
Photos of a lifetime in Switchedge

He’s dead is what you hear, it’s your younger brother and his insane hobby of perfect photographs, that they’re talking about, but all you think about is, I was suppose to protect him! Is all Lucas can think about to himself. Harrison is following Lucas to a local comic store, where it would turn into something more. Lucas is trying to figure out that in a D&D game called Switchedge, but only to get his mind off of what happened to his little brother Harry, did he mean to kill him? What about the girl?

Jill_Kim_3810 · Fantaisie
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Rebekah’s nightmare

I swear, we didn't see them! And I know him! HOW DOES HE NOT RECOGNIZE ME?

oh the least of my concerns, I guess. Am I ever going to get myself off this bed?

He'll recognize me soon enough right?

Well, he should know who I am, we've only been neighbors since we were little,

he should thank me for not turning him into anything, I've been tempted.

"You need to slow down with the rain and all Leigh.

"Ha ha you can say slow down, but we're on a curfew and we're late, Bekah."

"Turn up this song, I love this group."

"Magnetic 7, they're my favorite too!"

" How does he not remember me?"


" Never mind it doesn't matter."

WHOO....SH, SCR...….eeee...….Ch "WE'RE SLIDING, Leigh! " "I Know, I Know!"

Oh this nightmare again! I can't wake up!

Stepping off the edge of a steep cliff, would stop anybody heart…..but I am not anybody, the wind in my long blond hair whirling around my cold face, my arms stretched calmly out from my body as I drop all those feet to the ground below, it's slow moving motion, as I look below out to where the four individuals were walking, as their pace quickens, as I reach the Earth.

The repercussions does nothing to my legs, but sends ripples to the rocks and dust lifts from the ground. I stop a few inches, from the Earth's ground, with invisible steps, I continued to step down to the ground onto to the soles of my black high top Vans. I could hear the teens earlier underneath me, underground they had walked through a long wide open mouth cavern. The dust from the ground ran through my fingers, I had pick up soft dirt at the top of the cavern to start off the following of the teens as I lightly sprinkled I walked along and kept pace with the cluster of voices, listening word for word, clearly to the banter and serious talk, my name came into the conversation with a concern but the dust had already escaped my fingers and the voices quieted, the magic was gone listening through the hard mountain had ended, the voices continued to talk and I didn't bother picking up more dust.

I had my reasons for staying behind and for the teens, I wasn't noticed, I was there.

The group continued out of the cavern, walking toward a grove of trees, you could smell the pines how dense and dark the trees were, with still a lot of daylight left ahead.

I covered ground and stayed up with them, but it was as though, I was invisible even to the four, the warlocks and witch, I knew where they were heading but didn't know why, Jerick Langley, he of all people didn't act the part of this cult of teens, I had been a part of these four companions and others throughout our childhood.

The witch and warlocks lure Jerick that's my only explanation to why he would even be there, being lured to the aged worn three story house, that had been abandoned for generations of the Switch household.

I've only seen pictures in family albums, old paintings and drawings, old black and white pixelated photographs, a few of a beautiful, thin porcelain faced woman, with long full straight blond hair, hazel eyes, that can look at your very being and know who you are Rebekah Switch, my namesake.

I follow so effortlessly with my concentration on Jerick, charming and perfect features with a serious look on an exquisite face...I didn't notice the short shoulder length black hair, the fair skin and piercing brown eyes turn my direction, Alexandra Young! I been so consumed with this expedition and the noble Jerick Langley, I wasn't invisible anymore.

The witch was off on her own lagging behind, those eyes how they penetrate the soul I backed out of her sight, fear? A human trait and a unusual one for me, Alex wasn't heading for me! I slowed to turn my head in the same direction as her arm reached out in a circular clockwise motion, her palms out, one hand above the other, bringing both hands to her body and seeing the red visible ball forming in her hands, the crimson ball aimed at an unexpected victim.

My eyes widened in unbelief as I looked upon the human, his gray and red striped beanie cap covering his hair, long black bangs sprouting in a mess in front of his eyes, those innocent beautiful dark eyes peering at....me?

I was standing in front of Alex, starring, her hands still pulled back with the blood colored ball, she was gazing through me and still had her head and the mischievous eyes set ready to send that weapon, upon the frozen human, momentarily he was there, without thought and in a blink of an eye, I had invisible force to push him out of sight, out of reach, as the red sphere closed in as it hit the area where the lean tall teen had observed the warlocks and the witch...me, could he see me?

