

Denki kept thinking about his interaction with Y/n into the late hours of the night. It kept him awake more than the uncomfortable bed which really didn't matter considering his ability to fall asleep nearly anywhere.

He first thought about her face as she yelled at him. An almost concerned look that lingered behind her eyes even as she left, but then he began to think of what might have happened had he listened to her. At the time he didn't realize it, but she was trying to do the one thing he wanted to do. He had been so caught up thinking he knew what she was planning that he completely missed out on his chance.

If he had paid attention to what she was saying instead of looking for any opportunity to get the upper hand would she still be there right now? Would she be on top of him? How would she be teasing him? The images that he conjured in his mind of all the different scenarios made his pants start to tent. He couldn't help it. They were lewd thoughts getting lewder by the second until he was back in the room, one hand chained to the bed, the other running through Y/n's hair as she devoured him to the hilt. He had imagined that night so many times, he had the details down pat. The sounds, the smell, the look she gave him at every part. He thought about it so often, in fact, that if he went through the sequence of events from start to finish, he'd know exactly when he would come.

Denki already knew he wasn't going to get much sleep that night, so he figured there was no harm in giving in to his urges. He thought that maybe it might even help him fall asleep with a blank head.

Stripping free of his pants and boxers, Denki spread out to the mercy of the brisk empty room. His hand gripped his hardening cock, rubbing up and down. Slow at first, picking up the pace as his fantasy got more vivid. His other hand trailed up his abs till it latched onto one of his nipples, visualizing it was Y/n that did it. His hand got faster and faster, feeling his orgasm approach. The precome he was spilling only added to the speed.

"Fuck, Y/n just like that." He breathed, tossing his arm over his eyes and arching his back slightly. "Y/n, don't stop." Knowing what she would most likely do, his hand slowed holding himself back so the reward would be even better.

With a lip between his teeth he removed his arm to watch his own movement, but as soon as his vision unblurred from the pressure his hand froze altogether. A figure stood in the doorway leaning casually with an elbow on the frame for support and knuckles holding up their head.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" He shouted, pulling the blanket onto himself. He didn't know why he felt so embarrassed since it was her, but something about being caught doing something so private made his cheeks flush.

"Don't stop on my account." She walked into the room shutting the door behind her, "You must have really been into it considering you didn't hear the door open."

"How long have you been standing there?" Denki asked. The embarrassment was starting to go away, but he still felt vulnerable.

"Long enough."

Feeling a bit more confident, Denki responded, "You could have joined in, you know."

The little rays of moonlight that trickled through the razer wired windows made the sweat covering Denki's body glistening. It was taking everything in her power not to pin him down, but she resisted. She had a plan to follow. Granted, finding Denki jerking off wasn't part of it. She was just coming to make sure he hadn't gotten out, though it didn't surprise her all that much.

"And why would I do that?" She sat on the mattress next to him, completely ignoring the fact that the small shift in weight on the bed caused the blanket to tighten, rubbing directly over his cockhead and causing his legs to stiffen.

He cocked his head to the side, "Why wouldn't you? You love taking control when I'm like this."

"Don't for a second think you know what I love." With one hand she held his jaw while the other traced a finger down the side of his face. Even with the little light, Y/n could tell a dark bruise had formed from where she had hit him.

Denki winced trying to pull away from the pain, but Y/n's hand held him steady. "Did you have to hit me so hard?"

"I should have hit you harder. What the hell were you thinking, calling out my name like that?" Y/n's thumb pushed at Denki's jaw as she retracted both her hands.

"What? Did they not know it or something?" Denki's head nodded to the door signifying he was talking about the rest of the League.

"Of course they know what my name is. Shigaraki is the one who scouted me from UA, remember? They just didn't know that you knew it." She paused for a minute shuffling so her back was a little straighter. "Do the heroes know it now?" Denki might not have known it, but how he answered her question determined how the rest of their night would go. If Y/n would start him off easy or not.

"If you're asking if I told them, I didn't. No one knows about that absolutely lovely night that we spent together." Denki snickered, secretly hoping Y/n trusted him.

Internally, Y/n relaxed a little. The boy could have been lying, but Y/n was usually good at calling bullshit when she heard it and this didn't seem like that. At least now Y/n could feel like giving him the benefit of the doubt was ok.

Externally, she rolled her eyes at his little comment. She hoped he didn't see that night for more than it was. Y/n wasn't into the serious relationship stuff. It was just about having some fun in between missions. Even if it felt a little different with Denki for some reason, she just chalked it up to him being a hero so it was more exciting. That's all.

An invisible force ripped the blanket from the lower half of Denki's body. Though her eyes still didn't leave his face. "You gonna finish or...?" Y/n made a move to get up, but Denki grabbed her wrist pulling her back down. Now she could put her real plan into action.

