

Light up the world.

"I seem to have had a dream?"

"Me too."

"Did you cry?"

"I dream, I dream of light, shining on the world..."

"Father, what's the matter with you?"

"Should be, no, I'm nothing - strange, do Servants also dream?"


On this day, countless people were dreaming at the same time, dreaming of the light and shadow outside the starry sky.


at the same time.

East Ying.

Inside the 'Ise Shrine' dedicated to Amaterasu, a grand seance is going on.

The bonfire burned, and the witch in white and red robes jumped between the flames.

According to legend, in the ancient times of the ancient times of Eastern Ying.

Amaterasu once hid in the rock because of his sadness, and it was the dance god who danced that made Amaterasu appear from the rock.

after that.

The ceremony of summoning Amaterasu in the world is also mostly carried out with 'dance' accompanied by sacrifice.

Yes, summon Amaterasu.

This was an oracle from Takamagahara received by the 'Guruji' of Ise Jingu the day before yesterday.

Amaterasu wants to go down to the realm.

Of course Ise Jingu did not dare and would not resist.

That is, while the ceremony was in full swing, a dazzling divine light appeared above the Ise Shrine, shining like the sun, and gradually condensed into a sacred shadow.

White-faced golden retriever, Amaterasu great imperial power.

Yuzao Qian seemed quite happy, she was the first one to appear completely in her body, after careful calculation, right?

Now the world is gradually able to carry their existence.

Back to the Age of Gods...

Do not.

After all, it is the era of humanism.

But for a long time, the gods have already become a part of human nature.