I stood stunned, not believing what I was seeing my own kind turned against me, or was I just in the way of the human. I tried to move, I tried to shake it off, the confusion, I bet the bewilderment stayed on my face, but the puzzlement was short lived. Bekah, a voice came into my head, a strong male voice, a confident sure voice, asking for my help, I've had these voices many times, as I have grown listening, and oppose those who have needed my help, turning my head for a look, instead of my whole body, pulling the top of my pink and white hoodie with my hands over my head, pushing in my long unmanageable hair as part of it lay on my shoulders, thinking this will make me invisible than I already was. I didn't move, no one was around. I listened quietly, waiting for the voice to give me a hint of who he was, no noise, just frogs and birds in these darkening trees with the sun slowly going down , then out of my peripheral vision, something dark and very familiar went by as a shadow, which is very common in warlocks and witches these shadow casters, that's what we're

called, but these shadows somehow seemed odd, but in this case was Alex, she didn't see me or even feel that I was close or nearby, but she wasn't looking for me.

Bekah "I need you, where are you?" "He's going to find me, "the strong confident voice sounded urgent, I had to find who it was, I knew who's voices belonged to, I could find anyone at anytime, this voice was a calming sound to me, I liked listening to it, it had a familiarity to it from a long time ago from my childhood. I like listening to it even with a little perturbed twist in it.

The warlock stood with his back toward me, but I was still yards away from him, with so many trees to hide in, this warlock isn't known to just stand around , he was quiet, observant unlike his usual self-arrogance.

The black baggy pants and the white t- shirt, his wind blown black hair as he put his gray hoodie over his head, and pulls down to cover his shirt, his rectangular black frames glasses fall to the ground, out of habit, he looks around in different directions as he holds his arm straight by his side, his palms facing down as the glasses levitate to his hand.

Bekah, "you came, I see you!" The thought came back to my head, back to the voice "great now who are you?" But before I could receive an answer, the warlock had thrown his arms out straight at me as I turned to face him the illusion changed coming from Min ki (Ket) Park's fingers were many small slithering snakes as they form getting bigger in size, I stood in the middle of the way, as these creatures were being sprouted from his hands like daggers ,flying in my direction, but as they were getting near my face, they are evaporating in the air, Ket's head cocked to one side and his eyebrows go uneven, the snakes had found away and diverted all flowing in the same direction, as I stood, I looked to side to side.

Ket and I were face to face but with a subtle jolt only by me, he brought his glasses to his face and placed them on his nose, his head tilted down but his brown eyes pier up to then to his smooth face followed his eyes to mine....but he saw nothing, there no reflection in his glasses of me, like he saw through me, he walked forward to stay up with his seekers. I blinked and like a gust of wind, I stood behind him, he stopped, but only for a moment.

My feet moved forward, without thought in my black high top name brand shoes and carried me through the dark green thick ferns, on the Earths floor, that went up to my waist, I was waiting through them.

Ket had moved so quickly, but I could see the seekers, still in front of him, leading him to the human.

The voice was so raspy Bekah " I am waiting, but I don't know for how long?" "Why can't you just say who you are? " My eyes squeezed tightly together as the voice disappeared as I announced out loud in frustration in my mind and demeanor, as I repeated "why can't you just say who you are?" "Now Bekah, come now! My name is Tao, but never say it, the voice was loud, I ignored the sharpness of the branches and thorny bushes with concentration in the voice to guide me, to him as quickly as I could go, in the near distance. I could see a panicked human, the teen running, looking over his shoulder, his whole body tense with fright looking back again to see the serpents flying like daggers aiming at him, but I didn't know who is was, where have I seen him before, was he from? Is he a childhood friend that I had forgotten about? I questioned myself, my reality.

He ran until he had fallen over a rotting moss filled log, blocking his pathway, for his escape.

Ket stopped and hovering over the tormented human, and for a split second , I thought I was to late to interfere, but with an interruption Bek...ah, I could hear, then with force I was gone again standing behind Ket, in front of him was the lengthy lean young man, he was sitting, leaning against a fallen log, his black jeans, were torn with a fresh hole in the knee, with blood on the ends of the worn, shredded material, blood still fresh on his hands from trying to crawl backwards, as he faced his nightmare, looking around himself as the slithering serpents had fallen to the ground from their flight, lingering near and overlapping one another, but not advancing toward the human not just yet.

The beanie cap had come off in the scurry of the chase, those eyes looked through the mess of dark hair, and around the warlock, locking onto mine, relief smoothed over his eyes and he relaxed. Ket followed his eyes and turned himself around to face me, but as he looked from the ground slowly rolling his neck to bring his eyes, up to who was facing him.

My hands lift to move the hood, that I had placed there before, to become invisible and as I brought down my hoodie, my extended blond hair unraveled and as I did, I jerked my head to a side, as the wind caught the ends of my hair instantly lengthened it, to reach Ket and go through him, like he was just an illusion, the stupefy look said it all, he didn't move, he was like a statue, frozen in time, and instantly the overlapping serpents were zapping out of existence, some of the smaller snakes were reaching for the legs of the relaxed dark haired boy, as he sat still in his place until some were upon his legs, and fear once again milked over his eyes, as he scattered the left over serpents with his dried bloodied hands, throwing them in different directions, the snakes hit the ground shattering.