"No, no. I'll-" Denki's hand began stroking himself again hoping it would get the girl to stay. He felt so sensitive with how close he was earlier combined with the fact that he actually had the real girl from his fantasies watching him. Even if she wasn't acting like her normal flirty self, just having her close stimulated him.

He found the way she was acting odd. She normally would say some teasing words about how easy it was to get him off and at least mock him in some way before taking the reins, but she made no attempt to try anything. It was like she was bored being there with him.

What he didn't see, or rather didn't realize, was the fact that Y/n was having some fun of her own. A large red feather was pinched between her fingers, gently being rubbed up and down between her other set. In order to ignore her urges with Denki for the time being, she filled her head with how Hawks might be looking from her small amount of stimulation. Did Dabi have him bent over the bed and she was adding to his lewd expression or maybe he was sound asleep and waking up to a nice surprise?

She's not even paying attention to me. Denki thought, seeing her eyes wander off behind him. He smiled to himself. Fine, Sunshine Nugget, I'll give you a show you can't ignore.

Just as Y/n planned by ignoring him, Denki put all his energy into a performance he knew she'd love. Seeing this as a challenge, he felt his stamina become electrified.

His free hand shoved the hem of his shirt into his mouth before going back to play with his nipples even more vigorously this time. Both his hands became covered in tiny sparks that made him buck his hips even harder. Though it was his plan, the pleasure was starting to consume him.

"F~fuck, Y/n feels so good. Keep going. Faster. Faster!" He begged the image in his head. He hoped his words would urge her to play with him, and they did, but not for the reason he assumed.

"Who gave you permission to imagine me?" She growled, snatching his wrist so tightly he thought it would bruise.

"Ok, ok. Ow, that hurts, Spark Plug. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Her nails dug in deeper, twisting a little. She tucked Hawks feather into her shirt giving Denki her full attention.

"To think I was going to be nice and wait till after you came once, but I just can't stand listening to your mouth anymore." Denki's hand was tossed back at him as Y/n reached into her back pocket, moving behind the boy.

"Stay!" She warned, seeing him attempt to move with her.

"What are y-" His words got cut off as she shoved a red ball gag into his mouth, securing the straps behind his head.

"What was that Denks? Couldn't hear you." Y/n cupped a hand by her ear listening to the muffled word of Denki trying to speak.

It only took a moment to realize nothing he said was going to be heard coherently, so instead, he opted for the annoyed stare. When in reality his heart was beating out of his chest knowing he was about to get what he had been wanting for so long.

"Finally some silence." Y/n sat Denki up pulling his waist so he sat in her lap before pinning both his wrists behind his back. "These stay here. They don't and we have a problem. Got it?"

Denki attempted to look back at her over his shoulder. Her dark eyes deterred him from even pretending to try anything. Something told him she was in no mood to deal with a brat tonight. It had been so long Denki didn't mind all that much being happy with what he got.

"Mmhmm" He nodded his eyes pleading for her to do something.

The hero watched with a wide eager stare as she dragged her knuckles softly along his lower stomach dipping down to rub the inside of his thighs ever so often driving him crazy. Her fingers hovered around where he wanted them the most.

"Are you going to listen to me now?" Her pinky traced from his base to the tip. His head fell back against her chest nodding viciously up at her. Soft blond hair brushing against her neck.

Finally, her hand closed around his length. Just the initial touch made his mind start to go fuzzy, but he was determined to listen to her.

"Good." She stroked up once tightly. Her dry hands caused burning friction. "Let's get the obvious out of the way first. You're a hostage. Start acting like one. When someone says to do something you do it." Her mouth moved to his ear, "Especially if that person is me." The palm of her hand twisted down on his cock head.

"Mmmhh~" Denki had no choice, but to let the drool pooling in his mouth start to drip down his chin. He began squirming against the arm that was wrapped securely around his waist holding him in place.

"To put it into terms I know you're already familiar with, you have two options, you can try to escape and be killed by one of us, or..." She trailed off, voice softening a little, "if you're a good boy, you can stay with me and we can have fun like this all the time as long as you're obedient."

Denki's head shot up, turning slightly to look at her.

"You like that idea?" He leaned into her touch as she petted his hair. Of course he did, it meant he could be with her every day which would also give him more time to convince her being a hero was better.

"In that case, how you act reflects on me now too and I will not look bad in front of the others. Do I make myself clear?" She roughly squeezed the base of his cock before he could get his release.

Denki let out a loud whine, before nodding again. "Plwase" He tried to plead with watery eyes.

Y/n started again at an agonizingly slow pace assuming if she went any faster he would finish before she was done talking.

"From now on you belong to me as my pet and don't you dare forget it!" She hissed, pumping her hand at a pace that made his legs start to shake with pleasure.

