
Playing With Time

shannonlatouche · Politique et sciences sociales
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87 Chs

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More life?

I write about today

Every year

Last year

The year before

And I thought that I would have been

Over it by now

I told myself

From the moment that I had woken

Don't look

Don't search

Don't see

And I was doing so well

But I knew I was being tested

I had access

To seeing you

Once again

No I'm not supposed to see you

I told you that

I was done with you

I am done with you

And I was doing so well

But I fell right through

I fell right back

I fell back into my old ways

The old me

And I just had to see you

Even though there's a numbness in feeling

For what though?

For closure?

For reassurance?

For gratification?

I don't know

When it comes to you

I just never know

You really are





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