

Five months later both Alfie and Ashley had gotten used to a long distance relationship,they talked rarely once a week and both of them were just okay with that, they had tried to hold their feelings so not to urgue,they did not want to hurt each other.

Ashley's company had grown and she partnered with bigger companies,Jared had helped her with stuffs she didn't know.As time went by they grew closer,sometimes they could go on coffee dates or go to movie nights together just as friends,Jared became her bestie.

"How do you think about a friends day off we can chill together take few strides together and a movie night this weekend?"Jared was in Ashley's office,he had come to get more designs and see how his friend was doing,one thing i forgot to mention is that Ashley and Jared knew each other back in the days,they had gone to the same school but they rarely spoke to each other,Ash was one of the silent girls in highschool and Jared was one of the the popular kids who admired Ash,she was soo pretty guys admired her but she would turn them down and focus on her studies she wanted to join Berkeley university and impress her mum.

"yeah,i would like that, atlest i won't be lonely at home lost in my thoughts and staring at empty space,"Ashley replied as her face faced down staring at some bills that she needed to sort out,"let me get this bills paid then i'll get back to you,"she then stood up and hugged Jared while showing him the door,they walked out together then separated paths it was time for Ashley to get busy, since the partnership work had been doubled and demand had increased, Ashley spent most times in her office drawing or in conference calls.

It was on a weekend and Ashley was busy doing some loundry and cleaning her house,she was going through some pictures of her while in highschool,they would hang out with both Alfie and Jared they were friends and now she began wondering what happened to break the bond suddenly she received a call,"have you forgotten what day it is, you promised that we are going to spend the day together?"it was Jared on the call.

"oooh,yes i still remember am just getting ready,pick me up after an hour "Ash was lying,she was not even close to ready she had forgotten about the friends day,now she had to clean up and then clean herself.With in thirty minutes she was done cleaning her house and now she had to hurry and take a shower, minutes later her skin was glowing,she slide in her dress which showed all her curves,she looked really nice and then put on some cologne ready to go that's when she heard a knock on her door.

"who is it?"she asked as she was putting on her bracelet then went and opened the door.

"oooooh welcome in Jared"it was Jared and he looked so amazing,he was so charming,he had good looks that most ladies admired him.

"no,am not going to come in,we need to get going i have alot planned for us,so let get moving"he was in a hurry and whatever he had planned seemed amazing,so i grabbed my purse and slide my phone in it then picked up my keys and locked the door ready to roll.

"Are you ready for an adventure?"Jared asked me,not sure if i will ready i answered,"yes bored ready",i didn't know what i was doing, but atlest it was taking my mind off to the fact that i don't have Alfie around.

First we went and grabbed ice cream at a shop that we used to buy when coming back from school,it brought back so many memories,then we went to an amusement park and had some fun,i felt whole again,it was long since i went out of the house and had some fun.

"and now for the last activity of the day, it's movie night, hope you are ready,"he said as we headed back to his car and then to theatre,we watched a romantic movie,and it reminded me of Alfie and how much i had missed him,i was hiding my feelings by working myself off and by agreeing on going to this date with Alfie, just as i was over i stood up we went out that's when Jared kissed me.

I pulled away"what are you doing,we are making a mistake"i was confused i couldn't say any more words all i wanted was to get away from Jared he had interpreted her intentions,all she offered was friendship but he read the moods wrong.

"sorry but i have to go home,can you take me ?"she politely asked and after getting in the car no one said a word until arriving.

"thanks for the day"Ashley said as she opened her door and closed it ,she dropped the keys and sat then opened the purse to pick her phone,she had missed calls from Alfie,he had left ten voice notes asking where she was but he got no replies,Sje tried calling her but he was not reachable,so she went to her bedroom and took off her clothes she wanted a shower so she went in the bathtub and laid there naked covered with foam and then helplessly she fell asleep.

On waking up she found herself on her bed covered with some sheets naked,the last thing she remembers was falling asleep in the bathtub she gasped then she woke up pulled her loose strands of hair back she could hear some movement in her apartment, slowly she walked and to her suprise Alfie was preparing breakfast,she was in shock,she had forgotten that her hands were holding up on the sheets that had covered her body she ran and hugged him as the sheets feel down,he stood there not moving a limb as he started at her,he knew Ash had a great body but hadn't taken a look while she was naked it was his first time, actually it was his second time, last night he had carried her out of the bathtub but he had not paid attention to her body all he did was cover her in sheets and then laid her to sleep.She bolted down for the sheets and covered herself once again as her cheeks became warm,she was blushing.

"I think you should get dressed up,or you want to tease me đŸ€­,"Alfie was just joking about,"stop staring at me", Alfie was staring at jer and this made her shy ,so she went and got dressed then came back and had breakfast together.

"hey why did you not tell me that you were coming today"she popped up the question,

"i tried calling you but your calls went direct to voice mail,"Ashley felt guilty for not answering his calls and because of last night incidence.

All the questions were over but there was that one question that she feared to ask,she would blush at the sight of asking it she was shy when near Alfie he made her feel like a baby he would tease her about everything,"so last night at what time did you come in?"that was not the question that she intended to ask,"oooooh you were fast asleep when i got in"he didn't answer her how she wanted,she wanted to know if he had seen her bare body,if he had taken her to bed. "is your question well answered?"he asked knowing very well what she wanted to be answered, but he shrugged off the question.

"You are going to be late at work you better hurry up"Jared alerted her,she had forgotten all about work and wanted to spend the rest of the day with her lover, but it was not possible because she had alot of work to attend to and a meeting to held.She took her car keys ready to go to work,"slow down madam your chauffeur is here,"that was a way of telling Ash that he would drive her to work,on arrival they went in the building together holding hands looking so lovely together,they looked like a soap opera characters.

"Send the files to my office i want to take some review and see what the issue is"Ash was talking to her secretary and the walked into her office and then sat down,the day had begun quite well and it was just going just fine,she sat at her chair as they stared at each other, Ashley had missed that she had missed feeling loved,she had missed being assured that everything will be fine, silently staring at each other when Joan her secretary walked in and handed her the files and then walked out.

Seducing her lover she got up on her chair as she slowly walked towards Alfie, even though the office had glassed walls she cared less,she walked to him and sat on his lapse and whispered something on his ear that gave him goosebumps all his hair stood firm,she bugun seducing him,he held her and pulled her closely then kissed her it was slowly and sweet the kiss took her breath away "bhang!!"they were interrupted by a loud noise from the door it was Jared.She stood up real quick ."what's wrong , you don't have to be frightened, it's just a bhang on the door" he said as he turned his head for the door.