There was a brief pause in communication allowing Y/n to take in Denki's desperate squirming. His heels digging into the bed, a futile attempt to hold off his orgasm much longer. Tears streamed down his cheeks while the girl's free hand rolled his balls in her hand. The way he strained his neck back against her, muscled bulging, told her the boy couldn't take much more.

"Cum for me, Sparky."

Denki choked on the gag as he groaned. The sounds became more wet and shameless. Breathing heavily through his nose, he felt the heat in his stomach start to coil forcing himself to keep his eyes to stay open. A constant fear danced in the back of his mind that if he let them close she might not be there when he opened them.

"Why are you still holding back, baby boy?" She whispered, "Am I not doing good enough or maybe you just don't want it?" Her thumb rubbed over his slit adding in twists every once in a while making his toes curl. Her legs replaced the arm wrapped securely around him. Before her hand went to tug on his balls, it nudged his chin towards her so she could watch his glossy eyes slip deeper into ecstasy.

Spitting out muffled words of gratitude that could only be understood in context, Denki screamed as his orgasm ripped through him, back arching off the bed. She continued to pump, over stimulating the boy continuously, until the last dribble of cum dripped out of his cock and onto his chest.

His body continued to twitch as Y/n laid his head down in her lap unhooking the gag. A trail of saliva connected it to Denki even as she pulled it away. The clatter of it being tossed away carelessly was louder than Y/n expected it to be in the quiet room.

"Shhh." She hushed, running her fingers through his hair. "Do you have any idea how pretty you look right now?" He shuttered at her praise. His face was flushed, chin covered in spit, and tears staining his cheek.

There wasn't a thought left in his head, all he knew was he wanted to be as close to Y/n as possible. Mustering the strength he needed, he rolled onto his hands and knees crawling into her lap. His arms pulled her closer as he buried his face into her neck.

She pushed at his shoulder lightly in an attempt to look him in the eye.

Even without the gag Denki didn't think he could speak with how blissed out he felt. It was like he was floating and yet he still tried. "Don't go." He begged, latching on tighter, taking in her scent. "Mmm~ missed you," He mumbled into her neck.

Her hand rubbed up and down his back to comfort him. She had been a Dom long enough to know what this was. She just didn't know she could get him into subspace so easily.

"What are you talking about? We see each other all the time." Y/n brush away some of the sweaty hair that had fallen into Denki's face.

"But you actually let me finish this time… and now I get to hold you after." His hold on the girl gripped a little bit tighter.

Y/n glanced down to the boy in her lap almost half asleep trying to define the feeling that he provoked in her. Not knowing how to respond she just ushered Denki out of his shirt using it to clean him up the best she could. It left him completely bare besides his choker. She moved out from under him kissing his head almost as a reflex.

"Get some sleep, Sparky. Tomorrow's going to be a long day for you."

Denki was about to fall into a deep sleep until he noticed Y/n had stood up. He didn't know where the sense of panic came from just that it was there.

"Where are you going?" The boy clung to the wrist that was about to leave him.

"Well, I'm not staying here." Perhaps her unconscious mind just wanted to see his reaction to her words because her original intention was to go get some water for him. She only planned to leave after he fell asleep.

Even in the dead of night, she could see the scared sadness in his eyes as he scrambled to find something he could say to get her to stay with him.

She sighed knowing she was going to give into him, but there was no way she was really going to sleep on the nasty mattress. She had already done her time on that thing and she would never go back. "You promise to follow orders tomorrow."

Denki lit up knowing she was considering staying with him. "Sunshine Nugget, I promise to be the most pika pika man for you tomorrow."

"Yeah, I don't know what the hell that means, but I'm going to assume that's a yes." The nickname was nothing new. He had taken to calling her it every so often and though she still didn't get it, the name was starting to grow on her. The same way she deemed him Sparky, he deemed her a Buzzy Beautiful Sunshine Nugget or the newer one given after Y/n had complained the other was too long and didn't make any sense; Spark Plug. She wouldn't admit it, not even to herself, but they both made her feel special.

He hummed with a nod letting her know she was right.

"Fine," The girl rolled her eyes in annoyance, "but we're not staying here. So come on."

Denki hopped up towards the door, but when she opened it he became hyper-aware of his nudity. He turned back towards his discarded clothes, but Y/n grabbed his shoulder.

"Nope," Y/n spoke, popping the p just for the satisfaction of it.

"But I-" He stopped himself watching her shake her head.

"Going to defy my orders already?" She raised an eyebrow. His boxers rose off the floor and into her hand. "You can have these back when we get to my room." She dangled the underwear off her finger in front of him.

He hung his head down feeling his cheeks flush. "Do you think anyone is up?"

He normally felt confident with his body, in his UA days he would have no problem running from the bath to his dorm room if he forgot something, but this felt completely different. These were supposed to be his enemies. They would never take him seriously if the first interaction he had with them was butt naked.

