
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Livres et littérature
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34 Chs

Ch 10

It was interesting to watch how easily Nicole took a submissive role once more. A few words, a sharp glance, and once again, she was a wound-up doll that followed my direction at the slightest coaxing. She neither said anything nor put the slightest struggle to escape from my arm, softly wrapped around her waist, pulling her body against mine, tight enough to rub with each step. Nothing until we arrived in the basement.

"Your costume is already behind the screen," I pointed, but otherwise gave no explanation, curious about how she was going to react to a costume of a barbarian princess. Adapted to Halloween, therefore with a significant deficit of fur and fabric of course, as it would defeat the point of costumes.

The strangled gasp she let out had let me understood that Nicole wasn't thinking the same, and frankly, I understood her perspective. From the perspective of the area it covered, it was less revealing than some of the swimsuits she tried the last time, but they didn't carry the suggestiveness of the costume she was going to wear now, not to mention people were desentethysized against the revealing swimsuits. Even the ones that were made from thin strings and nothing else didn't ooze the same sexiness with a modest set of lingerie. It just failed to match their mystery and suggestiveness.

I could have let Nicole alone behind the screen for a few minutes, allowing her to adapt the idea of wearing that extremely revealing costume, but not when I had a better idea. I gave no warning before walking towards the screen and pushed my head forward so I could have an unrestricted view of her. "What is taking you so long," I said in a casual tone, like it was completely normal to peek on her while she was naked other than her panties, looking at her costume with shock apparent on her face.

A shock that multiplied as she turned to look at me. "Stephen!" she exclaimed reflexively in an effort to display the unacceptability of my action.

An insinuation that I resolutely ignored, as I let my gaze fell on her body, particularly on her impressive breasts, bare for my attention. A look that reminded her of her nakedness, which she attempted to cover up by pulling the costume close. The costume didn't cover much, not that it was surprising. She was trying to use the skirt of the costume, and it was designed to cover very little even when properly worn, held against her body like that, it was barely better than a handkerchief. "You were taking too long, so I assumed that you're having trouble with the costume," I explained. She opened her mouth, but I continued before she could, cutting off her denial before it could even form. "I can see that I'm correct. Sit!"

"What?" she murmured, caught flat-footed by the surprise order, but I was happy to note that her body, conditioned by the hours we spent on the set, reacted before her conscious mind could even process it, and sat down.

I smirked in satisfaction. "Very simple, you were taking too long, so I decided to help," I said even as I reached for the first part of the costume, a fur-lined top that created with best of the fantasy tropes in mind for a barbarian princess, covering barely more than a revealing bikini top. I couldn't wait to see its effect on Nicole's bountiful breasts. I had a feeling that it would look even better. "Now, raise your arms."

She opened her mouth like she was about to argue, but just a glance was enough to silence her this time. "Come on, we don't have all day," I said, then smirked. "It's purely professional.". Her expression conveyed a rightful doubt, but still, she followed my directions and let her arms unfold, leaving her tits naked for my attention once more.

I had to admit, I was tempted to ignore the need for the shoot and sank my fingers to her inviting globes, intensified by the knowledge that her only reaction would be a whimper of protest. Unfortunately, I needed to finish photographing the costumes first I had any hopes of getting repeat works from them, so I limited myself to a few 'accidental' caresses while fixing her top, with her frozen stiff during the service.

The next step was even more interesting, I concurred as I palmed the next piece of clothing, ruby colored panties with far more lace to be useful as anything other than a costume. "Raise your legs," I ordered. After all, I needed to remove the one she was wearing to put the other on. The way her legs were trembling as she lifted her legs was tempting enough that I would have said screw it if it was anything other than my career on the line. Instead, I hooked my fingers around the edge of her panties, pulling them off slowly over her trembling skin.

