


It was 2 days since the encounter with gideon,ever since the pines twins decided to learn what they could about mabel's stand. Now the two teens and soos were in the forest

"You ready?" Dipper asked holding a clipboard

"Yeah" mabel said eager to try her new power

"Okay,let's start with a basic thing,the stand's physical power,one by one we will attack the tree to see the damage " he explained as the other two nodded

"Alright,i'll go first [maps and legends] hit the tree"

The slim stand attacked the tree

'Kakakakakakakakakakaka. EUREKA'

The stand rush damaged the tree but only left slightly visible dents.

"That was cool,i can finally see these things,my turn"mabel smiled putting one hand on her hip and pointing to the tree with the other

"[knitting giant beanies] hit it " the feminine stand spinned around showing itself to the other two before attacking

'Adodododododododo. ADORABLE'

[KGB] attacks left sizeable holes on the tree,making mabel smile

"And it's strong too" she said flexing her arms,everyone attention were drawn when the tree started to glow before turning into brown yarn

"Hmm,seems like your ability is autonomous"dipper said,turning to see mabel just staring at him dumbly

"'Sigh' it means it activates on its own" he explained in simpler terms.

"Alright dudes my turn, [RAM]" the slot machine stand floated to the tree and swung its massive arm,hitting it with a lariat snapping the tree in half. Mabel and dipper just looked dumbfounded

"Ooookay,so soos definitely has the strongest stand" dipper wrote down

"Yeah,when i spin i spin to win" he said,he soon sweat dropped when his stand ability activated,ending in the symbol of a door with a interrogation point

"Oh schmuuuuuuuck" [ram] opened a portal sucking it's user through

"Soos!we have to find him,he could be anywhere" mabel panicked,but dipper kept his calm demeanor looking at the map

"Nah,im tracking him. He is right at the shack,c'mon" the twins ran over back to the mystery shack where soos was looking surprised

"Hey dudes,you will not believe what i found" soos showed them a kind of spare room with various wax figures of various historical figures

"Woah,it's like a hidden wax museum,boop" mabel poked on the them

"Those things always creeped me out,it seems like they are watching you" dipper said touching on of the statues,making writing appear on his hand

['lycantrope wax'

-a special wax made from a special substance used in a ritual under the moon light giving it special properties such as:extra moldiability,prolonged use,curse of the moonlight,and a good moisturizer]

"Hmmm,check this out guys" dipper showed the writing to his friends

"Curse of the moonlight,what does that mean"soos asked

"Sounds bad,we should probably board this up again just in case" dipper suggest

"Say no more dudes, [RAM] board it up" the large stand appeared and went to work

"This will take a while,that reminds me you guys should see if wendy needs help while i do this"he said turning to fix the door

The twins shrugged and went to store section of the shack,only to find it empty

"Wendy? You here,we came to a see if you need help"mabel shouted but no reply came,from the ceiling came a blue staircase

"Up here losers,wanna join me"wendy asked peeking from the hatch on the celiling

They smiled and climbed up

Both climbed up,leading to a back roof of the shack where wendy was seating on a beach chair,with a umbrella and a cooler with sodas

"Wow,is like a break lounge"mabel laughed

"pretty cool right,i come up here whenever stan doesn't notice or when i feel like slacking off,hey you guys wanna play some sharp shot"wendy asked grabbing a pine from a bucket and throwing in a target she placed on top of the totem near the shackshe then tossed a pine to each of the twins

"give it a try"she smiled a them

"me first"mabel pushed dipper off the way and toss it,hitting just outside the bullseye

"ahh man"she slouched down

"my turn"dipper stared for a few seconds,making a few calculations on his head before tossing,suddenly a air current pushed the pine off it's course hitting a car,making the alarms go off

"oops"he pulled his hat down in shame

"yeah,high five"she put her hand out,a few seconds later the twins high fived back

