
Pillar man in Demon Slayer

A JoJo fan dies... meets a Rob.. Rest is history.

Beta_Force · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Quetzal vs Acalan 2

Quetzal had a bad premonition seeing his smirk. She quickly started thinking of the reason when she noticed a thin string attached to Acalan's dagger.

It was very thin and blended perfectly with the darkness as it was pretty hard to see even for Quetzal who had night vision.

But Acalan didn't give her any time to think of a countermeasure as immediately pulled the string in his dagger that was attached to his hand.

The dagger that was off course suddenly moved towards Quetzal at fast speed. Acalan timed his other dagger perfectly he lunged straight at her heart.

Even if she know of the string she was unable to respond in time. But she had a countermeasure from the start of the fight.

Suddenly, seeming against odds Acalan's feet tipped as it hit something else. He awkwardly fell.

He was enraged and ashamed that he tripped and missed his attack in front of all these spectators. He didn't even think of the object that caused his fall as he saw the huge smile plastered on Quetzal's face.

Huitzilin noticed the tiny veins that were sprouting from the ground. His mother had quickly used the veins she previously hid underground to trip Acalan at a critical moment.

'What a cheeky move' Huitzilin remarked as he saw the fight continue. Acalan in his enraged and berserk state was attacking Quetzal without care. Quetzal was defending it but she too had many scratches on her from Acalan's onslaught.

But unknown to Acalan a threat was looming behind him that he failed to notice in his enraged state.

The soil behind him squirmed as countless vein-like tentacles protruded from the ground and wildly danced in the air.

When Acalan sensed something amiss and turned his back he was shocked to his core. Countless tentacle-like things were flailing in the air as fear gripped him. His legs were shaking intensely.

The same thing happened to all the spectators as they couldn't comprehend what had happened. The ones who were calm were Huitzilin and Quetzal.

The veins coiled around Acalan as they lifted him upwards. He tried to escape but it was to no avail. As he started to cut some of the veins he noticed his body was rapidly losing strength.

"Do you surrender?" Quetzal's emotionless voice broke the silence as the crowd gaped. They finally understood that these tentacles were Quetzal's doing.

Atzi in shock looked at Huitzilin to see his expression. But he appeared very calm as all of this was natural. This led her to believe that he knew about this beforehand.

"Zee, w-what i-is t-t-this?" she stuttered in fear. But Huitzilin just shrugged. At that time someone suddenly shouted.

"It's the Gods. Yeah, it is definitely the Gods. They blessed Quetzal to give her supernatural powers. So that she will lead the Chalca tribe to glory and spread their honourable name through the world"

"Yeah it is the gods"

"The gods have blessed our tribe"

Soon, the crowd started cheering and dancing in joy. Even the high ranking nobles and officials were dancing without caring about their status and image.

Huitzilin facepalmed at this. Honestly, he failed to foresee this development.

'Man how pious and superstitious are they?' he thought in exasperation. The crowd quickly calmed down as the fight didn't end even though they didn't have any hope of Acalan winning this or even surviving.

In the arena, Acalan was horrified to know that his strength was rapidly getting sucked by these tentacles.

"W-what are you?" Acalan shouted horrified.

"Do you surrender or do you want to die?" Quetzal asked in a calm and cold voice. Acalan didn't have the ability to think as he shouted.

"I surrender, surrender" even if he said this he still held onto his pride as a warrior. He was very ashamed to lose to Quetzal but his will to live overcame his humiliation.

Soon the tentacles released their grip as Acalan fell down. Due to the fear and his strength getting sucked, he quickly fainted.

"I am the winner of this battle and the leader of our tribe. As you have seen I am not clearly normal. If you show your patriotism and fight for the tribe you too will be given access to these powers" Quetzal's voice echoed throughout the arena.

The tribe members cheered and shouted. They shouted in joy as they fantasized them getting powers.

"Long live the tribe leader"

"Long live the chieftess"

"Long live the god's blessed"

The veins gradually retreated into Quetzal's body as everything returned to normal. She soon left the arena as servants quickly took Acalan to give him medicines to heal his injuries.

Quetzal's injuries and small scratches healed very quickly. As this level of injury is very trivial to her.

Huitzilin pov

My mom soon left the arena as the onlookers were talking to each other about my mom with curious and fervent expressions.

"Atzi, I will see you afterwards. If you have time come to the house" I quickly ran off in the direction my mother went.

Soon I found her in front of my father's tomb looking at it with a dazed expression. I quickly arrived by her side.

"Congratulations tribe chieftess Quetzal" I said jokingly but also congratulated sincerely.

"Haha, thank you so much my dearest son. Without you it wouldn't have been possible" she answered with a smile.

"It was your hard work mom. The fight was also spectacular" I was honestly pretty anxious even though she had become a vampire.

"Thank you but I know I would have clearly lost without my vampiric abilities. That old fox is a very experienced fighter" she added with a sigh.

"Is that you didn't kill him?"

"You can say that. He is clearly a great fighter that is helpful to the tribe. If he became a vampire he will be even more powerful. I don't wish to lose a powerful helper due to my personal grudge" she answered. She had already started carrying the responsibilities of being the leader.

"Don't worry mom I will always support you in whatever way I can"

The tribe celebrated all night and sacrificed to various gods thanking them for blessing their tribe. They also promised the Gods to spread their name and give the Gods more blood to satisfy them.

'Sigh, these people are gonna become vampires'


Finally, 15000 words. Thank you guys for your support. Also, give your opinions on the fight.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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