She crossed her legs in a vain attempt to keep them hidden. "Keep them up," I added, showing the panties she was going to wear during the action. For a second, she did nothing, trying to wake up from the trance I had forced her in, but her fledgling resistance broke with a touch when I put my hand on her leg, squeezing softly. Her legs parted open, almost automatic, displaying her glistening folds, showing I wasn't the only one that was feeling overcharged. Not that I needed my eyes to confirm that, her pulse beating strong under my touch…

It was almost a sacrilege, dressing her up so that she could hide behind the lacy fabric, but I tried to console myself with the fact how tasty it was going to unwrap her once more once both of us were supercharged after another shoot. Her wordless begging after the last shot was a memory to cherish for eternity. I helped her to wear the boots, though made from satin and bows, they resembled long slippers than actual boots, and its murky red color didn't help to sell them either.

"Stand up," I ordered, and just like before, she did so without a word of protest. "Beautiful," I murmured after finishing her to put up her skirt and passed the sword that came as a prop. "Smile," I added as I stood up, the final piece of the costume, the mask, in my hand, though I delayed putting it on, enjoying the sight of the barbarian fighter that wouldn't look out of place in a Conan comic, except for her submissive expression. Thankfully, I was doing a photo shoot for Halloween costumes and not a thematic drama, so her out-of-character expression was a non-issue.

I placed the mask on her face, then turned my back and walked into the set itself, not bothering to call her. Footsteps followed me a second later, and she was already in front of the screen when I was back to my camera. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded, and I started ordering her through the poses.

First ten minutes, I focused solely on the commercial poses. I wanted to finish them as soon as possible, because I had a second set in mind for my private collection, one I couldn't wait to immortalize. "Excellent," I called. "The easy part is over." She looked at me questioningly, her eyes not without worry, but I ignored it in favor of the next command. "Remove your mask and throw it away. We're done with it."

Her hand was shaking as she followed my request and the mask off and threw it on the side, allowing me to see the death of her last flickers of confidence, survived solely due to the cover of the mask. "Now, raise your sword like you're about to defend yourself from an assault." With that, I had run her through a basic set of movements. "You're surrounded, about to be taken captive. Show me that desperation," I added.

It turned out to be easy an expression for her after she saw the next prop I was planning to use. Her expression fell as I raised the rope from the ground. "You have been captured," I said, unable to prevent glee from infecting my voice. "Now, put your arms in front of you and press your wrist together."

"Why?" she whispered, low enough that I had to strain even to hear, then promptly ignored it in favor of focusing the way I tied her hands. I didn't want to leave any bruise in such a visible part of her body.

"Now that you have been captured, I want you to look helpless, unsure what was about to happen to you," I said. She brought the expression to the surface perfectly, owing to the fact that it was actually what she was feeling. However, admitting that wouldn't help me forward my plan, so spoke once more after a couple of photos. "Not sincere enough," I said. "I want you to be afraid of what is going to happen when the warden arrives." I decided to help a bit, putting my finger on her chin, before slowly dragging up, tracing her lips. "Better," I murmured as the camera clicked several times, recording the scene as she trembled under my finger.

"But not good enough," I added. I took a step back, my fingers on my chin as I made a show of thinking. "I got it," I added. "It's your costume, it looks too pristine." As usual, she didn't have an answer, and I closed the distance once more, slipping my fingers through her hair, mussing it like she had been in a tussle. Then, once again, I traced my finger on her face until I reached her lips, but this time, I cut a line over her lips, distorting her carefully applied lipstick. "Still not enough," I said, and let my hand fell freely until it was on her chest level, then hooked around her top before she could react, pulling harshly. The fragile texture of the costume gave easily, and one side of the costume dropped to the side, enough to reveal the pinkness of her areola.

I took another set of photos, ignoring her silent panic, mixed with resignation. I put the camera on the side, and stood in front of her, hulking and intimidating. "Now, imagine that I'm the warden, and you need to convince me to let you free, by whatever necessary. Understood?" She nodded. "When I ask a question, I expect a response!" I said, letting my fingers slide in her hair once more, but this time, I pulled it, hard enough to force a cry.

"Understood!" she yelped.

"Perfect," I said even as I leaned forward, my lips close enough to tickle her earlobe. "Then, show me your desperation, your need."

