
Picking Up Attribute in Swallowed Star

My name is Luo Yuan, and now I am devouring the starry world, every day I am either picking up attributes or on the way to picking up attributes, I am elegant and easy-going, mediocre, please don't mess with me, otherwise, I can only send your family to see God neatly, I don't want to, it's just that you live will make me feel insecure......

Hardik_Singh_2563 · Fantaisie
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61 Chs

Chapter 57 Breakthrough

  Chapter 57 Breakthrough

  "Can this spaceship kill the seventh and eighth star level?" Luo Yuan was a little shocked.

  He learned a lot in the virtual space during this time.

  A cosmic-level powerhouse can fight hand-to-hand with an interstellar fleet! The seventh and eighth stellar levels are hundreds of times more powerful than the first stellar level, and very close to the cosmic level! That is an extremely powerful person, and it is difficult to kill even an interstellar fleet, let alone just an adventurous spaceship.

  Babata mentioned that the Black Dragon Mountain-X81 model is a top-notch adventure spacecraft model among the 8,000 galaxies and numerous planets present in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Domain. Typically, it is only affordable for those who possess a strong cosmic level or have a robust background. This adventure spaceship is equipped with standard weapons that have the potential to kill the seventh-level and eighth-level stars, which is quite unusual. Moreover, Babata emphasized the importance of being cautious while using it as a powerful person would not recklessly put themselves in danger.

  This X81 has a hull made of black yttrium metal. Even if a universe-level powerhouse wants to destroy it, it will still take a lot of effort. Generally, space-level powerhouses can only ride on this level of spacecraft. No matter how expensive it is, Even the powerful people in the universe feel distressed."

  After hearing this, Luo Yuan looked at the pure black flying saucer-shaped spacecraft and smiled happily. He didn't remember a lot of information about this world very clearly. After all, who could read millions of words? Memorize it word by word.

  "Then Babata, can you control the control system of this Black Dragon spacecraft?" Luo Yuan asked the question he was most interested in right now.

  "Well, it's very difficult to control this spaceship." Babata said, "All the countries on earth have suffered countless casualties to get into this X81 adventure spacecraft, but they can't even get through the spacecraft gate.

  And after opening the hatch, The 'entrance passage' is a laser passage! The lasers emitted from this passage can easily kill those of the fifth and sixth levels of the planetary level. You, the congressmen on Earth, with first and second levels of planetary level, even if you wear black The God Suit weakens the attack and will lead to death. As for Hong and Lei Shen, wearing the Black God Suit is fine."

  "What should we do?" Luo Yuan said anxiously.

  "Don't worry, I have a way. This laser channel cannot be so exaggerated." Babata said, "What you have to do now is to rush through the laser channel and then open the gate. This mechanical gate must be able to be lifted. You must be at the level of a stellar third-order or fourth-order warrior to be able to move. However, I put a giant force cap in the crystal core of your watch. I didn't expect it to be used at this time. You can just control this giant force cap with your mind. ."

  "Okay!" Luo Yuan took out a giant ax similar to an 'axe' from the crystal core and raised his eyebrows. Incredibly, this thing can be comparable to the level of a third-order and fourth-order star-level warrior.

  Stepping into the hatch, Luo Yuan controlled this tool similar to an 'axe' with his telepathy, and 20 strands of tough telekinesis simultaneously wrapped around the 'axe' tool.

  "Go!" Luo Yuan concentrated his thoughts.

  call out!

  The huge force turned into a stream of light, flying in an S shape close to the ground, and quickly dodged the laser attack, like lightning.


  The ultra-thin ax blade of the ax tool was inserted into the tiny gap between the black yttrium gate and the passage floor.


  The 'axe tool' made a strange sound, and the black yttrium gate was slowly pushed up! Under the gate is the ax tool. The originally ultra-thin ax blade is divided into two layers, and the upper layer keeps pushing upward! The whole gate was pushed open continuously. This scene made Luo Yuan feel incredible.

  "Luo Yuan, hurry up and go in!" Babata said.


  Luo Yuan suddenly flew forward and rushed in close to the ground! The arc cutter's head above his body was constantly rotating.

  call out! call out! call out!

  A series of dazzling lasers shot at Arc Blade Pan and Luo Yuan instantly! Under Luo Yuan's control, the arc cutter head appeared in different locations as if teleporting, causing the laser channel sensor to instantly determine the target. More lasers lit up and shot at the phantom of the arc cutter head, including two. The laser is shooting towards Luo Yuan himself.

  For a moment...

  Luo Yuan relied on his artistic conception-level dodge skills to move irregularly, and then desperately controlled his telekinesis to move himself forward! forward! forward!


  Luo Yuan jumped from the bottom of the gate that was pushed up by the huge force, directly scraped the ground, and rushed into the spacecraft.    

  "Finally, we're in! Damn, it was so dangerous, I almost died." Luo Yuan's heart was pounding now.

  "Brush!" The giant jack next to him suddenly disappeared, and the gate fell again, hitting the metal ground with a loud bang.

  "Juli Ding, I'll help you put it away." Babata said.

  Luo Yuan looked around and found that he was on a spacious straight passage.

  "Haha, Luo Yuan, we have entered the Black Dragon Mountain X81 spacecraft. Don't worry, there is no danger now." Babata said, "Let's go to the 'control room' now and insert the 'signaler' into the spacecraft's intelligent system interface. Only by intelligently connecting with this spaceship can I find a way to overcome its intelligent defense and control it."

  "Understood." Luo Yuan nodded.

  At the same time, something similar to a 'laptop memory card' suddenly appeared in front of him, and Luo Yuan reached out to grab it.

  "Just plug the gold end into the interface. Let's go to the command room." Babata said.

  "Guide the way." Luo Yuan thought.


  Under Babata's guidance, Luo Yuan quickly moved forward in the black dragon spaceship...

  Luo Yuan quickly followed the stairs to the upper passage.

  "Luo Yuan, there are three metal robots coming from behind quickly." Babata suddenly reminded.

  "I'm sorry!" Luo Yuan had no time to talk nonsense with Babata. He directly activated the power he used. With the huge spiritual power blessing and the genetic energy of thunder and light attributes, Luo Yuan was like a light with lightning speed. Rushing into the control room of the Black Dragon Mountain X81 spacecraft, the three robots stopped when they saw Luo Yuan entering the control room.

  "Squeak -"

  When Luo Yuan opened it, a weak air convection formed between the command room and the outside world, and a breeze naturally blew through the spacious and luxurious command room!

  The command room is bright and bright.

  There was a soldier sitting on the center seat, and behind him stood three guards in black uniforms. Luo Yuan was slightly surprised to see someone in the command room.


  The breeze blew.

  The soldier sitting on the seat was like dust, turning into powder with a roar, and even his military uniform also turned into powder. The whole person just turned into a pile of powder, flowing from the seat to the ground. The three uniformed guards standing behind him were blown by the wind, and their black uniforms trembled slightly, shattered, and fell into pieces, with some pieces of clothing still hanging on their bodies.

  "Tsk tsk, Luo Yuan, you have found a treasure. The dead soldier sitting on the seat is indeed a big shot. These three guards are not actually human beings. They are a special product called 'liquid silver guard'." Babata exclaimed. Said, "The main material of this Liquid Silver Guard is 'Liquid Silver' metal, which is much more precious than 'Black Yttrium Metal'. It contains an intelligent system. It is just like a real person at ordinary times! It can also speak and do things."

  "Moreover, Because their body structure is liquid silver and their bodies are like water, even if a strong person punches them, they will easily dissipate the impact! Therefore, they are very good bodyguards!"

  (End of chapter)