
Chapter 26 Tian Ji Horse Racing

The backhand advantage does exist.

But when the difference in strength is too great.

The backhand advantage doesn't play a role either.

This is the most painful place.

Lu Feiyu's encouragement.

It doesn't work.

Everyone took a break.

Qin Yi continued to use the money he just earned to krypton gold.

This can also be regarded as his greatest reliance.

Think about krypton gold all the time.

It's better to raise the level of the planet earlier to reach level 3.

Wait until level 5.

How to say.

It can also be exchanged for a super battleship, right?

Zhang Han and others are also making final pre-war preparations.

They have a professional management team, that is, data engineers, who can make corresponding predictions and adjustments based on the basic conditions of their internal planets.

And Qin Yi doesn't need any management team and data specialists.

Because of the avenue deduction system.

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It is his team and data engineer.

a system.


In the awakening space.

Qin Yi watched as Zizhou personally led the team and led the recruits to kill the saber-toothed tiger.

This is for recruits to see their blood.

Not only that.

Tiangong Academy is still actively exploring how to use electricity to create new technologies.

The advent of electricity.

It marks that the planet has entered a new stage.

It can be said.

With the help of time accelerator and deduction system.

Qin Yi's planet at this moment, from the first 1 km to the birth of life, and now.

In fact, there has never been a detour.

There is no mass extinction.

There is no natural disaster.

The climate on the planet has always been very good.


The later one was under the addition of the original power of the low-level energy planet.

The environment of the planet is very good.

Therefore, from the three generations of Huang, Shang, and Zizhou, it took less than three hundred years of development.

There is today's grand occasion.

Kyushu Twelve Cities.

Basically already used electricity.

And electricity at this time.

Also just for lighting.

This time, Qin Yi purchased telephone technology from the system.

A total of six million planet coins.

This is relatively primitive telephone technology.

Some of the technologies given by the system are like hand-cranked telephones.

The magnet phone, also known as the hand-cranked telephone, needs to prepare two dry batteries as the power supply. It is mainly composed of a transmitter, a receiver, a hand-cranked generator, an electric bell, and dry batteries.

However, the system does not have dry battery technology, and the hand-cranked telephone that can be driven by the current electricity.

It is also a very primitive telephone.

If you want dry cell technology.

Krypton gold is needed again.

this time.

Qin Yi used systematic deduction to arrange the crank phone technology on a bachelor named Zier.

This person is a bachelor of Daxia Engineering College.

He is a poor boy.

He studied very hard and was personally trained by the dean of the local college.

Later, he entered Tiangong College and became a bachelor, responsible for the structure and maintenance of electric power.

Daxia's first hydropower station is in Tianmen, Shuzhou.

At that time, Zier also participated in the later stage of the project of the power station, and he was also a bachelor with some foundation and talent in electricity.

With this hand crank phone technology.

It is believed that Zier will have greater development in this field.

after all.

Gongshuban has now become the father of electricity in Daxia Electricity.

He not only invented electricity, but also proposed the knowledge of electricity, magnetic field, electromagnetism and so on.

The first hydropower station in Daxia was also built.

Some princes and nobles in the twelve cities of Kyushu can use electricity, and the night is like day.

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an electricity bill.

It can make the Daxia treasury a lot of money.

It also puts forward a lot of knowledge in electricity.

It can be said.

The electricity of the system is really a bargain.

Ten million star coins is nothing to Qin Yi.

This is why everyone wants to be a planetary master, and why it is difficult for ordinary people to survive in this world.

Because the precious resources of this world are no longer such ordinary substances.

But the power of the source.

It is actually not difficult for the planet owner to want money.

Enter the company, go to the Dead Star Sea to plunder the original power of the ownerless planet, and sell it, which is a sum of money.

Then accumulate wealth, buy the original power that suits you at a high price, and improve your strength.

Continue to plunder.

Formed a cycle, but also a very large market.

Phone technology was purchased.

In the future, the income of the Daxia treasury will be even greater.

Of course people will also get the convenience from the phone.

Like a light bulb.

Has begun to slowly spread to ordinary families.


The race starts again.

Zhang Han, Sun Yi, Zhao Xing, and Li Zirui also exited the awakening space.

"I don't know, will there be any monsters this afternoon?" Sun Yi has already fallen into the fear of being dominated by the magical girl and the goddess of genius.

Li Zirui replied from the side: "There will definitely be more, after all, it is Ten Cities Joint Creation, with a total of 200 groups and 1,000 planet masters."

"There will always be a few evildoers appearing."

"To know."

"Last year's top 20, each group had a high-level energy planetary master, whose strength far surpassed that of the planetary masters in the same period."

Sun Yi listened to Li Zirui's words.

Lie directly on the sofa.

"Forget it, I choose to lie flat."

At this moment, Lu Feiyu walked in.

"This is the latest news we got."

"You all have a look too."

Lu Feiyu put the jade slips on the table.

A projection appears.

The above is the introduction of Tianjiao in several other cities.

"After forty groups of battles in the morning."

"Two superpowers have already appeared, and their strength is very strong. With our current strength, it is impossible to defeat them."

"And according to our intelligence."

"There will be two superpowers in the afternoon."

"One, from No. 1 Middle School in Suiyang City, named Yu Hao."

"He is a level 3 cultivating civilization planet master, and there is a sword fairy on his planet, who is very powerful."

"According to our reliable information, his sword fairy is already at the level of a sword king."

"That's equivalent to being an extraordinary person on a level 4 planetary master."

Lu Feiyu came.

That's such great news.

Li Zirui also lay on the sofa.

"All right."

"Then, from this point of view, the third one has already found an owner."

Lu Feiyu shrugged.

to be honest.

The Youth Competition of Ten Cities Lianchuang.

If there are not many monsters.

That is completely unjustifiable.

What's more than that?

It's just to lose face for Chuzhou.

Lu Feiyu continued: "Actually, not only the third place has already been booked."

"According to our intelligence, it has been confirmed by now that the top ten have already been occupied, and we have little chance."

"The most important thing is that the strongest magical girl, the strongest qi warrior, the strongest sword fairy, the strongest martial soul master, and two more will appear in today's competition."

"The remaining four will be on the field tomorrow."

"There will be four games tomorrow, with a total of 80 groups. There is a great possibility that we will meet."

All of a sudden.

Sun Yi and Li Zirui, who wanted to lie flat, sat up directly.

Everyone looked a little dignified.

"Actually, we still have some opportunities."

at this time.

Qin Yi opened his mouth and said to everyone.