
Physical sanctification begins with Uchiha

Given the initial gift bestowed by Cheat - the Flesh Furnace, capable of absorbing and assimilating any power to bolster and elevate the physical body - he decided to silently delve into honing his physical prowess. And then it happened. A god-like figure of boundless evolution emerged from the realm of Naruto. It began snatching the Chakra from ninjas, devouring the Nine-Tailed Beasts one by one, consuming Shinigami, malevolent deities, and ultimately reducing the Gedo Statue to mere sashimi. An entity perched at the summit of the food chain, bearing the name Uchiha Hitoshi!

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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Who's Side Are You On?

During the 41st year of Konoha, taijutsu ninjas still found themselves at the bottom of the ninja hierarchy, looked down upon by many.

Might Dai hadn't yet made his self-sacrificial blaze to demonstrate the might of taijutsu to the entire ninja world. Might Guy, still a child, worried about his chances of entering the ninja school.

The Third Raikage had gained some recognition due to his Lightning Style ninjutsu, but this reputation stemmed from his association with the Cloud Shinobi and had nothing to do with Konoha.

In contemporary Konoha, those who excelled in physical combat could, at best, aspire to achieve the rank of Special Jōnin. Becoming a Jōnin required a balanced proficiency in ninjutsu, physical techniques, and illusions.

This sort of discrimination didn't seem unwarranted. Review the renowned figures of the past who had made names for themselves in the ninja world. Whether they were the shadows of major nations or the two titans perched at the pinnacle of the ninja hierarchy, how many of them were strictly taijutsu specialists?

Even Senju Hashirama, famed for his incredible abilities, had little time for hand-to-hand combat when pitted against his old rival, Uchiha Madara. He still had to rely on his signature Wood Release techniques.

Furthermore, the inherent vulnerabilities of taijutsu specialists against terrain-altering ninjutsu and their susceptibility to illusion techniques were all grounded in objective realities.

But now, Hitoshi seemed to have subtly shattered these worldviews. He didn't appear to conform to the archetype of a traditional taijutsu specialist. The constraints that had previously capped the potential of taijutsu ninjas didn't seem to apply in this war, as evidenced by the Uchiha's assault against the Sand Shinobi and Rain Shinobi units.

"Your analysis is quite comprehensive, Fugaku. It's evident that you've grown significantly in your role as the clan patriarch over these past few years," Setsuna remarked with genuine approval. He nodded in agreement and then assumed a solemn expression.

"However, what's even more crucial than Hitoshi's fighting prowess and chosen path of training is his attitude towards the clan and the Hokage family," Setsuna  continued in a deep tone.

"He doesn't readily comply with the orders of the Third Hokage, which endears him to the family. However, he lacks a strong sense of affiliation with the clan, and that's a critical concern."

Setsuna  then voiced a haunting worry, "I'm afraid he might follow in the footsteps of his father, becoming a traitor ensnared by the all-consuming Will of Fire."

Upon hearing this, Fugaku was struck by shock. Hitoshi's father, Uchiha Kagami, had been one of the six official disciples of the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama. This wasn't a superficial connection typical of ninja instructors and their students; it was a profound, master-apprentice relationship akin to a father-son bond.

In a way, even if Hitoshi considered himself a "Hokage family" ninja, there wouldn't be an issue. Setting aside his Uchiha identity, he could be seen as a genuine Konoha prodigy.

So, how Hitoshi would ultimately choose his path was something Fugaku couldn't predict.

"Uchiha Kagami..." Fugaku murmured the name, a name of great significance in Uchiha clan history.

When it came to their attitudes toward the Hokage lineage, Uchiha Kagami and the current presence beside Fugaku, Setsuna, stood as two starkly irreconcilable opposites.

Setsuna, who claimed to inherit Uchiha Madara's will, had been tirelessly working to restore Uchiha clan sovereignty. He strongly disapproved of Senju Tobirama's handling of the Uchiha clan and had even incited numerous armed rebellions while the Second Hokage was alive.

However, in comparison to Senju Tobirama, Setsuna's understanding of the political landscape was still rather limited. After being dealt with, incarcerated, and virtually abandoned by anyone brave enough to support him, he languished in prison for several years. It wasn't until after Senju Tobirama's death that Setsuna was reluctantly released from prison amid protests by the Uchiha hardliners.

Leveraging his past credentials, Setsuna was promptly elected as an Uchiha clan elder and became a key advisor to Fugaku, who had recently assumed the role of clan patriarch. On top of that, Setsuna guided Fugaku on managing both the Uchiha clan and the security department.

Uchiha Kagami, on the other hand, had earned a place within Konoha's leadership thanks to his formal disciple status and close association with Senju Tobirama. He now held a position as a Konoha consultant.

Whenever Fugaku pondered this, he couldn't help but shake his head with regret. He wondered how much better it would have been for Konoha if there were currently a high-level Uchiha advisor, as opposed to the clan being confined like dogs within the confines of the Konoha Security Department, available for public scrutiny.

Moreover, considering the fates of these two individuals...

The only drawback with Uchiha Kagami was that he hadn't survived, while Setsuna had survived but had failed to achieve his goals.

So, Fugaku found himself once again ensnared by indecision.

"What, he's moving!" Setsuna  suddenly exclaimed. "Fugaku, it's crucial that we thoroughly analyze his combat abilities. Understanding them is essential to both engaging and persuading him."

Fugaku's heart stirred. His three tomoe Sharingan slowly emerged as he focused intently on Hitoshi in the distance.


Under the radiant sun, Hitoshi's bare-chested form glistened like a body of gold. Standing nearly two meters tall, he resembled a dazzling King Kong descended upon the earth.

Even from behind, he exuded an aura of regal might and sheer dominance.