

"Warped Fang... RARE?!!!"

Shui had just encountered a stroke of luck as compared to [Common] items, [Rare] items were much harder to find. Not only that, they were also much more powerful. Much, much more.

"GOOD SHIT! NOW I CAN ACTUALLY FIGHT! What's more, I've also leveled up to [Level 3]… That means I can use the new skill... Heh"

"Equip [Tattered Robe]. Equip [Warped Fang]. Use [Mana Overload]!!!!"

Shui felt a massive amount of mana race through his body, even more so than when he had used [Mana Burst]!!! SO MUCH MORE!

Nearing the edge of the treetop, he leaped off as he took a dive right towards... The ground. Solid, hard, ground. As he did so, he caught the eyes of the goblins, as they let go of the tree they were holding on to and jumped after him. As he neared the ground, he curled up into a ball, hoping to negate some of the damage he would amass from the impact. It didn't work. Landing on the ground with much pain, he felt as if he had definitely broken a few bones. Maybe not a few. Probably a lot more. However, if this was a successful hit, then everything would be much more than okay.

As the goblins neared him, falling through the air, ready to encompass and thoroughly destroy him, he yelled out [MANA BURST]! Once again, that primordial feeling of mana rushing over him, gathering to the very tips of his fingers as his injured body started to break apart, exploding from within as he let loose of the wild energy that he contained.


A blinding white light illuminated the sky as goblins were vaporized, one after the other, as none were left behind.

"[LEVEL UP] - You are now [Level 4]. [LEVEL UP] - You are now [Level 5]. [LEVEL UP] - You are now [Level 6] - You have gained - 2320 exp - 65 Meat - 750 Gold - Two [Beginner Robe - Common]'s - One [Gladiator Robe - Epic] - One [Ancient Great staff - Rare].