
Pink Petals, Red Blood

"We were always taught to appreciate our short lives before they flee from our hands, oh how I wish I had listened. Now under the Scarlet Moon, am I even me anymore?" In a world where monsters threaten the lives of humans daily, Sakura lives a carefree life within the city. Everything changed one late night after classes, her life was taken there on the streets by a predator of the night. She still lived, however, as one of the monsters she once believed would never reach her. Her life has been turned upside down, every day presents a new challenge that could be her last. Side by side she stands with her best friend, but will their friendship last in wake of her new power?

Death220 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Finding Strength

By the time Sakura had made her way to school, the day was already half over. Luckily, she managed to slip into class unnoticed. Without the hunger of the days before, she found it much easier to pay attention.

The day was going well, up until the last period. As she sat silently in class staring up at the chalkboard, the screeching of the intercom clicking on grabbed everyone's attention.

"We are now under lockdown," The headmasters' voice came over the intercom with a hint of worry, "Students please make your way to the closest classroom immediately, avoid the track at all costs. Teachers, please follow protocol M-3."

Sakura's heart sunk when she heard the announcement. Protocol M-3 was a protocol used in case of monster attacks on campus, which meant a monster had attacked someone at the track.

"Ruby..." Sakura's eyes widened with fear that her friend was in trouble.

As the teacher went to lock the doors, Sakura bolted out as quickly as she could.

"Sakura! Get back here!" The teacher called out to no avail.

Quickly she bolted down the hall to the stairs, nearly tripping a few times. Once she made it to the back doors, she desperately tried to push them open.

Sakura was too late, the magnetic locks had already engaged. Peering through the thin verticle windows of the door, she was horrified by what she saw.

There in the middle of the track circle, under the cherry blossoms planted there, stood a beast. Around it was a massacre, and amongst the bodies and blood, her friend.

Sakura slowly dropped to her knees, tears streaming from her eyes. Was this sorrow? No...This didn't feel like sorrow. This was rage, an undying hatred towards these monsters, towards herself.

Everything started to go dark, the world around her crumbling away. All that remained in the darkness was herself, and the monster within.

"Do you see now? How this humanity you cling onto so desperately only holds you down? You have nothing now. Your family won't accept you, and your only friend is gone."

Sakura didn't even bother to respond, she was broken inside. This monster in front of her spoke the truth, she really did have nothing now. Where did she go wrong? What did she do to have fate turn its back on her like this?

"Nothing? Hah, you really are just as weak as I thought!" The copy of herself laughed, but only grew concerned when it provoked no response.

"Look...I hate to admit this but...I cannot survive without you, and you cannot survive without me. If you are going to let that light die inside of you, it'll harm both of us, I cannot let that happen," the copy outstretched its hand to Sakura, "Find the strength to stand up, and I'll give you the strength to save your friend."

"Save her?" Sakura questioned, "She's already dead, everyone out there is."

"The Scarlet Moon used its light to save you from your death, that same light now rests within you. It's not a guarantee, but there's a chance we can save her."

Sakura looked up at the copy with tear-filled eyes. A chance to save Ruby? But wouldn't that mean she would become a monster too?

Sakura clenched her fists against her chest. It was selfish to put Ruby through this. It was a chance to save Ruby though, a chance she had to take.

Sakura reached out to grab the copy's hand, who helped pull her to her feet.

"Good...Now," the copy spoke as it walked around behind her, "Go kill that thing that dares to take your friend's life. Once it is dealt with, bring the girl to your house. Once she is safe, I will do the rest."

With a light push from the copy, the world started to fade back in around Sakura. She felt an unnatural strength flowing through her, the strength that would allow her to save her friend.

Sakura slammed into the door with all of her might, sending it flying off the hinges, and drawing the attention of the beast across the field.

Following an unnatural instinct, Sakura held out her hand as if grabbing something. A red light started to form in her hand, forming a long blade.

Pointing the blade now at the beast and staring it down with a red, murderous glow in her eyes, Sakura spoke her first and last words to the beast. "You're going to regret ever touching my friend."

The beast let out a howl as it charged on all fours at Sakura. She just barely stepped out of the way of its swiping claws, bringing her blade down across its back. The beast howled out in pain as the blade sliced through its fur and hide. Its blood that spilled out of the wound absorbed into the blade, energizing Sakura even more.

Swiftly the beast turned to swipe its claws at Sakura, grazing her arm as she lept back. She hissed in pain as she turned her attention to the wound briefly. Within seconds the wound had closed up, leaving no traces of its existence, not even a scar.

Sakura saw the beasts' eyes fill with fear when its attack was ineffective. In a flash she brought the blade down on its arm, slicing clean through it. It howled out and stumbled back, gripping the wound with its other claw.

Hearing the wailing sirens of approaching Red Moon Seeker vehicles, the beast turned and ran. Sakura took a step forward to give chase but stopped herself. Killing it wasn't what was important to her.

Sakura dropped the blade, watching it fizzle away before it even hit the ground. She then walked over to Ruby's body amongst the other, scooping it into her arms.

She ran away from the school grounds now with Ruby's body in her arms. She made it just in time, as the Red Moon Seeker agents arrived on the scene.

She ran through back alleys to avoid being caught until she made it home. With each step towards her room, she felt the strength given to her fade. She barely managed to lay Ruby down on her bed before she collapsed to her knees again.

Sakura spoke softly as she relinquished control of her body to the monster within, "My strength is gone...the rest is up to you. Please save her."

She heard one final phrase before she fell unconscious, "I will."


Standing up, now in control of Sakura's body, Sakuras copy looked around the room. Being the first time that they had taken control, they were a bit shaky in their movements as they got used to the new sensations.

Once adjusted, the copy turned to Ruby's body. It was in a good enough condition for this to possibly work.

"You owe me, Sakura." The copy sighed, beginning their plan. They bit down on their lip to draw blood, letting it fill their mouth as they leaned over Ruby. Slowly they leaned closer until the two of their lips pressed together.

The copy let the blood in their mouth flow into Ruby's, then pulled away. At first, nothing happened, it was looking like it wouldn't work. Somewhere deep down though, Ruby wanted to live, wanted to survive.

Ruby's body started to twitch ever so slightly. She swallowed the blood, before going back into a peaceful rest. It worked, Ruby would live.

The copy sat down now beside the bed, leaning their back against it. They closed their eyes and relinquished control of Sakura's body for when she would awaken.

Thank you for reading chapter 3, I hope you enjoyed it!

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