"Probably everyone. We all tend to be night owls here." She smiled at his worried face.

At this time of night the only people who were most likely sleeping were Spinner, Compress, and Kurogiri. Hawks and Dabi were busy with each other, Toga would either be playing with her knives or in Twice's room trying to help him settle the voices so he could get some sleep and 9 times out of 10 Shiggy would stay up playing video games.

"Do you think they'll-" Y/n groaned shoving him out the door before he could finish his sentence.

"Welp, you're out now. We better hurry if you don't want to get caught." The girl snickered leading the way.

Denki tried his best to cover himself only to get his hands smacked hard enough to sting. Y/n tisked at him, taking one of his hands tightly in hers and slowed her pace. Denki could hear his heart beating in his ears praying they were close to their destination. Yet, when he spotted their hands intertwined he hoped they would never get there.

Stopping in front of a plain grey door, Y/n raised her hand using her quirk to twist the lock from the other side. The room specifically by her because they didn't have a key for it. She was the only one that could enter. Well, that wasn't entirely true considering Kurogiri's quirk, but everyone had been threatened with what would happen if they went in without her permission. Even if they did she had things in place to alert her as soon as it happened.

Once Denki stepped into the room it was like he could finally breathe again. Y/n chuckled, tossing his boxers to him. Just the small amount of material covering him made him feel better. Feeling his stomach settle he was able to take in the room. It was a lot larger than the other one with the bedroom basics, a large bed that actually looked sleepable, a dresser, a full-length mirror, and bedside tables with lamps on top. Then there was the not so traditional decor, a variety of weapons hung from the wall next to different pictures of people, a few of which had throwing knives stabbed between their eyes, masks sat on top of the dresser, and in the corner, Denki didn't miss the two duffle bags of cash from earlier.

"Not bad. Honestly, I thought you were going to try arguing with me a little more." She teased grabbing some pajamas out of her dresser. "Bathrooms right there. Unless you want to sleep on the floor I suggest you go clean yourself up."

She wasn't one to talk, knowing how dirty she must have been from a combination of her night and day activities, but it was her bed after all she thought. Changing into her pajamas, she flopped down on her bed, phone in hand. After cleaning himself up, Denki walked out of the bathroom. His jaw dropped in awe seeing the beautiful sight before him. Y/n sat against the headboard, one leg crossed over the other in baggy shorts and a small crop top, her hair twisted up into a messy bun.

"What are you staring at, Idiot? You coming or not?" Her hand hit the spot next to her a few times, attention returning to her phone.

Getting a running start Denki threw himself onto the bed crawling up next to Y/n. Being unable to ignore his gaze anymore Y/n sighed, dropping her phone into her lap.

"Seriously, what are you staring at?" She asked, giving him an annoyed look about being interrupted.

"Spark Plug, how could I not stare when you're that beautiful?"

Y/n smiled tapping her cheek with her index finger. Denki jumped up excitedly putting a hand on one of her cheeks pushing the other onto his lips. Pulling off with a smack, she couldn't ignore how happy he looked.

"Behave and you'll get more rewards than just that." Y/n bopped Denki on the nose making his face scrunch up all cute. Her voice lowered slightly, "Disobey me and I'll make you crawl from room to room next time."

Denki shivered at the thought, becoming a little concerned that he found excitement at the prospect of being humiliated.

"Now go to sleep. I want to show you off tomorrow." Y/n smirked, nudging the boy's side playfully.

"I'll go to sleep if I can cuddle you." Denki sat up on his elbow while wiggling his eyebrows. He still couldn't believe he was finally with her again.

Y/n widened her eyes, "Oh, so you think this is a negotiation?" She wrapped her arm under his, throwing him onto her chest. Grabbing her wrist behind his back, she trapped him in. "You are in for a really rude awakening when I'm not so nice, but, because it's only your first night, I guess I can be kind to my new pet."

Denki shivered from her words, melting into her touch. He giggled to himself a little realizing he got to use her breast as pillows. His eyes fluttered shut as her nails scratched at his back and cradled his head. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt more at ease. Y/n made the blanket rise to keep them warm though Denki knew her soft skin on him would be enough.

"Buzzy Beautiful Sunshine Nugget?" Denki's quiet voice filled the room as the light clicked off.

Y/n's hummed in acknowledgment feeling her heart leaped at his tone, so soft and loving.

"You'll be here when I wake up, right?" Denki's fears began to surface. His hand splayed out on her chest feeling her warmth, ear pushed down to hear her heartbeat making sure she was really there. If this was a dream, he didn't want to ever wake up.

"Where else would I be? You're on my turf now, remember?" When she scratched at his head they were both surprised to hear the small noise, almost like a satisfied purr, escape Denki's mouth.