
Physical sanctification begins with Uchiha

Given the initial gift bestowed by Cheat - the Flesh Furnace, capable of absorbing and assimilating any power to bolster and elevate the physical body - he decided to silently delve into honing his physical prowess. And then it happened. A god-like figure of boundless evolution emerged from the realm of Naruto. It began snatching the Chakra from ninjas, devouring the Nine-Tailed Beasts one by one, consuming Shinigami, malevolent deities, and ultimately reducing the Gedo Statue to mere sashimi. An entity perched at the summit of the food chain, bearing the name Uchiha Hitoshi!

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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Ashes Of War

In Konoha, 1 month had passed since the conclusion of the Second Ninja World War. The village, once ravaged by the war's poison, was gradually recovering its vitality.

The fallen ninja, who had met tragic ends on the battlefield, had become forgotten names, fading into the annals of history as their relatives and friends ceased to utter their names.

For the survivors, life moved on. They embarked on new chapters, healing their physical and emotional wounds, assessing their wartime gains and losses, and seeking ways to reap benefits from connections with the families of the deceased and high-ranking village officials.

Yet, amidst this post-war Konoha, the Uchiha clan, once the most formidable and prosperous ninja clan in the village, found themselves standing as outsiders in the current landscape of profit distribution.

The reasons were apparent: due to the recent war, the Third Hokage had strictly forbidden the Uchiha clan from participating in any further conflicts. This decision was perplexing, considering the Uchiha clan's possession of the Sharingan, a symbol of invincibility in the ninja world. Every member of the clan was considered a rare elite, a weapon capable of breaking through enemy blockades.

The addition of Uchiha reinforcements would undoubtedly have accelerated the war's resolution, expanding its gains while minimizing casualties. However, the village's high-ranking officials adamantly refused to allow the Uchiha clan to tread onto the battlefield.

Their justification was absurdly simplistic: "We have an ample supply of troops, and we require the Uchiha to safeguard Konoha. They should focus their efforts on the security department."

The true motives, however, were rooted in the strategic thinking of the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama. He envisioned the Uchiha clan as wolves, ferocious only when confronted with bloodshed. His plan was to slowly dull their edge and transform them into obedient security guards through mundane village duties, distancing them from the battlefield.

Even more bewildering was the fact that compliant Uchiha leaders willingly accepted this fate, surrendering the opportunity to engage in war. Their subservience baffled their fellow villagers.

While Konoha's inhabitants discussed how the Uchiha clan's power could have changed the course of the war, they remained oblivious to the clan's growing isolation from the village. The Uchiha clan appeared increasingly peculiar within the bustling village.

Some ninjas even speculated that the Uchiha clan had voluntarily abstained from war. The tense relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha's high-ranking officials was evident to all.

This sequence of reactions served as a testament to the Third Hokage and the high-ranking Konoha officials of their teacher Tobirama's deep understanding of the Uchiha clan.

By establishing a simple security department, Tobirama had unwittingly put pressure on the Uchiha clan, a lineage that had been passed down for centuries.

However, there was an exception within the Uchiha clan. There was one man who refused to heed the high-ranking officials of Konoha or pay much attention to his own family. He had embarked on a solitary journey, wreaking havoc on the battlefield without restraint.

This man, his name is Hitoshi Uchiha. He not only managed to suppress the spotlight of the Third Hokage's proud disciples but also stood on equal footing with Konoha's most formidable blade at the moment, Hatake Sakumo.

Hitoshi's awe-inspiring might exhibited during the war, coupled with his enigmatic attitude towards both family and village, left both the Uchiha clan and Konoha's senior leadership grappling with uncertainty. They faced the challenging dilemma of how to deal with this enigmatic and formidable figure.

Ironically, it was the current Uchiha executives who were more distressed about the conundrum of contacting Hitoshi than the Third Hokage and his advisors.

In a secluded corner of the Konoha's Forest of Death, Hitoshi stood bare-chested, meticulously engaging in warm-up exercises before commencing his training.

Meanwhile, not far away, Fugaku and Setsuna, who were covertly observing him, beheld the emergence of a new kind of monster within their family, one that they hadn't been prepared for.

As the two Uchiha clan members exchanged glances, they couldn't help but share expressions of shock and bewilderment. The very presence exuded by Hitoshi's aura made these two ninja, who had nearly reached Kage-level themselves, feel an overwhelming sense of danger.

The way his breath flowed was far from ordinary; it surged forth like a powerful force, creating an air of physical oppression.

Examining Hitoshi from a distance, even his well-tempered physique seemed to radiate an intimidating aura.

"This guy's demeanor is genuinely spine-chilling," Uchiha said as he focused his narrowed eyes on Hitoshi. He then turned to Fugaku and added, "In this Ninja World War, Hitoshi's reputation surpasses even that of the 'Sannin' and 'Konoha's White Fang.' The Sand Shinobi and Rain Shinobi have bestowed upon him the name 'Konoha's Evil Ghost,' claiming that anyone who beholds the back of this spectral figure is destined to meet their demise."

Fugaku, silently contemplating Hitoshi's imposing figure, let out a sigh. He spoke quietly, showing his respect for the elder clan member, "Elder of the Uchiha clan, Hitoshi's physical prowess has been honed to a level that defies my understanding. Within the records of our clan, I dare say it is unparalleled. Even among the Senju, renowned for their extraordinary abilities, has anyone ever achieved such a level?"

"This form of taijutsu appears to have become a discipline unto itself. However, it primarily encompasses taijutsu techniques. It's challenging to predict the full extent of its impact until we gather more information."