

Mereak have me a snout and snob then moved along her way back to the temple I guess.

So you are?, Henshupta plainly asked. I am Sabah, your kingship. I am new in your court but I have studied abroad to become a scholar and professional scribe, coming from the line of Ptolemy.

Good! You will be one of my personal scribes from now on along with Anhemnotep and Sadiki my council elders. Aside from knowing his true relationship with Meraek, I want to learn about the western world and Europe. I have lived my life in Egypt and I want to travel not just make war to gain power but understanding of the world, the people of other nations. I want to be known as a pharaoh who wants to know others and love them for who they are, not what they have.

The council with a few who voted against the pharaoh still insisted that she marry a noble to be her partner. The law states that a pharaoh will marry to uphold her position and for the partner to give her a child as successor to the throne, which was already changed when I stepped in as Queen Regnant, Pharaoh.

I know I am in love with Meraek who got mad at me for making her feel weak after that night when we had wonderful sex.

Meraek couldn’t resist being with the pharaoh since she makes her feel special, beautiful and loved. She wants the King so much but she knows her place and tries to by pass her or be snobbish to pretend that she didn’t care about her or she’s cold and heartless, that made Henshupta sad and crazy longing for Meraek.

So Henshupta decided to ask for her shabtis to get her mistresses to bed her. They chose one who is as beautiful as Meraek named Anabahi. She was ordered by Yuya to visit the pharaoh in her chamber but Henshupta is busy watching the moon on her terrace. Anabahi waited and waited for hours but the pharaoh didn’t come to her, so she went outside her majesty’s chamber. Thus, Meraek saw the girl come out of the pharaoh’s room that made her so jealous and went inside the room mad as a ram, to scold the pharaoh.

Henshupta was walking calmly with no care in the world but her moon, when Meraek slapped her from behind and she did so again and again (when Henshu turned around to see who did that despicable thing) telling her that she lied to her and that she made out with another woman.

I didn’t know what happened but I told her that I didn’t sleep with anyone and just came down from the terrace staring at the moon.

Oh, Meraek said embarrassed and stopped what she’s doing, then turned around and was about to walk out of the room when Henshupta stopped her.

Stop! You are in the presence of the great god pharaoh. You hit and shouted at her, and those ugly actions entail punishments. Besides I am Pharaoh and can make out with anyone I please without you interfering with my decrees, my wishes. You need to suffer the consequences of your actions. And so, I did, make Meraek suffer, but with pleasure in bed.

War is not my line of defense and so is killing men quench my thirst for power. I wanted to make peace and not war against my enemies but it seems like they really wanted my head instead of peace talks. The Nubians and Asiatics have been ill against us, but this chaos from North and South poles need to stop. Hittites and other nations tend to be our enemy but I only want peace and a smooth trade relationships with them.

I remember the first time I saw Egypt and it’s grandeur, I was just eleven then. It’s like a dream seeing Nunnapura again. I was eleven years old when she was thirteen practicing to become a priestess. Father brought me to witness how priestesses chant and talk to the gods. Nunnapura was the most beautiful among the priestesses there and one by one they would go into a trance to give every noble, person or scribe their messages given by the gods of the heavens.

Father chose Nunna for ours. Nunna looked at me and smiled. She then sat and came into a deep trance and changed floated into thin air. She is wearing a silhouette gown with no undergarments that her skin, bosoms and all are seen during the ceremony. She is moaning, grunting like she is in pain but chanting prayers, magic words to know what the gods has in store for me and father. Nunnapura moved towards me and gave me a kiss on the mouth enough to make me dizzy. I felt some energy, spirit or floating thing come inside my mouth. Then, Nunnapura spoke in a different tongue, saying. "Henshupta, queen regnant will be pharaoh of Egypt, from here to the River Nile and all through-out the world, known as King of Peace, god of the moon, passionate lover, friend to all. You will make Egypt great again, rich and powerful all over its dominions, increasing the reach of your empire to the ends of the earth. Then, after saying those, Nunnapura was knocked unconscious and regained herself when I and father helped her get up the pavement. I couldn’t believe it until I saw how Nunnapura elevated and transformed to ‘akh’ (spirit/ghost) and Baba (father) would have agreed with me when I say, Hail to Ra.

Priestesses were considered powerful mediating god to the people especially the Pharaoh. In Mesopotamia, priestesses were considered equal to kings, queens and leaders. They provide spiritual guides and sexual comforts to the kingdom. There are many priestesses or priests in a kingdom but there’s only one that the Pharaoh uses as medium to know his present and future, connecting to his past and endeavors at the present.

One priestess named Majar predicted that Ramses will be defeated by a God that is more powerful than him, a god among gods of Egypt. Ramses took it by heart and his heart eventually hardened to make Israelites lives hard, cold and resent the fact that there is a god more powerful ad majestic than him.

Ramses the Great was said to have magicians who used ‘Heka’ (magic) to defeat Moses and Aaron from their unusual gifts. 1270 B.C. was the revolting year for Israelites and golden years for Egypt. Israelites have been toiling day in and day out to build pyramids, monuments, towers and tombs for the Egyptians that Pharaoh forgot that they are humans too. He believed that he has the power over their lives, a judge who can decide who lives or dies, who eats or not, who gets whipped or left in the cold without rest or a decent place to live in.