
PJ: The Son of Ares

Pretty straightforward, a guy gets reincarnated into the Percy Jackson world in camp half-blood as one of the unclaimed, based on the guy's memories and a bit of testing, it was not hard to guess who his father was. Armed with knowledge, patience, and common sense he decides to follow the original's dream of becoming someone to be remembered in this God-forsaken universe.

DefinitelyNotACat · Livres et littérature
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6 Chs

Ch1. Pretty stupid, even for a son of Ares

-May 6, 2005, Camp Half-Blood-

All was quiet, the sun was just beginning to rise, and birds were tiredly trying to wake up albeit with difficulty knowing it would be another tiresome day scavenging food for their little babies. In complete contrast with its sleepy surroundings, a wide-awake lone figure could be seen walking the stony path that led from the cabins to the fireplace in the center of the square, he was walking, a bit mechanically, as if trying to get to terms with something he could not comprehend.

After all not only did he look out of place, he WAS out of place.


Reaching the fireplace I decided to sit down on a nearby bench and take my time to reflect in front of Hestia's favorite spot. I thought I could find a bit of homely warmth here, and, to be fair, I got exactly what I was looking for, but instead of feeling better, I became a bit nostalgic.

My life, prematurely cut short, did not want to end there, instead, I found out I was transported against my will to this place I obviously recognized both from this guy's memories and mine.

Camp Half-Blood, Percy Jackson.

It was a completely stupid world, where insanity seemed to be the prevalent state of mind, it certainly did not help that even the "smartest" characters seemed to always think as frogs in a well.

"Ah..." I sensed hope...

It seems that this "fireplace" sensed my frustration and decided to inject me with some hope. I smiled at that and rested my arms that unconsciously grabbed my head during my inner speech.

"Thank you, Hestia, I will give you an offering later. Thank you for always looking out for us, when even our own parents refuse to even acknowledge our existence" I admit that I really did not care about my godly Father, whom I assumed was Ares considering that the guy I took the body from was not only pretty stupid and hotheaded but also pretty talented with that sword. How he never understood his parentage is beyond me.

The fire moved wildly for a little bit as if startled by my comment before sending a bit more hope, awww, such a sweetie she is... mooom can we keep her?

Now, what to do?

The answer is obvious, I had to get stronger, and that meant developing my godly powers to the maximum possible, sure I may not be as talented as Nico di Angelo, or Percy Himself but... I had something they do not have. Knowledge of the perils, and how important it is to get stronger if you don't want to die a gruesome and cruel death.

There was also another thing... this guy had a dream... it would be bad for me not to fulfill it right?

Lofty dreams he had, but they weren't that bad, becoming someone to be remembered then uh? Why not.

The sun was about to shine, people were starting to wake up, and the lone figure stood up and headed towards the cafeteria with steady steps. There was, after all, a goal to accomplish.


My time in the cafeteria was one of the most awkward I ever experienced, I had small conversations with a couple of extremely forgettable people, unclaimed as well, and I had to juggle through my still-damp mind to figure out who the hell they were and what their relationship was with me. Pleasantries aside it seemed as if these people's only topic of discussion was the fact that their parents never claimed them. These guys never went outside their comfort zone preferring to knight thought bonds only with those similar to them, psychologically aggravating their issues. After all, if someone surrounds themselves with like-minded people they tend to uniform themselves to that group, with the consequence of not acknowledging other realities besides theirs and believing that those who have what they don't do not have any reason to feel sad.

They never stopped to think how dramatic it was for other kids to be recognized by their parents without having the possibility of ever meeting them. Like who cares about recognition, all they ever wanted was for their parent to hug them and say how much they love them, instead, as if mocking their whole existence, Fate would make those Demigods get so close to their only wish just to stop them at the very last step. That HAS got to be frustrating.

After a while, I noticed that everyone I was making conversation with turned their heads away as if suddenly cutting me off.

Ah I see, it was that time of the day: the "brainwashing moment" I decided to call it, basically what happens is that everyone I have conversations with would suddenly ignore me, then our de facto leader would sit in front of me, fake interest in my problems and then if he sees I conform to their opinions/ideals everyone would start talking normally to me again, he does that with every new guy. In the end, they leave you with only two options, either you decide to be alone or you keep yourself in this group of people who have been the only ones to ever give you any kind of "brotherly feelings'' effectively, however, cutting you off from meeting other people.

You would expect our "leader" to be Luke but if you think about it, it wouldn't be very smart of him; no our leader is someone called Chris Rodriguez: future boyfriend of Clarisse La Rue and current traitor of the camp.

He, bitter that his parent never claimed him, will go under Luke's wing and defect to the side of Lord Kronos with the K during the events of the Sea of Monsters.

My choice? I much prefer to be alone, I don't want to be near these people anymore, and I don't need their fake ass friendship. Right now I had a mission to accomplish, I couldn't spare energy for useless stuff.

So as soon as he got on the table I immediately left leaving them all stunned like fishes, I went to the fireplace and gave Hestia a good amount of food, then, deciding to be a bit cheeky, I gave some more food but to Hades with no explanation attached.

Grinning like an evil mastermind I left the cafeteria walking with purpose as if I had just won an electoral debate.

What I hope was implied is that I am more willing to give Hades my share of food compared to any other God even my father. I don't know if they even care or if they even bother to watch the offering but still... I made my point your honor.


Looking back this was the very start of my journey, filled with madness, idiocy and manchilds called gods but, to be honest, I would do it all over again.