
Piercer Of Heaven (Xianxia)

A person from modern earth finds himself transmigrated into the body of a villain from a Xanxia novel. Fortunately, he quickly discovers the protagonist's 'golden-finger' cheat is available to him as well! Given his meta knowledge, the power in question is far more potent than in the hands of the foolish protagonist. With the ability to rewind time, along with the power of the [Immortal Transformation Technique], Xu Zhenyan aims to pierce the heavens!

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30 Chs

Chapter 27


As the day went by, Azure Lake became more peaceful.

During the past few hours, academy staff escorted failed applicants from the area. The process was organized and careful, not letting anyone take chances.

During this, a one-armed old man went to stand by the lakeside, casting his gaze over the long, swaying stalks of grass and weeping willow trees.

"One does not need to be a Green Luan Academy student to have valor and loyalty, or to obtain glory."

Though his voice was quiet, the words spread into the distance, defying common sense. Even those who'd departed and were miles down the road could hear them.

This time, their tears surging forth weren't of sadness, but a type of relief.

At the camping grounds by Azure Lake, attracted by his strange voice, the new students started crowding around the old man.

"That is…?"

"It's Vice Principal Xia…!"

"He's Vice Principal Xia? Why is his arm…?"

Hushed whispers sounded among the youths, curiously discussing the mysterious old man.

However, when those more knowledgeable disclosed his identity, exclamations of shock could be heard.

"Vice Principal Xia is one of the seventeen Green Luan Academy students who suppressed Starfall City in Starfall Lake's battle together with Principal Zhang! So he was Vice Principal Xia!"

"One of Green Luan Academy's seventeen students?"

Everyone remembered the Song of Valor from two nights ago, the heroic figures from that story having impressed themselves deeply upon the students' minds.

The tale of those seventeen Green Luan Academy students, under the leadership of Principal Zhang, suppressing a three-thousand strong army was something they wouldn't forget for a lifetime.

Seeing the children gathered, Vice Principal Xia gave slight nod. Despite his age and disability, his bearing was filled with authority and power.

"Only valor and loyalty can establish unfading glory, only this will be remembered."

For a while, he was silent, simply observing their reactions, but then he spoke again.

"I welcome you all to Green Luan Academy."

Some of the students exchanged glances, grins forming on their faces. After everything they went through, the feeling of being acknowledged wasn't bad at all.

Vice Principal Xia's eyes scanned the students, coming to rest on Gao Yanan, Lin Xi, Wen Xuanyu and Xu Zhenyan in turn.

"Lin Xi, come forward."

Lin Xi did as asked, though his movements were clearly janky. It seemed not even his past life experience could save him from social anxiety.

Arriving in front of Vice Principal Xia, the same black-robed lecturer from before emerged as if from thin air, presenting a selection of identical scrolls.

The youth looked at them blankly before randomly pointing at one.

"Heaven's choice result: Self Defense Department!"

The lecturer, after confirming what was written, announced it for all to hear.

A few of the elders, having come to stand behind Vice Principal Xia, were visibly displeased. Clearly, they'd wanted him for their own departments.

Neither the Vice Principal nor the black-robed announcer paid them any attention. Instead, the former continued with the next candidate.

"Wen Xuanyu, next it's your turn for Heaven's choice."

The announcer took out the scroll Lin Xi had chosen before holding out the remaining four in front of him.

The Wen family's scion walked up to him, but instead of making a choice as Lin Xi had, he raised his head defiantly.

"I am opposed to this!"

His outburst caused the students to look at him in shock, while the elder's narrowed their eyes.

Being stared down by these old seniors while only a fourteen-year-old, it was no surprise Wen Xuanyu's lower lip trembled in fright. However, he didn't show any intention of backing down.

There was a period of silence, feeling like an eternity, before Vice Principal Xia responded, his tone cold.

"Explain yourself."

Wen Xuanyu took a deep breath to calm himself, then answered.

"After he made his choice, the rest of us should have six departments to choose from again! However, Self Defense Department was removed, leaving us with no chance of getting in!"

After sending Lin Xi a look of displeasure, he delivered another statement.

"Why shouldn't I be able to enter Self Defense? Even if his results were higher than mine, what comes next will depend on aptitude. When cultivating, I refuse to believe his level-two aptitude will deliver superior results to my five!"