I stood silent, arms by my side, my hair calmly flowing down to lay straight on my back,

but there before was a quiet, still warlock but as I look around the warlock expecting to

finally see the interest of the warlock and witch, he was gone! All I could see in a near distance

his white and black plaid long, rolled up sleeves, button shirt, he was looking back at me, but not slowing down, the direction he was heading lead him back to a road, I didn't know how long I had before, Ket would come out of the spell.

I would need to pick up the pace, to find the human once more, but his beanie cap caught

my eye, I quickly walked over to it snatching it up, it didn't fall far from where he was just moments ago.

Bekah, the lovely voice came back and for a brief moment, relief swept through me,but when he said, "I can't stay, but I wanted to stay longer, there's another that's after me." I couldn't help myself as I felt hopeless and lost, crying out No! Kryson Reddick,his name lingered in my mind as I move quickly away from then frozen warlock, I turn to look once more toward Min-Ki and saw nothing but ferns that took over the Earth's surface.

The sun was a glow on the horizon, but the trees stood dark and empty as I stood reaching the side of the road. The invisible grasp caught me by the waist and pulled me down on my knees. I looked down the road and at the same time heard screeching squeals of tires.

The dark tinted windows, with the big black solid bar mounted on front this intimidating black Ford Crown Victoria, this retired police interceptor was racing, coming toward me, on a one lane divided road, but as my eyes focused only on this one car, I could hear the engine of another, my eyes closed hoping this wasn't happening or even real and slowing, opening my eyes, the black interceptor passing in front of me, but on the tail end of the Interceptor, another.

The second engine had caught up, the shiny new black Audi A4, was now on the side of the interceptor as they raced quickly by, I turned my head in the direction they were heading, the Audi A4 kept a unbreakable barricade, so no other car could get through, this road was rarely used. I watched in horror, as the two cars started to fuse into one.

The Audi disappeared into the interceptor within minutes the A4 released the Interceptor,

and in control the warlocks's car came to a stop.

"Bekah, I tried, I really tried" the voice said again then was still, Kryson's name came back

to mind, the dirt blond spiked hair, the comical black trench coat to match his Audi, and any

clothing without color. Kryson's eyes pale blue, but some say gray, were looking at me, as I

stood up brushing off gravel, that had collected on my jeans, from kneeling. Kryson's eyes

we're so piercing that he was yards away from standing by his running car, and all I could

see were his eyes, as the back lights of the interceptor were in view, they finally grab my

attention as it ran itself into a side embankment, and smashing the whole front end of the car

into a enormous rock. I squeezed my eyes quickly, I appeared next to the destroyed car a mile

from where I had just stood.

I stood still, but frantic inside myself, I moved over to the demolished car, scared to see

inside the black window, my fingers touch the smooth unbelievable, unbroken glass.

My power pulling on the stubborn glass, sliding it down to open a view of the inside, I could see in, but I saw emptiness no one inside, I quickly looked back to see the tail lights of the Audi facing me in the distance as it stayed idle in the middle of the road. I could see two silhouettes, but one was quiet and still.

I close my eyes and listen, but to get nowhere, looking up and back at the Audi, using my concentration to get me to that car, I closed my eyes once again, felt the force of air blowing in my face, I look down at the double yellow lines in the middle of the road, the warlock's car had vanished, but the red taillights were in the distance, he had, been one step ahead of my ability.

The average sound of the engine of my fathers vintage Ducati motorcycle, turning onto the

dirt road changed radically, getting louder, as the bike went faster, with rocks spewing everywhere under the tires, coming up to the darken home, the old Switch household lye still, I slammed on the brakes, lurching forward in my seat, as the bike came to a stop and quickly lifting off my helmet, my black shoes hit the dirt hard as I stepped onto the ground putting the kickstand down, my legs weak as I go down on one knee and try to regain my balance.

The familiar laugh wasn't a joyful laugh, my eyes start to water and cloud over, with tears as

I stood and slowly raising my head, looking up on the rooftop of the Switch home, the silhouettes

of five became real, each one with their personality, I have known for years.

Jerick looking at me with eyes I've never seen before his exquisite looks changing to a demon like creature, his blond wavy hair turning black, his gleaming blue eyes, changing black. The young man, was the same, I have been trying to protect.

Jerick's hand moves into place behind the human, and without a word pushes him off the three story house!

My eyes awake! with sheer terror NO! I sat up frozen in my bed, looking around in disbelief, my hands go to my face automatically pushing away sweat as a chill goes through my body, my eyes are filled with sadness, as I ponder back to what I had just gone through in my head, in my dream, I didn't think I could finish out this game, one more time.