
Play God (raw/unedited)

Half of humanity was annihilated when Lucifer invaded Earth. His only mission was to take over heaven and control the universe, bit after seeing the pitiful state of Earth and its residents he decided to enforce true justice. A story of Truth, Justice and Betrayal encircled around two friends Arthur and Edward who decide to take two opposite parts for the greater good of humanity. Sacrifices need to made to achieve true justice, but can anyone make it? Cover 1 By- Nishant Cover 2 By- @_mystic_artz_ on Instagram This WebNovel will also be available on-- RoyalRoad ScribbleHub

BatLord · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 11- Where is your life force?






"Arthur? Arthur?" Someone was calling him.

Arthur opened his eyes. Edward was sitting beside him. It seemed like he had passed out while they were talking.

"Ah! So you are alive?"

"What did you think, idiot."

"Take care of yourself. I know the situation we are in but we can't fight Lucifer if you pass out time to time like this."

"I feel... Empty?"

"Where did that come from?"

"Nevermind. Let's work on finding Lucifer for now."

"Don't worry about it. Your phone ringed a second ago and I picked up. It was Farah. Apparently Lucifer is sitting on the Fufrer's throne. He has declared himself as the sole king of the earth and plans on making our city the capital. It's all over the news."


"It's true. We can fix a formal meeting with him if we want."

"What? When did he get so civilised? Formal and stuff? And how did the people accept him?"

"Ruling with terror, you know?"

"Ah right. Fix it."

"Did you forget that I was blind? I barely could move around in this house."

"Sorry... I will fix one."

"It's okay."

Arthur dashed out of the house only to return back in a few moments.

"What happened?"

"Umm... How do we fix one?"

"Idiot! Just call on this number and tell the details. It was mentioned in news."

"Ah... Okay."

Later at the Fufrer's office, a few miles away.

Arthur stared at the huge building. It was so big that it was visible from miles away. All other houses and shops near it were midgets in comparison. A human had picked up when Arthur had called, and he gave them this address.

He had seen the office a couple of times from outside.

"Doesn't it look like the building has changed?" Arthur asked himself.

He had left Edward back at the house because of his new disability.

He pushed the glass doors open, and failed to find anyone else at the reception. A simple sign said that the Fuhrer is on the top floor.

The lift was working and he got on to take a ride to the top floor.

"This place should not be so empty. Has he killed everyone?"

He knew there was no way of finding out now besides asking Lucifer himself.

A dark figure was sitting inside a cabin on the top floor. Arthur glanced at its back. There were no wings.

"He is not Lucifer."

He called out to the figure.

"Hey mister! Where is that bastard Lucifer?"

"Stop calling me a bastard, brat," came the reply.

Arthur was taken aback as the figure stood up and came towards him. He took a fighting stance. It was Lucifer.

"Where are those scary wings?"

"You just called them scary. Ofcourse I got rid of them."

Arthur was silent. He did not know what to do now.

"Come inside if you want to talk. I am the Fuhrer of the world now. If you want to fight then go back to where you came from, brat. This is our third meeting."

Arthur did not have any choice. He followed Lucifer to his cabin.

"This is not a very prosperous country to make your capital. There are far more rich countries for you to rule. Why this?"

"Do you think that I am after money? Did you know what I did the last two years?"


"I toured Reyanto, and found out about this realm more. There are far more crimes occurring every day than I thought. I found crimes in every country, regardless of its financial state. There is no sign of justice anywhere. I will ensure justice."

"What does that have to do with making this country the world capital?"

"Ah yes. I went off topic. Why do you think the arrow landed here? The Dagger of Truth has been here for centuries."

"Dagger of Truth?"

"Ask me questions about administration, not about divine objects. You don't need to know about that."

"You will ensure justice, you say? In reality you are just some mass murdering freak of other world forcing his rule over Earth."

"I don't care what you think. I will change the universe to a place where people will be free of injustice."

"You say that after murdering four billion?"

"Those who died were of no use to this world. They did not have a purpose to live, no ambitions, no strength to do something useful."

"I am leaving. I don't know how I will kill you today, but I will when I am powerful enough," Arthur said as he got up and began to leave.

"Wait. I can't sense your life force. What did you do?"

"What do you mean?"