Initially, people had thoughtful expressions, but as Wen Xuanyu continued, the crowd's faces changed. Wasn't this the same as berating the Academy's traditions, as well as their discernment? After all, even though Lin Xi only had an aptitude of two, the elders still evaluated him as Heaven's choice.

While Wen Xuanyu's words were ringing in everyone's ears, a different voice suddenly spoke.

Realizing who it was, the spectators were immediately filled with surprise and a sense of expectation.

"Please forgive this junior for butting in so abruptly, but while I don't necessarily agree with all of my fellow student's claims, and I certainly think the Academy must have a reason for its customs, my own selfishness prevents me from not speaking out as well."

It was Xu Zhenyan, deciding to take an opportunity to forge relationships.

Truthfully, Wen Xuanyu's request would be accepted even without his input. For that reason, his true motive wasn't to swing the issue in their favor, but instead to get in the Wen family's your master's good-books.

It was worth noting that, aside from Gao Yanan's father and the Yunqin empire's first prince, there wasn't really any entity with more influence than the Wen family, aside from the academy itself. Even the Xu family didn't compare.

Actually, the moment the Wen family's young master acted out in front of the entire academy, he regretted it. Despite Being from the renowned Wen family, Green Luan Academy wouldn't hesitate to expel him over something like this. It had happened before.

For that reason, and given Wen Xuanyu's precarious situation, it wasn't strange that Xu Zhenyan's sudden support provided the youth with a sense of relief.

Being a genius on a whole other level, Green Luan Academy couldn't just expel Xu Zhenyan over a disagreement. Not only might such an excellent seedling never appear before them again, he'd would most likely enroll in one of the opposing academies after being spurned.

Vice Principal Xia, after hearing what Xu Zhenyan had to say, gave a measured reply.

"In Green Luan Academy, the interests of the group will always be above the interests of the individual."

In his tone, no anger or displeasure could be detected. It almost sounded like he was about to refuse, but then the elder said something surprising.

"…very well. Since you cannot accept our arrangements, I will agree to let you and the heavens choose which of the six departments you belong to."

Neither Wen Xuanyu nor the crowd had time to process what just happened. A monolithic establishment like Green Luan Academy making an exception because of the protests of a pair of still-wet-behind-the-ears kids was really unheard of, but the black-robed lecturer already stuffed the now-six scrolls in front of Wen Xuanyu's face.

The youth reached out for one absentmindedly, but before he could even touch it, it was opened and read out loud.

"Internal Study."

The moment Wen Xuanyu heard those deadpan words, his expression sunk. That he had his heart set on Self Defense was clear for all to see.

After bowing toward the Vice Principal, he turned and left, unable to offer further protests.

Off to the side, Xu Zhenyan stood quietly, trying to keep a smile off his face. Things were going his way, but there was still something else he wanted. However, whether he would get it depended somewhat on chance.

"Girls before boys."

Putting on a gentlemanly smile, he looked over the crowd in Gao Yanan's direction. For him to have a chance to get into the Medicine Hall, she needed to choose first.

Vice Principal Xia, after being so suddenly robbed of his duty as announcer, still didn't seem upset. Rather, he looked toward the snowy beauty expectantly.

"Gao Yanan, will you accept the heaven's choice we prepared, or do you wish to be like Wen Xuanyu and Xu Zhenyan?"

The gorgeous, white-clothed girl, like a masterwork carved from ice, raised her head indifferently.

"Either way is fine with me. After all, once we enter the academy, if we have an interest, it's not like we can't study the contents of other departments, right? Moreover, if the academy students volunteer to head to the border army, isn't that permitted as well? So what difference does it make?"

Her careless words caused the students to break out in goosebumps while the elders let out exasperated huffs.

Truly, geniuses were a different breed altogether, from Wen Xuanyu to Xu Zhenyan and now her. Nobody else dared act so carelessly in Green Luan Academy's territory, a place that was practically a holy ground within the empire.

Hearing her words, Wen Xuanyu almost fainted. If that was indeed as Gao Yanan said, didn't he stick out his neck for nothing?

The girl walked forward, picked a scroll from among the six and was immediately sorted into Medicine Hall.

Then, it was his turn.

"Xu Zhenyan, come forward and make your choice."

The announcer, after adding Gao Yanan's scroll back in and shuffling, held the items before him.

Wearing a calm smile, the boy went forward, his long, dark hair fluttering behind him.


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