
Playing With Time

shannonlatouche · Politique et sciences sociales
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87 Chs

MAR | bad bitch

You know what I have always pictured

Me being

A rockstar

Dark rounded glasses

A boyfriend jacket

Darkened mascara

Bad boy boots

With bass booming headphones

I want to strut my stuff

like I own the world

Not literally though

More symbolically

To embrace my sense of autonomy

Of liberation

I want to be the only thing existing

In this world of




I want to wear these bold colours

These dark colours

For you to be warned

To back the fuck off

I want to take control

And have a sense of power

Live without having a care for the world

I wish i could be



Or Kelly

Anyone of these rocking women

I want to be able to write

How I want

About what I want

I no longer want to give a shit

I was to be

A bad ass bitch

- one day