
Playing With Time

shannonlatouche · Politique et sciences sociales
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87 Chs

MAR | stay away from me

I told you to step the fuck away from me

far away

we're dissociated

I'm dissociated

you're toxic and you're dangerous

and before I thought that I was able to see through you

I guess my reality was very distorted back then

I see you now

the real you

and I do not want to be

I refuse to be

a part of that

a part of you

our tragic love has grown apart

we are the fallen lovers

humanity is

we fall right in only to fall out

we were never going to last forever

time does not mean shit

you could be with me for five years or even fifty

we will eventually stop loving

no matter how strong it is

because we're selfish

desperate and in need

humanity always seems to want more

- distinct