
Pink Petals, Red Blood

"We were always taught to appreciate our short lives before they flee from our hands, oh how I wish I had listened. Now under the Scarlet Moon, am I even me anymore?" In a world where monsters threaten the lives of humans daily, Sakura lives a carefree life within the city. Everything changed one late night after classes, her life was taken there on the streets by a predator of the night. She still lived, however, as one of the monsters she once believed would never reach her. Her life has been turned upside down, every day presents a new challenge that could be her last. Side by side she stands with her best friend, but will their friendship last in wake of her new power?

Death220 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Truth and Lies - Part 1

-March 3, 2075. Red Moon Seekers HQ-

"let's get this interview underway, shall we?" A roughened-up man spoke as he sat down at the interview table. Across from him sat a young woman with her feet propped up on the table. "Special Agent Autumn, you were undercover on the day of the incident, correct?"

"I already told you this didn't I?" The girl rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, "I suspected The Disciple was working in the area, so I went undercover as a student in the school of that region."

"And were your suspicions correct?"

"Partly. A Werewolf was spotted on school grounds, without The Disciple's work that would be nearly impossible. Either that thing was really lucky to slip in unnoticed, or The Disciple's work is at play."

"When our on-duty agents arrived, they found nothing but bodies and a severed arm of the creature, do you have any information on this matter?"

The young woman looked away, speaking in a softer, quieter voice. "Sir...You won't like what I have to say on that matter."

"Autumn, we need all the information we can to catch The Disciple. Something was obviously there to injure the creature. I don't suspect a bunch of teenage students to be capable of such a feat."

"Well sir, if you did suspect that, your suspicions would be correct."

"Correct? You're telling me a student fought it off?"

"Yes sir...but not just an ordinary student. The student in particular was wielding the Scarlet Light. They did not attack any other students, however, which leads me to a gray area in my conclusions."

"if you wouldn't mind," The man grabbed a folder and set it down on the table, pulling out photos of students labeled with their names. "Would you identify which student you saw?"

"Sir I don't need to see pictures, I know exactly who it was. As I said, you're not going to like the answer I give you."

"Please identify which student you saw," The man only repeated himself.

The young woman let out a heavy sigh and picked up one of the photos.

"It was your daughter, Sakura Cross."

"Sakura? No, Not possible! My daughter can't be a monster!" The man slammed his fist down on the table, sending the photos fluttering through the air.

The woman sat up straight at that, straightening her tie. "Sir, Because of you and the misses' aptitude for harnessing the Scarlet Light, I do have an idea. It's clear that your daughter hasn't lost her humanity like the rest of the monsters that naturally wield the Scarlet Light."

"What are you getting at?"

"I'm saying it's possible your daughter remains human but has somehow figured out how to wield the Scarlet Light. I have the feeling she would hide any information from you though, in fear of how you'd react. That being the case, would you assign me to this investigation?"

"So be it, but if it turns out my daughter is one of those monsters, I will deal with it personally."

The man stood up now, pushed in his chair, and left Autumn in the room alone.


A cloaked figure stood upon the concrete walls that surrounded the city, their gaze on the bustling people below. They clasped their hands together and turned their attention to the sky.

"My dear sister, the spark has been created, and soon a raging fire will consume them. While my brother has been so focused on humanity's destruction, I have learned much from my time spent as one of them."

The figured sat down, their legs dangling over the edge of the wall.

"Unfortunately, your concerns were not unreasonable. For years humans have been trying to steal our light, and one of them has now been successful. I do not think this was our brother's doing, no. There is a more concerning power at play here, isn't there?"

"I know you cannot hear me, sister, I do not expect an answer. You said that power came to you 75 years ago, and offered everything so long as you do its bidding. I fear it has gotten bored of our lack of progress, I fear it has given our enemy its gift."

"We all meet soon under the full Scarlet Moon, we will decide our plan going forward. It is time we change our tactics. If we cannot tear them apart physically, then we will just have to break their will from the inside out."

The figure looked back down at the busy city below, bringing their hand up to wipe away an unwanted tear from their eye.

"At least, that's what I would like to say. I do not hold a grudge against humanity like you and our brother do. In fact, I do not even understand why you hate them so much. They are filled with so much love, so much compassion, a will to protect each other. It has reminded me of a part I thought I killed a long time ago."

"I must meet this one who wields the Scarlet Light. I must know what force keeps them from falling to its influence. The dawn of a new age begins...I do not want to join you two when it comes for our heads, I wish to live."

"You who has gone against all odds, heed my warning. You have stepped into No-Mans land. Your kind, our kind, neither will hold sympathy for you. Hold the ones you trust close, but hold your blade closer. Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for is the very one pulling the trigger."

The figure stood up once more and took one final look at the city. A harsh chilly wind blew the hood of their cloak clean off. They took one deep breath of fresh air, then jumped off the wall, disappearing into the shadows.


Sakura slowly opened her eyes. How long had she been asleep? had it been mere hours, possibly more? The red light of the moon shined through her window, it must have been night.

As Sakura slowly pushed herself up off the ground, she had remembered what had happened the day before. Swiftly she turned around to see Ruby laying on her bed. Ruby's chest rise and fell slowly, she was alive at the least.

Sakura sighed a sigh of relief. The monster inside her had kept its promise, perhaps it wasn't as evil as she first assumed it was. She was still worried though, would ruby wake up a mindless monster like the rest of them? She couldn't live with herself if that was the case.

Sakura sat at the edge of the bed, giving a silent prayer to her friend. She so desperately hoped Ruby would keep her humanity, just had she had. She sat there with a lowered head until she heard the slightest whisper emanate from her friend.

"Sakura...? Is that you?"

This chapter is a bit shorter than the others because it has been broken up into two parts. Part 2 will release tomorrow, I hope you enjoyed reading Part 1!

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