" 'HONK HONK',HEY WENDY,YOU COMING OR WHAT" the driver shouted

"it's my friends,hey,you won't tell stan about this right"she asked

the twins looked at each other before motioning zipping their mouth. Wendy smiled and did the same before climbing down

"thanks,later dorks"she said entering the car which drived off

"wendy is lots of fun"said dipper

"yeah,you know,we are alone now"mabel said smiling picking up a pine

"yeah,no one can see us except for soos"dipper said also smiling

the twins looked at each other bofore summoning their stands

"STAND PINE THROW" both said in unison,the next few minutes was the two of them throwing pines with their stands. while they were having fun a cloaked figure watched from between some trees.


it was the next day,dipper was sitting on the register while writing notes on a clipboard,soos was fixing some pipes and wendy was messing with the vending machine. mabel suddenly came in shouting

"random dance party"she shouted,soon everyone was dancing while dipper was deep in his notes

"dipper!" wendy jumped from below the counter startling him

"ahh"he threw the clipboard on the air before grabbing it again to look at wendy

"what"he asked like the last 5 seconds didn't happen

"you won't get in on this?"she asked while still dancing,dipper shook his head

"i'm not the dancing type"he said going back to his notes

"c'mon dipper,and what about those dance classes you took"she said

"wait,you did dance classes"wendy asked quite curious

"those were a long time ago,i barely remember half the things we saw"he muttered angrily. a cucko clock then went off signaling the shift was over

"oh yeah,quitting time,the gang is wainting for me,later "she said,dipper was about to say goodbye when mabel stopped him

"hey wendy,think we can come with you?"she asked ,making dipper eye her suspiciously

"hmm, i don't know,the things we do can get pretty wild,how old are you guys again"she asked

"fift-" mabel bumped on him,making him fall off the chair

"sixteen,so basically young adults"she smiled sheepishly

"all right, i like your spunk kid,let me get my stuff first"she said leaving,dipper than stood up

"what was that for,and since when are we sixteen,did you skip a year again"he said semi sarcastically crossing his arms. mabel dropped her arms slightly

"c'mon dipper,it's our chance to meet new people that will try to kill us with magical ghosts,besides it's been almost three weeks we arrived and haven't met new friends,making new freinds would be good for us"she argued

"alright,let's just get this over with"dipper gave in,walking towards the door.

outside,wendy's friends were throwing jelly beans at the driver,when wendy showed up

"wendy!took you long enough"her friends said,she then gestured to the twins

"hey guys,these are dipper and mabel,pals from work"she introduced the twins to her friends

mabel smiled and waved back while dipper just looked neutral with his arms crossed

"hey"he said simply. from the back of the group came a guy with pale sking and a black hoodie with a stitched heart

"so,you're like babysitting or what"he said clearly annoyed by their presence,dipper stared at him for a few seconds

"c'mon robbie be nice!guys my friends"she then proceeded to introduce each one to the twins,which had a nice enough impression

"yeah yeah,nice to meet you or whatever,now can we get going?"robbie asked impatiently

"chill down,being angry won't make this any quicker"dipper muttered passing by robbie,who fell as he went to walk

"arrg,what the hell?"the emo saw his shoes were somehow tied to each other,what he didn't see was dipper's smirk as he walked to the car,mabel following suit


after a few minutes of a uneventful drive besides the teens just messing around with each other,they finally arrived at their destination just as the sun was setting. wendy jumped off the car and smiled

"this is it folks! the condemned dusk 2 dawn"she pointed at a abandoned run down convenience store.