"Please, Mister Warden," she whimpered. "Please let me go."

"Not good enough, princess," I whispered into her ear, which was completely true. Even if it had been a real situation and I had the intention of letting her go free, her erotic desperation would have changed my mind. No warm-blooded male could have resisted abusing the helpless beauty that lay in front of him. Luckily, I had no such intention in the first place. I had been playing with Nicole long enough. Today was the day she became mine, not just in mind but also in body as well.

Regardless, I was happy that it wasn't only fear that caused her to tremble as I dragged my finger over her arm, getting closer to the fragile string that kept her top on its place. "Let's discuss what exactly you need to do for your freedom, princess," I said even as I used my other hand to bring her still bound hands towards my belt. The deal as clear as it could be without relying on a picture book with step-by-step drawings. However, the question wasn't whether she understood the order, but whether she would follow it. After all, it was far deeper than anything else I asked her. Even the encounter in her bedroom didn't compare, because she was just a passive participant that lost control.

Several seconds passed as my heart rate increased progressively, fearing I had pushed her too far too soon, that I had overestimated the impact I had on her. But then, her fingers moved, freeing my waist from the oppression of my belt. The button of my pants soon followed the same fate as she deftly battled them despite her bound wrists. Tangled with my erection, pulling down my underwear was a nominally more difficult challenge, but she nevertheless handled with grace, or as much of it one could display in this situation.

"Show me your skills, warrior-princess," I said, making a token effort to stay in the role. "You have ten minutes to succeed." I showed her my phone, where a chronometer already running down from the declared time. It broke the already thin immersion of the scenario I was trying to create, but it was worth it to see the panic blooming on her face as she realized she had an actual time limit to finish her task.

Then, she surprised me by leaning forward and capturing the crown of my shaft, covering it with the exquisite warmth of her mouth. I would have expected her to her to still act recitient, losing some time by dallying. Instead, she pushed deep without any hesitance. It wasn't that her motions were smooth. No, they were choppy and hesitant, cluing me that it had been quite a while since she last served to a man in this manner. I shrugged dismissively. It wasn't a big problem, not when I had a lot of time to teach her about the intricacies of good service, and the fact that she took the initiative was far more important.

There was a problem, I realized as the minutes rolled. I was already overcharged with the dressing session, and the actual shoot did nothing to reduce that fact. And regardless of her current level of skill, Nicole was an extremely beautiful woman, dressed in a sexy costume that failed to contain her bountiful breasts, doing her best to bring me to climax. I could feel my climax forcing itself to existence, minutes before the declared time. But I didn't want to let Nicole off the hook.

When in doubt, cheat, an old adage said. I decided to pick that as my guide, and a couple of touches later, I had extracted four minutes from the countdown, leaving only seconds before Nicole's appointed timeline. I wasn't afraid of her noticing, as humans perceive time unusually in emotionally-charged situations. The current one definitely qualified.

"Time is up," I said when my phone buzzed, alerting us the fact that it reached zero, only one of us aware of the trick behind its premature conclusion. I expected her to pull back in a dejected expression, but apparently, she hadn't run out of the ways to surprise me yet. She looked up, meeting my amused gaze while still keeping my girth between her lips before pushing even deeper, trying to extract my seed in an increased urgency.

As a true gentleman, I decided to help her. I pushed my hands through her hair once more, impaling my shaft deep into her throat. She wheezed in an effort to breathe, but made no attempt of pulling back, letting me dominate her mouth without the slightest protest.

Already close to the edge, that proved enough to break the barrier. I filled her mouth with my seed, only a groan as a signal. Caught surprised, she failed to contain it, a trickle flowing through her cheek, spilling on her breasts. I pulled out, leaving her to struggle for her breath while I reached for my camera. It was a moment that deserved to be immortalized.

Then I dropped the camera in lieu of reaching my phones, checking whether the public area was free. I didn't want to come across one of the daughters during the next part. Thankfully, the corridors were clean. "It was a good attempt, princess," I whispered. "However, you failed in the task you have been set. Are you ready for the punishment?"

