
Playful Life

A world where Dimensional Portals, Unknown Items and Unknown Individuals existed. There's a rare chance that a human awakened since it is based on the person's awareness of what's his unique power is. A guy named Oliver who lived in such a world was cast away after that but something happened. ( Hi author here, that'll be a slow update but it'll be a long one as I continuously write chapters and whenever an interesting idea pops. I'll say this: This is a work of fiction with no relation to the real world. Also please don't copy my work and if someone copied my work please notify me. This is the only platform I uploaded my work.)

48ba · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


Oliver picked the lemon holding it tight. He knows what are its uses and commended in his thoughts the one who gave it to him.

'I'll never forget this whether this world is real or not.' Oliver as a red glint appeared in his eyes and began to fade away.

He began to practice his breathing crazily as he thought similarly the underwater, holding his breath and keeping his eyes peeled for any changes in the room. Holding his breath for 3 minutes max then exhaled as he began to inhale for 3 seconds after exhaling.

This continued for 25 minutes as he began to feel sleepy and as he bathed of his sweat. It was an impressive feat he had done despite the transmigration of his body.

Still, his vision began to fade away as he hit his limit.


A door open beside the polarized glass opened as 4 males wearing white lab coats entered after the gas was contained, bringing a stretcher.

Oliver, in an unconscious and uncomfortable position, was being lifted by the 'doctors' into the stretcher as he was being injected with 3 various injections that who knows what it does.




Oliver woke up as he began to sit and pain began to invade all over his body. He curled up like a snail while gripping his head tightly.

"Endure it and don't lose control" a voice entered as he didn't have time to observe earlier since the pain began when he began to awake. Taking a deep breath, he calms himself and grits his teeth that crackled as his fist clenched so tightly that blood seeped away from his fingers.

5 minutes passed, the pain was fading away as he feel the changes that makes him uncomfortable.


He thought of the time remaining since he theorize his "system?" was limited in this world.

[Time remain: 2 Months, 29 days]

'So only a day passed while I was unconscious, but what were that pain and that uncomfortable feeling?' Oliver thought as he began to observe the one who spoke to him.

Just like him he wears a simple white fabric and shaved head as he noticed a sign in his chest "C" but he is "CCCI". His body was slightly better than his as his instinct told him.

"You adapt quick, good. I'm Klaus and starting now we'll be teammates and awaken together." The man named Klaus said as he extended his hand.

"Awaken?" Oliver said as he was wary at the time being but hearing his sincere words and detecting no suspicious about him, also extended his hand accepting Klaus proposal of being a teammate.

"You don't know? I thought you were here... ok ill explain it to you. Awakeners are beings that are considered the second step of ascending the limits of humans. Whether it is physical, mind, heart, soul etc. Awakeners are beings that have chances attaining, from what my sources told me "Immortality, Godhood or being a God itself".

I know that this is important information that can't be shared or known publicly. But ever since you came here then you have to a right to know, as we are what they called "challengers"." Klaus said as he stared at Oliver for a moment wanting to know if he gets it.

Nodding, Oliver was contemplating what Klaus said as this world was similar to his past world.

"Thank you.... explaining." Oliver said as his voice drifted.

"Heh, I'm surprised you're alive. How long did you hold out in the first screening? I hold out for 13 minutes which is my limit and I think only a few could pass that threshold." Oliver got curious about what's that got to do and look at Klaus with a questioning gaze.

"It isn't sleeping or sedating gas as you think, think of it as an invisible person which will find a way to judge your being. But there's a secret, many who apply the test was a murderer, assassins, soldiers and many jobs that involve crime or killing itself.

So I'm surprised that you survive since the lighter what you did, the heavier implications it is bestowed to you. Like a newborn baby child as it is judged purely innocent, it can die instantly. I know you're a good youngster as I can identify them easily." Klaus explained again making Oliver frown as it may be what he think, he was hallucinating and it is a test. The problem is killing, won't it be much more severe than what he experienced.

"Killing?" Oliver said as he was confused about something.

"The heavier you committed, the easier you passed. I think." Klaus said as he smiled wryly when he told the truth and also lied about it. He almost died but his perseverance prevail in the end, making his future path safe.

"Hmm..." Oliver hummed as he stopped asking questions and began to lie down.

'Awakeners huh, different from my past world but because it's that "killing method" why the atmosphere was gloomy when I got outside the apartment.' Oliver thought as this awakening process was a die trying or achieving. The crime rate every year around this world was high making every countrymen protest.

"What now?" Oliver said to Klaus who's meditating.

"We wait, and since this is new to the Company then the preparations might take long. Better rewards for those who entered the newly tested program." Klaus said while meditating crossed-leg.

- - -

In an underground facility, tons of employees walked with 2 as they carry stretchers with bodies.

"Out of 1,238 Participants, only 696 remain which is considered little."

"*sigh* We can't do anything about it, at least the dead ones contributed."

"How are the preparations ongoing? Is it ready?"

"Nearly done elder." an employee who's wearing metal plates around his shoulder with a gauntlet said as he appeared behind one of the "elders" and answered.

"It should last for 2 or maybe 3 months, and the items inside should be randomized." an old hoarse voice said as the employee nodded.

"The request for the R-3 SA-0 has been limited, and they took in-charge for fairness." the employee said as the 3 "elders" became silent.

"At least we prioritized who to select some participants first." The elder who seem to be the leader said as the other 2 agreed.

If there's a mistake, kindly point it out hehe. Thanks for reading.

48bacreators' thoughts