"cool" two of wendy's friends,nate and lee said

"i wonder why they would shut down a place like this"mabel tilted her head thinking

"maybe some thing like a health code violation or maybe MURDER"nate said acting spooky at the last part

"there's a legend someone died here,and it is being haunted scene"lee said

"such a colorful history this town has"dipper muttered

"well,enough chat,we have a haunted store to barge in"wendy said going to jump the fence.

as she was about to climb mabel pulled her shoulder

"allow me"she said confidently. she summoned her stand and punched the fence,causing it to turn into yarn,she then unknitted the yarn making a opening,but to everyone except dipper she just opened a hole in the fence

"tada"she said

"woah,cool"nate and lee said before walking through

"humph"robbie just passed

"wild dude"wendy said giving a thumbs up

"some secrecy"dipper smiled a bit at his sister's scowl

"relax,is not like they can see it,it's good"she excused and walked off,dipper just shook his head

wendy looked through the store's window,inside was what you would expect from a convenience store,but a bit messier,like shelves dropped over and things littering the floor

"this is amazing"wendy said,going to open the door to find it jammed

"let me try"robbie tried to force it with with his shoulder but it didn't budge

"i think it's stuck for good"he said

"we can't just leave empty handed,there must have a way to go in"thompson said

"c'mon mabel,let's give it a try "

"oh yeah,i can't get in but tweedle dee and tweedle dum will open it like hercules"robbie scoffed,the twins looked at each other before dipper looked determinally and mabel smiled mischievously.

"ready"dipper asked his sister who nodded,both twins summoned their stands and willed them to pull the door

"GO" in one pull they basically ripped the door off their hinges,makingnrobbie look at them with his mouth open and wide eyes

"wild,so much for kids huh robbie"wendy said jokingly walking inside

"so,you guys think this place is really haunted?"asked a slightly frightened thompson

"it's definitely creepier than i thought,i wonder if the lights still work"wendy said flipping the light switch,soon everything lit up

"so... what now"dipper asked looking through the store recieving a smile from wendy

"whatever we wants,WOOHOO" she shouted as everyone went to have fun in the abandoned store.

the next hour or so was spent with the teens making random stuff around the store like dancing and throwing food at each other. right now dipper and wendy were sitting on a shelf eating some ice cream

"so dipper,what you thinking about the night so far"she asked taking a bite off her ice cream

"it has been way more fun than i imagined i'll give you that"he smiled slightly

"well i am finding this night legendary,i mean just look around. the guys are bonding,i have never seen tambry look away from her phone for so long,i just think maybe your sister had too much of that pink stuff"she pointed to mabel sitting surrounded by a pink powder candy

"im sure she is fine"dipper dismissed

"honestly,when mabel asked i wasn't sure you guys would be able to hang with us but you're pretty mature"she complimented,the events from the past weeks flashed before dipper's eyes before he answered

"yeah,i am"he said

"hey guys,we need more ice"nate shouted putting ice on thompson's pants

"i can get it"dipper dropped down from the shelf and walked towards the freezer

"here we go"he grabbed the bag of ice and stood up,going face to face to a floating brain with long eyes,staring at him

"what? [maps and legends]"


the stand threw a punch going through the monster,making it disappear and hitting freezer making the glass shatter

from the corner came nate and lee

"hey we heard screaming was it you"lee asked seeing dipper surrounded by glass

"woah,you okay kid?"lee asked ,dipper looked at the freezer before looking back at the two teens

"yeah,i just slipped and the glass broke,i'm fine"he said giving the ice to one of them

"glad that's fine,hey we found one of those old dancing games,wanna see thompson try it"lee asked,dipper shrugged and followed them anyway. their atention was drawn away when robbie called them,arriving where he was the group saw two outlines

"wow,so people really died here"lee said before having a idea

"i dare you to lay down in there"he said to nate

"guys,we shouldn't do that,who knows what may happen" dipper warned backing away

"hey,stop being such a buzzkill,right guys"robbie asked his friends who nodded

"yeah,chill out man"said wendy,dipper shook his head

"you don't understand these things like i do,we have to get out NOW"he tried to convince,but his pleads fell on deaf ears

once lee layed down on the body outline,it glowed and the lights turned off startling everyone. summoning [maps and legends] dipper started to look around,soon everything started to float and rise up in the air

