NOTE:WSA 2022 ENTRY. Evie had always dreamt of becoming a hip hop musician, she left her parents to Newyork City to achieve her dreams. She is close to achieving that dream when her parents calls her to come home urgently. Upon her arrival, she is being told that she is to get married to a billionaire; Ezekiel who happens to be a cold, arrogant and rude man. He is even rumoured to be a gay Would she still achieve her dreams in a loveless marriage? How would she cope with her rude husband? Her husband was no ordinary mortal, he is rumoured to be the devil’s son, what if that is true? What mystery awaits her in this loveless marriage of hers? And how would she able to conquer all tribulations? Can she survive in his world? Authors: GlobalGift. Mirashines Follow me on Instagram@Giftednovels for more video clips and characters pictures Editor: KunleTaiwo COVER DISCLAIMER: cover is not mine