

Serafall covered her face with her hands and muttered, "It's impossible to hide this if they were to go out. I have to notify the others so that it'll be easier to hide it from others."

She then looked towards Kisuke and asked, "Why did you do this? Couldn't you've made a basic body for them?"

After drinking his tea, Kisuke answered her, "No real reason. If there is one, then it would be because I wanted to try it and learn something from it."

"...What if Akeno-chan and Irina-chan didn't want any of this? How are you going to solve that problem?"

"I can always create a normal body for them. Since I saved them, I want them to test a few things for me." Kisuke then looked straight into Serafall's eyes, "By now, you should have an idea of how I do things. As I've said already, I'm a merchant and for everything I do I want to have proper compensation, and this is the compensation I wanted from them."

"Besides, if they want to return to their normal bodies, I'll only ask them to stay in these bodies for a short while to study their progress, before making another set of normal bodies. I'm only asking them to participate in a little experiment that could help me understand a few things." Kisuke slouched back to his seat and drank his tea.

Serafall sighed yet again before she stood up from her seat, "Since you're the type of person that makes his demands very clear, I guess that makes you more trustworthy than other people out there who pretend to care." She then prepared a magic circle to teleport her out, "I'll meet Sirzechs, Ajuka, Azazel, and Michael and tell them about the girls. Though, I won't be telling them about the dragons."

"Thanks~. That'd be helpful." Kisuke waved goodbye to her.

Serafall disappeared and Kisuke was left alone with Ophis, who was still busy with her long-awaited cookies and doughnuts.

"Time to return to work. I have to finish everything I need to do, before the 'anchor' loses its effect." Kisuke stood up and returned to the terminal displaying Akeno and Irina's status.




A few days later, Kisuke was almost done with everything he had to do. He'd also moved Akeno and Irina to the beds. He concluded that they'd be able to wake up within a few hours.

However, he didn't wait for them and instead called for his 'housemate', "Ophis-chan~! I'm going to the Underworld! Are you coming?"

Ophis, who was watching Magical Girl Levia-tan, turned to Kisuke and nodded, "...I shall go."

Kisuke first sent a signal towards their destination to let the people there know that they were coming, before setting up his teleportation magic. The moment Ophis arrived beside Kisuke, they teleported away and reappeared within a simple wooden house in the middle of some fields.

"Kisuke!" One of the people waiting for them jumped on him, "You're late again!"

Kisuke scratched his head with a wry smile, "Ah, I'm sorry, mom. I'm a little short on time, so I had to finish everything I have to do first, before doing anything else."

"Short on time?", asked Sakura, "What do you mean?"

"I'll explain it later. For now, let me greet everyone." Kisuke then turned around to face the other people in the house, "It's been a while, Cleria-san, Masaomi-san, and Claire-chan~. And nice to meet you, Diehauser Belial, I presume? Or maybe I should address you as uncle Diehauser?"

Diehauser first approached Kisuke and patted his shoulders with a smile, "Uncle is fine. It's nice to finally meet my nephew who made it possible for my family to reunite. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

He then sighed, "Then again, I can't just reveal their existence yet, even to our parents due to some danger still lurking in the shadows. Though after the crisis in the Underworld, things became a lot easier for me, and maybe one of these days, I'll be able to introduce you to your grandparents. They've been lonely all these years after losing two daughters."

If it was any other man, Kisuke would feel pretty awkward to call someone 'uncle'. However, he knew that even in addition to his former life, Diehauser Belial was still older than him by a few centuries.

"I'd really like to meet them too, but maybe not these days. I wouldn't like our meeting to be a short and dangerous prospect.", replied Kisuke.

"I see... You indeed have your own difficulties. Tell me, anything you need and I'll provide it to the limit of my abilities."

"Thanks~, Uncle, that's reassuring~."

"I've already prepared a meal. Let's continue our talk at the table." Cleria interrupted them and asked Claire to take care of Ophis.

Diehauser still couldn't get used to the sight of his niece leading the Dragon God around.

Over their meal, Sakura, Cleria, Masaomi, and Diehauser filled Kisuke in on the events that happened while he was gone. He had several questions, but he let them finish their stories first.

After their meal, they'd already told Kisuke about everything that had happened. Kisuke then asked Claire to play with Ophis and prepared some tea from his inventory. "So four months already passed.", muttered Kisuke after sipping on his tea.

The adults who heard him were confused. "What do you mean, Kisuke?", asked Sakura.

Kisuke then told them the same story that he told Serafall, "And we only spent a month and a half in that world. I'm not sure if the worlds' times were running on different scales or those blanks were from my travels between the worlds. Either way, that's going to be a problem."

Kisuke tried to sense the 'anchor' he left and concluded that the worlds aren't running on different timescales because the rate of energy being emitted is still the same, 'The travels... But still, I don't know if it was only from the first time we traveled or if there was also time dilation during my trip back.'

Since the worlds were already connected, Kisuke was hoping that the time difference only happened when they traveled the first time.

But while everyone was fascinated at the existence of another world and wanted to hear more about it, only Diehauser was making a difficult expression, "What's wrong, uncle?"

The others also finally noticed the expression he was making and asked him the same question. However, it took a minute before he spoke up, and instead of answering their questions, Diehauser asked, "Does that world have an existence called 'Chichigami'?"

"Chichigami?", muttered Kisuke while thinking, 'What's up with that silly name? The God of Tits?'

Diehauser sighed, "I guess there's no one like that over there." He then looked at everyone and said, "Let me be honest with everyone. Even before I met my sisters again, I had been part of a certain faction within the Khaos Brigade."

Sakura, Cleria and Masaomi's eyes widened at his confession, "Nii-sama..."

"Please let me hear more about it." On the other hand, Kisuke's expression didn't change at all.

Diehauser was surprised at his still nonchalant attitude, 'So he doesn't decide a person's worth immediately with the little information he has.' Chuckling, Diehauser nodded, "Sure. Allow me to explain myself."

Sakura, Cleria and Masaomi also calmed down a little after that exchange and waited for Diehauser's side of the story. They thought that they really needed to learn from Kisuke to stay composed and not to instantly jump to conclusions.





28th00: Ah, yes. Chichigami and ExE. No. Stay away. CODE RED! That place has multiple transcendents at war with each other for like, tens or hundreds of thousands of years at this point. A big no-no zone. Too bad, they're gonna come HERE. Phis-chama just wants to play with her friend, eat sweets and watch Serafall's anime. Truly, honestly. She has a 'home' now, so she just wants to enjoy life. The life of a NEET Dragon Loli. Hmm...

Alexander: Chichigami. One of the very few beings with the potential to stun Kisuke and Yoruichi into silence just because of the ridiculousness. I'm very curious about a possible interaction between them. Also, do they have radical factions in their faith? Are or were there religious wars between the 'bigger is better' conservatives and the 'flat is justice' reformers?

Goyya: That… Will be for the future. It's really a ridiculous character where Kisuke would take great interest in.

Staz Irvine