
Plane businessman

With the ability to cross two worlds, what do you want? Our main character's first thought when he learns that he can travel between two lives is to get money Resell the rich resources of a different world After, non-stop reselling, finally is to earn his first small goal But the other world is not so simple as imagined, because when he gradually understood, it turned out to be a western fantasy world of the other world When he learned that there were all kinds of creatures in the western fantasy world, he finally chose a new way to live, to conquer the whole world and become an emperor under ten thousand people, not by Beth, but by his heavily armored cavalry And Mark's heart for saving lives

Ewqaj_Wing · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

35 Shrimp roche

The pig can rest, but he can't. He has an appointment tomorrow, but he still has to do his work, and at night he travels to another world....​

He took out the incubator and put it inside the camp. Then he went into his tent and slept.

Sleep until dawn, get up and start to work. It is really hard to live ah, in order to later beautiful villa have to fight.

He has been fishing in the river from morning to night. This time, he not only fished crisped grass carp, but also caught many aquatic products of high value.

For example, Roche shrimp, Roche shrimp is not a very small shrimp, because there's plenty of water, no one bothers, and then most of the Roche shrimp is the length of an adult's arm, the size of a child's arm.

It was 70 yuan a catty at the market, but it was a little smaller than what he was selling, and he could have sold it for 80 yuan a catty at his age.

In addition to catching some rawns, hairy crabs, also known as hairy crabs, were also caught.

Originally he looked at those hairy crabs he did not want to catch to sell, but a hand cheap caught one, broke it off and found that it was full of yellow, thought that what happened to meet one was like this, did not expect to lose several are, it is full of yellow, no yellow hairy crabs are worthless.

This reminds him of Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, although the hairy crabs are not from Yangcheng Lake, but there are so many yellow, cliff is not cheap, and can also be put on the Yangcheng Lake hairy crab name for sale.

It was bigger than any modern hairy crab he had seen, but it looked just like a normal hairy crab and could be sold.

I don't know what it tastes like, even though I caught a lot of it.

And when it was cooked, it was fed to the mice to see how they were doing, and the same was done for the other mice.

Now I have time to look at the mice when I'm free, to see how they're doing.

After checking them out and finding them all in good condition, he made a large Roche shrimp and two hairy crabs and grilled them on the grill.

Because to taste their original flavor, in addition to salt, other miscellaneous seasoning did not sprinkle on.

To catch these two new breeds, he had gone down to the mud, to catch them.

The first half of the grass carp is full of sand. No trace of them can be seen in this part. They can be found because they saw it when capturing crisped Grass Carp. At that time, they were all focused on crisped Grass carp but did not care about them.

Hairy crabs if not look full of yellow crabs, he can't waste space to catch, and to catch hairy crabs is very troublesome. You have to catch the female crab, crab roe, male not what crab roe, some have crab paste, but don't look at ah, not as much as the female crab roe.

And the male is not very valuable, unlike the female, a jin to hundreds of dollars, especially the different world. This kind of variety is large and has many crab paste. If you meet people who know the goods, sell more expensive some people buy.

Chen Yu looked at the hairy crab and thought it wouldn't be too bad.

The lesson was that the food he ate here tasted much better than some of the same modern varieties.

Sit in front of the grill and use a pair of tweezers to turn over the items to make them more evenly cooked.

It's a charcoal roast, it's not a wood fire, it's a wood fire, it's a wood fire, it's a smoky smell, it's a little bit bitter, and for the sake of taste he's using charcoal from the modern world. It's not much, it's only about 5 jin.

After roasting for a few minutes, the shrimp has turned red all over, and the hairy crab has also turned red and should be almost done.

The shrimp and the crab were immediately taken out and placed on a plate that had already been prepared.

There's no way you can fit these three things on one plate. Put two crabs on another plate.

Looking at the smoldering shrimp, Chen Yu gave a squirm in her Adam's apple and swallowed a mouthful of water.

He had never eaten such a big shrimp before. The biggest shrimp he had ever eaten was the sea shrimp, the size of two fingers, at a wedding.

But compared to this Roche shrimp, that's really child's play, because a shrimp the size of a kid's arm, if you think about it, is comparable to a baby dragon, but the Roche shrimp is even longer than a baby dragon.

Plates are placed on a simple table, one of the supplies brought over from the modern world.

With a spoon and chopsticks prepared, start peeling the prawns in front of you. The prawns are so hot that you don't need to peel them with your hands.

​can only use tools to peel, sowing a little time, finally is the whole front of the prawns all to peel.

When the shrimp is peeled, the whole thing looks like a lot of meat.

Finally, he cut the shrimp down the middle with a knife, just to see if it was cooked, because if it wasn't cooked, you couldn't eat it for fear of parasites.

Fortunately, it was well cooked. After collecting the money, he was relieved to pick up a piece of Roche shrimp and take a big bite.

A mouthful of shrimp meat, he felt satisfied, then it was hard to chew.

His mouth was full of shrimp, so it was hard to chew, because he was greedy, but it was really good.

It tastes like regular shrimp, but it's a little more tender and smoother, so it's delicious.

He chewed and swallowed what he had in his mouth, and in two or three strokes he ate the rest of the shrimps on his plate.

With that out of the way, it's time to try hairy crabs.

Hairy crab put for a few minutes, although it is still very hot, but you can directly start, he directly broke the shell of hairy crab, broke apart after a glance to see, inside the crab roe, and who the smoke flying fragrant overflowing crab paste taste.

I put it up my nose and smelled it. It was really delicious.

Can't wait to use a spoon to pull the yellow pickpocket inside the mouth, that bite of yellow to eat really satisfied.

It's delicious and delicious.

"It is delicious. This is going to sell for a lot of money."

After eating, the meat inside is also eaten into his mouth, but it is really a waste for him to eat. He only puts the meat inside both sides into his mouth and chews the shell together, while the remaining crab claws and crab feet are discarded instead of eaten.

If it is outside, he lost a little bit, which may be worth more than 10 or even tens of dollars.

But he didn't mind, because he had plenty of hairy crabs and didn't bother to eat those that were too small.

He threw it away, then opened another three-two and finished him off.

After that, I felt that I was not too sure. After eating shrimp, I went back to my tent and read a novel on my mobile phone.

He chose not to go back tonight, but to catch more tomorrow.

After watching it for hours, I put down my phone and went to sleep.



Quack, quack, quack

Crunch, crunch, crunch
