
Playful Life

A world where Dimensional Portals, Unknown Items and Unknown Individuals existed. There's a rare chance that a human awakened since it is based on the person's awareness of what's his unique power is. A guy named Oliver who lived in such a world was cast away after that but something happened. ( Hi author here, that'll be a slow update but it'll be a long one as I continuously write chapters and whenever an interesting idea pops. I'll say this: This is a work of fiction with no relation to the real world. Also please don't copy my work and if someone copied my work please notify me. This is the only platform I uploaded my work.)

48ba · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The Silent One

In a Destroyed small house where the surroundings were darker than black. A man slowly approaches the house without care with his long hair and beard wearing rag clothes.

He push the fence entrance as it didn't produce a sound. He looks around as he sighed remembering something. He arrived shortly inside an open living room as he looked down where an unnoticeable note because of its charred cover.

He picks it up carefully and began to blow it, removing some dust.

* Crumple * Crumple *

He sits on the floor as he reaches for his holed pocket, lifting his pants and underwear seemingly finding something as he stopped and reach the top of his ear that is being covered by his hair and put it in his mouth. He didn't light it up as he doesn't have a lighter and only ignored it as he turn the cover.


/Dear whoever reads this or me,

I know you'll read this again since you lost something important. I Hate this world as it's too cruel, For you that probably starving or Myself that is the same. You might think why did I survive all these years, it's because I learn how to live simply and starve myself right now.

If I'd known this happen, maybe I should have done what I'm thinking right now but I know I can't ( ̄ヘ ̄;). I dunno who might read this but I know I will still be alive since I am stupidly persistent. I hope if you read this it'll be your last but nope (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.). *sigh* I should've d...

Date Written: May 12th 2016/

He closed it as he placed it beside him and began to lay down he looks up only to see a fiery pitch-black sky. He closed his eyes as he again began reminiscing about his past where everything was normal or what it seems.


It all happened start's where news about strange sightings unknown broadcast in the year 2018. It didn't affect majorly but within the thoughts of being human, we always think something that we always know is impossible.

Every year, the news of it become frequent until it can't be suppressed by the world's government, thus revealing shocking news that changes the world. "Doomsday" is what the poor public opinion, as the government hides and experiments creatures.

From that day, Dimensional Portal appear everywhere that engulfs the world in chaos. Dimensional creature razes cities to the ground making it their territory and killing everyone near it.

None of the Modern Technology can do damage to the ones that invaded them. They were also powerless as they began to hide.

Numerous lives died in that Dark days as it lasted in 10 year's as the human struggle, every human expect that they will be extinct from the face of the earth though they were given hope.

Strange energy burst within every human as strange abilities empowered themselves except for one. They were hopeful for the future as they slowly fought back and only rebuild one huge city that'll give the danger of the dimensional creature and safety for humans.

Although hope is a good trait, it only lasted for 5 years as something unexpected happened. "A large scale of all-out dimensional war that decided every living things of Earth" as a High intellect dimensional creature envoy said conveying a message to the leader of the Humans only to be raped with different abilities killing it instantly.

After that, innumerable dimensional creature starts leaving their territory with more powerful ones, engaging their targets. While some portals near the Human City began their attacks.

'Hell on Earth' as every human envy those who died early, while right now they were being used as slaves and being used as 'Anergy reservoir' to empower their Masters. Even death was not their escape.

The war only lasted for a month as the Earth that once belonged to humans were now aren't.



"Huu.." he huffed as he opened his eyes seemingly confused only to close them again.

*thump thump* *thump thump*

As he opened his eyes again though the problem is he can't.

*thump thump*


He keeps hearing this sound as he was confused why he can't open his eyes. He began to panic as he moved around only that he can't, this continued for 10 seconds as he feel that he was being touched.

*thump thump*

'Chotto minute... is that what I think it is?' he thought as he heard it again.

*thump thump*

'I think I've been reborn. But do I have to stay like this and wait?' he thought calmly.

'I can move my limbs a little so I think it'll take a little time so I can be born. I wonder if my parents will be the same in my previous chaotic world.' he thought as he was being cast away in every town and city just because he didn't have Anergy and did not gain abilities through the entire ending.

'I didn't know if this is my same world or did I get to travel another world where Magic or cultivation ones. Too bad I can't get info while being a baby.' He thought.

[November of 1999 | Planet Earth]

Faint info appeared that was being ignored as he was deep in thought.

'If this is the same previous world then I wouldn't mind being a 'useless' and... Wait what?' his thoughts were gradually halted as he remembers what happened earlier.


'Did I know what..'

[Soul being transported temporarily and began choosing a random designation Dimensional World]

[Body will be born in May 2000]

[Reward: NATM(1)]

[Reward will be given after the soul return to the body 'alive']

'Oh' was the last words he thought as he slowly lost consciousness, leaving in this world for another temporarily.

• • •

1. None at the moment.

I'm pretty embarrassed but I will say this, there will be lots of time skip teehee.

The chapters update will be slow as a snail sometimes but this is me being lazy. Imma tell the truth and I might not post a sentence like this again but this novel of mine will exist as long as the "completed" status hasn't been tagged.

I have tons of plans for this and I might as well take my time :D

48bacreators' thoughts