
Phoenix's love

Layla, The crown princess of the heavenly realm suddenly found herself in the bed of an unknown man. When she wakes up she sees her parents and few other guests looking at her. Due to this event, she is banished from the realm. After she finds a new place to live she finds out she is pregnant with the child of that unknown man.

BTSArmypro · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

In the Imperial library,

"Layla, these are the documents of the complete realm. I will need you to go through all of them and get familiar with the functioning of the Demon realm..." says the Demon King.

"Wait, All of these!!... I literally have to read every book in this huge library in a single day !!!!" says Layla in shock.

"Not really, Compared to the heavenly realm, this realm is far more advanced. The library here is not like any other, and If you ask for the book, you need it will directly place it in front of you. About how many books you must read, you can borrow my wind reading glasses. They can help go through books in seconds." Says the Demon king proudly.

Layla is surprised and becomes very curious.

She begins reading the books one by one. She first goes through all the important documents and accounts.

Soon Both Layla and Leo get used to their new life and 5 years pass as quickly as lightning.

5 years later,

A sudden war breaks out between the two major clans in the demon realm, the bird clan, and the snake clan.

There is great havoc in the court, all the court ministers are arguing.

The Demon King is in great tension and is not able to find a way to stop the war.

Suddenly a messenger comes in hurry,

"Your highness, Imperial advisor Jasmine has gone to the battlefield herself to solve the problem between the two clans!!!" says the messenger.

"What!! All by herself!! Is she mad!!!" exclaim all the ministers in shock.

"Your highness, She is putting her life in danger. I request you to order her to return immediately." says the prime minister.

"You guys look more worried than me. Jasmine might just be a weak woman or just court advisor in your eyes, but in reality, she is way more than that if she wanted she could just slay both the clans by herself without any other support. Leave this matter to her, I believe she will be able to solve it." replies the Demon lord calmly.

"Your majesty, We don't dare to look down on advisor Jasmine. But she is a very significant and talented person, not only to us but the entire realm. We were just worried we would lose such a talent and also she has helped us become as strong as we are now. It would be a pity to lose her. As people who have worked with her, We are worried...Your highness." Says the prime minister.

The whole court is worried about Layla.

Suddenly the leaders of the snake and bird clan enter the palace.

Everyone witnesses their entry and are surprised.

"Leaders of the Bird and Snake clan, What brings you here?" asks the Demon lord.

"Greeting to your highness, We have come here to apologize for the trouble we have caused to you. We were really foolish to ignore the wellbeing of the realm for the satisfaction of our ego. We really want to thank court advisor Jasmine for bringing us into our right minds. But your majesty we also have a single request...." say both the leaders of the bird and snake clan.

"Yes, you may ask..." replies the emperor.

"Please, ask Miss Jasmine to become the master of our children...Today she alone terrified both our armies by one attack. We were shocked and amazed by her strength and also by hearing her words, we began to admire both her power and wisdom... It would be a great honor to see our children become as great as her So that they too can become the pride of our realm like her..." Say both the Leaders.

Then Layla enters the court.

"Jasmine you are back!!!" says the Demon lord in happiness.

The whole court became really happy and relieved.

"Oh great leaders of the two mighty clans, I have already heard what you have said before. I am not worth the honor of teaching your children and it is also not good for children to live so far away from their parents," says Layla humbly.

"Dear Miss Jasmin, It was not us who have decided but it was our children itself who asked us to make them your students. I hope Miss Jasmine can help fulfill the dreams of our children." They reply.

"Jasmine, Why don't you just accept their offer? Those children can also accompany Little xi, He is always alone with no friends, now is a great opportunity to make him more socialized or he one day will become like the cold son of mine." Says the Demon lord.

"Since, Your majesty also suggests the same I will agree" Replies Layla.

"Come in," says both the leaders at once.

Then two small boys about the same age come into the court.

"Miss Jasmine, I am Viper, the young master of the snake clan," says one boy.

"Oh nice to meet you Viper, I really like your lavender hair," says Layla while patting that boy's head.

"Miss Jasmine, I am Hawk, The young master of the bird clan. Your hair really resembles the phoenix emblem of our clan, It is really beautiful." says the other boy.

"Oh nice to meet you Hawk and thank you for your compliment... Viper and Hawk from now one you are my students. I hereby accept you as my students."

Both Viper and hawk bow down to show respect to their master.

Suddenly another small boy runs into the court.

"Mommy!!!" shouts the child.

"Little Xi!! Why are you here?" says Layla in shock

"I heard you were accepting new students!!! Are they here? I really want to meet them!!!" says Little Xi in happiness.

"*sigh* Xi this is Viper, and this is Hawk. From now one they will live in our mansion, you must be good to them," says Layla.

While the conversation is going on all the other people in the court just stare at all the children admiring their cuteness.

"Hey, both of you!! I am Egon, My name means the edge of a sword, unlike my nickname which means Happy. Even though I am small, I am very talented" Says Egon proudly.

The whole court starts clapping and admiring Egon.

"*Hits Egon on the head* Stop encouraging him so much, he might become a narcissist soon because of all of your praises." Says Layla.

Everyone began to laugh in joy and happiness.

"Jasmine, I have something to speak to you about." says the Prime minister.

"Please speak," says Layla humbly.

"I think you have already heard about the upcoming event right. The royal family of the heavenly realm and the bigshots of the realm will be here. The majesty has told me to give you all the duties for preparing it. I already heard about your true story from the king. I hope that this event won't hurt or disturb your life. You are like my daughter and as a father, I am worried about both you and your brother as well as your son... But don't worry I will protect you secretly, If you need any help please ask me." Says the prime minister.

"The prime minister surely cares about me a lot, I thank you a lot," says Layla in gratitude.

"Don't thank me, You have already helped a lot especially in understanding my own family. If it weren't for you my son and I would never understand each other. He would never become who is today, without your words of wisdom." Replies the Prime minister.

To be continued...