"no tech allowed"a voice came from nowhere,soon tambry was enveloped by a green light and vanished,she then appeared on a security camera screen screaming

everyone started to panick

"what do we do"lee asked in panick

"i don't know"nate replied

"thompson get away from that"wendy warned but he didn't listen

"i almost got the high score,wooaahhh"he too was eneveloped in a light and appeared inside the dance machine,the arrows falling on him as he ran around.

robbie looked around frantically before running off

"we have to get out of here"he said running to the door

"what about tambry and thompson,we can't just leave them"lee argued

"leave them,let's just go"he got ot the exit to see the doors were closed,he picked the register and threw at the door in a attempt to escape. To everyone surprise the register sank on the door like it was soft and was thrown back at robbie,hitting his gut and taking him down to the ground

"wasn't the doors opened?! what the hell is going on"he cried in despair

dipper touched the door to see it was soft,like it was made of.

"yarn,but the only way this could happen is if... oh no"he froze before looking where mabel was to see she was gone now

"looking for something kid?" spoke a possessed mabel with glowing eyes floating behind the teens

"let my sister go!"dipper demanded

"no can do,you pesky teens trespassed and disturbed our grave,now pay" the spirit formed a floating orb on it's hand and shot it towards the remaining victims

"watchout!"dipper tackled wendy out of the way,once the others were hit they were transfered into a random item of the store destinied to suffer.

"what do we do"wendy asked

"duck"dipper warned as a ice cream machine passed over them

"welcome to your graves" the ghost threw various things at th reamining teens

"behind me,[maps and legends]" dipper stood in front of wendy,his stand punching the harmful objects away

"well well well,looks like this darling isn't the only one with a imaginary friend" the ghost commented smirking,forcefully summoning [KGB] by mabel's side

"i won't let you use my sister like that!"dipper shouted angrily sending his stand to charge in

"a old fashioned punch-out then"the ghost said sending [KGB] going on a attack rush against the slim stand

dipper smirked surprising the ghost,when [kgb] fist was about to make contact [maps and legends] turned into a map,going through the stand's punches before reforming on top of the ghost,thrusting it's hands foward phasing into mabel's body

"w-what,you shouldn't be able to touch us" the ghost said in panick

"then you never encountered a stand before,it's a astral projection,so i can touch you as much as i want"dipper said triumphantly


"NOOOOOOOO" mabel's eyes released a very bright light,lighting up the whole store,enveloping it in a flash of light and just as quickly as it came,the ghosts vanished and all went back to normal,everyone was released.

"you okay mabel"dipper held his sister on his arms as she held her head in pain

"urrrg,i think i ate enough smile dip to last a lifetime"she said groggily while wendy talked to her friends

"you guys won't believe what happened,there was this ghost and dipper did something to it,he just owned it by himself it was awesome" dipper smiled slightly at the enthusiasm of the story,her friends except for robbie seemed very impressed

soon after they were leaving with everyone except dipper and wendy,who was driving, sleeping,and robbie who just said nothing the entire trip

"man,guess i'm scarred for life"she said,dipper couldn't tell if she was joking or not

"i guess it was pretty nuts"he said in a calm manner

"how can you act so casual after what happened"wendy asked confused at dipper's tone

"i'll tell you tomorrow"he said simply as the car drove into the distance


robbie left the van,waving off as it left to deliver everyone back home

"that stupid kid,he made me look like a loser! i wished i could just wipe them from existence"he said slamming his hand on a table

"maybe I can be of help"from behind robbie the lights turned on to reveal a figure in a cloak,concealing their face

"w-who are you,and why are you in my house,scram before i call the cops"he threatened,only recieving a laugh in return

"what's so funny"robbie asked

"what is funny,is you acting tough when you could BE tough,unstoppable,show those pesky kids who's boss,so i ask again"the figure said holding a golden arrow

"are you interested in my offer or not" he asked

robbie raised a eyebrow,as his face became one of contemplation.


cliffhanger card! yeah

robbie gets a offer and the shack is being spied,what will happen next