
Pirate Hunter in Roger's Era(With Bodily Refinement Bead)

In a world ruled by pirates, Jack stands out as a fearsome warrior who only seeks two things: battles and women. He is a man who enjoys the thrill of the fight and the passion of the flesh, and he wanders the world in search of both. With the Bodily Refinement Bead, a powerful tool that enhances his strength and agility, he takes on any opponent who crosses his path. Starting his journey from the West Blue, Jack encounters a variety of challenges and obstacles, each one more difficult than the last. He faces off against other pirates, marauding sea creatures, and even mythical beasts from ancient legends. But despite the dangers he faces, he remains fearless and undaunted, always ready for the next challenge. Along the way, he meets many women who are drawn to his strength and his charisma. Some of them are pirates, while others are innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of his battles. But no matter who they are, they all fall for his rugged charm and his unbridled passion. Despite his love of battle and women, Jack still has a heart. He cares deeply for his family, especially his beloved daughter, who he adores above all else. And while he seeks the thrill of the fight, he is never cruel or malicious, always treating his opponents with respect and dignity. As he travels the seas, Jack encounters many legendary figures from the age of pirates, including the likes of Garp, Roger, and Xebec. But he does not see them as enemies, only as worthy opponents who he would love to fight someday. And with each battle he wins, he grows stronger, more skilled, and more determined to live life to the fullest. In the end, Jack's journey is one of adventure, passion, and excitement. He is a man who lives for the moment, never afraid to take risks or face danger head-on. And whether he is battling pirates on the high seas or seducing women in exotic locales, he does so with a zest for life that is truly inspiring. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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159 Chs


Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!


Franky's eyes sparkled with interest, but before he could voice another question, Tom stepped forward, his deep-set eyes scrutinizing the Bead Rider. His gaze lingered on the glow underneath, his brow furrowed in deep thought.

"It moves using this energy, right?" Tom asked, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and intrigue.

Jack nodded, his gaze meeting Tom's. "Yes, it does."

The air in the workshop was thick with silence as Tom continued to examine the Bead Rider, his eyes focused and his mind clearly deep in thought.

After what seemed like an eternity, Tom looked up from the boat to meet Jack's gaze. "Your boat, it's unique. I've never seen anything like it," he said, his voice carrying a note of deep respect. "What kind of upgrades do you have in mind?"

"I read that the next island is Fishman Island, and I will have to brave through the ocean itself. The coating, can you create a device so I can coat my boat with a bubble, whenever I want without wasting time to search for a person?" Jack's voice echoed in the otherwise silent workshop.

Tom, Iceburg, and Franky were taken aback by the request, their faces showing a mix of surprise and curiosity. Coating was an advanced shipwright technique used to encapsulate a ship in a bubble, allowing it to traverse the underwater routes to Fishman Island. It was not an easy task, requiring not just skill, but also a deep understanding of the sea and its volatile nature.

"Also add any other upgrades you see fit," Jack added, his gaze steady. He seemed unperturbed by the enormity of the task he was proposing, his calm demeanor contrasting the tension in the air.

Tom blinked, visibly taken aback. But soon, his surprise was replaced by an intrigued grin. "A boat with a coating device," he mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "That's a first, even for me."

"Can you do it?" Jack asked, his voice steady, his blue eyes intense as they held Tom's gaze. It was a simple question, asked with no arrogance or presumption. Yet, it held a challenge that Tom found irresistible.

"I don't see why not," Tom answered, his eyes reflecting the same determined spark. "But it won't be easy. Coating takes time and precision. Installing a device that can do it at will... That's something else entirely."

Franky, who had been silent till now, piped up. "But it sounds super cool, doesn't it? Imagine, a ship that can dive underwater whenever it wants! It's revolutionary!"

Iceburg, however, was more pragmatic. "But coating is not the only thing to consider," he pointed out, his brows furrowed. "The pressure underwater is immense. The hull of the ship will need reinforcement. And we'll also need to consider oxygen supply, navigation... It's a monumental task."

"I will pay in golds, and..." Jack's voice trailed off, his gaze steady on Tom.

"And what?" Franky chimed in, unable to contain his excitement at the prospect of an adventure and the promise of wealth.

Tom turned to look at Jack, a glint of understanding in his eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards into a smirk. "Whatever we can learn from the boat itself," he finished for Jack, his laughter filling the room.

The hearty sound echoed in the otherwise silent workshop, drawing a grin from Jack. He admired Tom's ability to understand his intentions without explicitly stating them. "Exactly," he responded, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smile.

The air in the room lightened, the tension dissipating as Jack's intentions became clear. Tom's laughter had washed away any lingering doubts about the sincerity of Jack's request.

Franky blinked, slowly processing Tom's words. He glanced at Jack, his eyes wide with curiosity and awe. "You mean, we get to study this...this masterpiece?" he asked, gesturing towards the Bead Rider. His voice held a note of reverence, his excitement palpable.

Iceburg, however, wore a more skeptical expression. He turned to Jack, his brows furrowed. "You're entrusting us with your boat, just like that?" he questioned, doubt tinging his voice. "Why would you do that?"

Jack shifted his gaze to Iceburg, his calm blue eyes meeting the boy's questioning gaze. "It's simple," he responded, his voice steady. "I need your skills. And in return, you get the opportunity to learn and grow. It's a fair deal, don't you think?"

Tom seemed to mull over Jack's words, his gaze falling to the floor. After a moment, he nodded, a grudging respect apparent in his gaze. "Alright. It's a deal," he agreed, extending his hand towards Jack.

Jack reached out, shaking Tom's hand with a firm grip. His eyes glinted with approval, appreciating the young boy's courage and dedication.

Tom clapped his large hands together, the sound echoing around the room. "Well then," he declared, his voice resonating with authority, "Let's get to work."

With that, the room was filled with a flurry of activity. Franky began rifling through piles of scrap metal, Iceburg was meticulously organizing a set of tools, and Tom had already begun sketching out plans on a piece of parchment.

Meanwhile, Jack watched as the Fishman and the two boys got to work, their movements confident and purposeful. His gaze lingered on the Bead Rider, a sense of anticipation filling him. He knew the upcoming journey to Fishman Island would be challenging, but with Tom's expertise and the potential of his unique boat, he felt prepared to face any obstacle.


Read 45(15 chapters for each novel) advanced chapters in my Patreon!