She nodded, trying to look resigned and despondent, but there was no hiding of the excitement that lay behind her eyes, unaware that I had a plan that was going to push out of her comfort zone, even her recently expanded one that included getting deepthroated after getting dressed in an unfamiliar costume by a man that she just met last week.

She stood up when took a hold of the excess part of the rope that bound her hands together, but surprise dominated her expression once more when I, instead of untying her, started walking. The rope was short and had little give, and very quickly she faced with a choice, to walk or to resist.

And walk she did, though her reluctance rose once she realized I was once again walking towards the stairs once more, a resistance that got stiffer in each step. Intolerable, I decided as I suddenly stopped and turned to her, looking questioningly, stairs helping me to tower over her even more than the usual.

"What if we come across someone," she asked with a trembling voice. Nancy, she didn't bother to say, as Katie was already away at school, leaving her the only possible option. A likely concern since she lacked the advantage of a few strategically placed cameras feeding real-time input to her phone like I had.

Still, I had no intention of allowing her to question me without a payback. "Are you afraid that your daughter sees you in a naughty costume," I asked. She nodded hopefully. "Okay," I said, and she smiled, one that lasted until I showed what I had in mind as a solution, grabbing her top. She looked panicked, but before she could say anything, I pulled it, ripping away the already damaged piece of cloth, leaving her chest bare. "Is this better for your satisfaction? Now, they cannot see most of the costume," I asked.

"But-" she started, only for her words to die when I subjected her skirt to the same treatment, leaving her only with her panties. And her slippers, I corrected, though I doubted she took it as a consolation.

"Any other issues?" I said even as my finger hooked around the edge of her panties, threatening to subject them to the same treatment if another word left her stained lips. She must have understood the message, because she fell silent, leaving me to walk out while pondering how lucky I was to come across a submissive beauty like her. Here I was, risking to expose her to her daughter in her current state, and she was accepting it after a whimper of protest.

Of course, I had no intention of actually revealing her, at least not at this point, so I checked the cameras before stepping into the room, careful to hide the screen from her sight. Her acceptance wouldn't have extended for me having surveillance over her daughters.

It was funny to watch the change in her steps when we stepped into the living room, her reluctance evaporating instantly as she tried to cover the distance through the shared space as quick as possible. I deliberately slowed down my steps, curious whether she was going to push me to move faster, some interesting punishments in my mind if she dared to do so.

Unfortunately, she didn't, and we climbed the stairs to the second floor without any further issue. I started walking faster by midway, not because I pitied her, but because it was starting to get boring as I walked at the front, depriving myself from the beautiful sight she provided. So, I was just as enthusiastic as her when we reached her bedroom, though for distinctly different reasons.

Only after I took a step inside I turned back, watching her slip inside with rapid steps, her tits jumping attractively with each step. I wished that it was possible to take her while leaving the door open, or even better, in the corridor, as it would have been legendary to watch her climax while watching the door panickedly, but unfortunately, that was not an option. I couldn't take the risk of Nancy stumbling to the scene, destroying the amazing progress I managed to attain in this short time.

I closed door, then took a quick few steps towards until I was standing directly behind her. A part of me was telling me to continue playing with her until she begged for release. But the time was over, my arousal decided. I had played with her for too much. It was the time for the main course.

I pressed my hand between her shoulder blades and gave her a slight push, and she found herself on the bed in a converted doggy position, where she had to balance herself with her hands still bound. I ignored the shocked yelp she gave out, instead choosing to slap her bottom, hard enough to leave a nasty mark. When I pulled my hand back, it wasn't empty. I had given a tug to her panties, and its fragile fabric gave easily. I ended up with her panties in my hand, and she found herself wearing only slippers.

I popped a couple of fingers inside her, ramming repeatedly in a frenzied pace to loosen her before the main even while my other hand worked to free myself from the prison that was my pants. Less than a minute later, we were ready for action, and a majority of that was to get rid of my clothes, as she had been wet enough long before we left the studio, her panties drenched with the evidence.

Her moans, rising unbidden, was better than the celestial music for my ears. I would have let her continue, but I wasn't willing to risk Nancy getting curious and checking the room. "Are you ready for the main event?" I whispered as I leaned forward, my shaft caressing her entrance as my lips caressed her ear. She whimpered positively. "Or maybe I should have mercy and let you rest. After all, you did the best you could."

"Please!" she whimpered helplessly, quieter than a whisper but packed with a need that would have melt stone.

My desire to tease her was no match for it. "As you wish," I said and pushed my shaft deep inside her. Her body, burning with an unmet desire, almost sucked it inside, earning a cry of her, loud yet satisfied. "You need to keep silent though," I said with glee. "You don't want Nancy to drop by to check on you, right? Or maybe you would like to explain why it's something she should ignore."

She opened her mouth, but I never learned what she was about to say. The reason was simple, I stuffed her mouth with the same lingerie she was wearing just moments ago, still stained with her juices. "Better," I said even as I quickened my pace, uncaring of the effect now that her voice was permanently muffled. She didn't show the slightest inclination to struggle, accepting with an obvious pleasure as I claimed her hole with a great fervor, underlining my ownership with occasional slaps to her bottom until both sides burned red.

I could feel her rapidly closing to the edge. In another situation, I would have slowed down, torturing her with an orgasm that refused to finalize, but I didn't feel like it when my own heart burned with a matching need. Instead, I pulled out of her momentarily, just enough to push her a bit. She found herself lying on her back, her great tits pointing upwards. I grabbed her legs, pulling up a bit to ensure her bottom was elevated appropriately before sliding inside her once more. My hands, free once more, sank deep into the inviting flesh of her tits, leaving deep red marks that nearly matched the new color of her bottom. Soon, she started to shudder under the effect of an earthquake, one strong enough to leave her a half-drunk, trembling mess.

Still, just because I couldn't torture her with a delayed orgasm didn't mean that I couldn't have messed with her at all. "I'm almost here," I commented, but still continued to slam inside her, not giving the slightest inclination to pull back. The comment cut through her haze like a knife. She tried to say something, but her words were blurred by her makeshift gag, not that it was hard to understand what she was trying to say. Panicked, she was trying to inform me that she wasn't currently on the pill.

Still, I waited until the last second, amused that an aborted sentence her only attempt to stop me from cumming inside her. No follow up, no attempt to push me away… Apparently, her surrender was even more complete than I had given credit for. I pushed a few more times, watching her tits jiggle unrestricted with each push, then pulled out just as it was about to spray, and painted her tits with my seed. "You're lucky that I'm such a nice guy," I said, punctuating it with a not-so-weak slap on her tit, one that failed to break her relaxed expression. I reached and pulled the panties out. "How was it?" I asked even as I pulled the rope off, freeing her wrists.

"Amazing," she murmured, the haze dominating her mind once more now that the danger was passed.

"Good," I said and waited for my shaft to jump back to life while she slid deeper into the haze. It took just a minute for my shaft to flare into life, as her beaten, stained, yet still beautiful body was good enough to resurrect the dead, yet enough the shaft of a young man enthusiastic for a few more rounds. "Are you ready for the second round?" I asked.

"Second?" she managed to mumble shocked, the question waking her from the haze she was trying to disappear into.

"Of course second," I said as I pressed my erection against her entrance once more. "You didn't you could get away with just a few minutes, right? We still have hours to go?" I said, sliding inside her, intending her to teach how real sex worked.

"Hours-" she repeated in shock, one that turned into another moan as I impaled her once more, but her eyes were still cloudy. It was a mystery, how many rounds she was going to last. A mystery that was quite enjoyable to explore…

A bone-weary exhaustion filled my being as I left Nicole's room, spent after the hours of practical training I had bestowed on Nicole. As I walked towards the stairs, there was only one thing in my mind, getting a rejuvenating sleep. But before I could arrive at the stairs, someone stepped upstairs, risking my plan. "Stephen!" Katie said with an obvious surprise. "What are you doing here?"