
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

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Chapter 6

Danny was looking out of the port side window as the ship made its descent. The ship choose it angle of entry, and Danny could see out of the window as the deflector shields became visibly red as planetfall was made. Pretty soon the ship slowed down and leveled off. He did not think that he would ever get tired of seeing this scene.

A lush and green city with giant structures doted with the presence of various large skyscrapers. Looking similar to the Eifel Tower but much bigger. Under these structures, their are various other buildings as well.

The ship began to approach a port, with enough space for atleast a hundred ships of the same size to dock.

"We are approaching one one of the smaller docks. This is usually used for commercial flights. You should see the docks that we use for exporting and importing , those are massive. Even the docks for cruisers and dreadnought. Those are the size of an entire city."

To Danny that made sense, as Thessia is the core of the the largest economy in the milky way. But Danny still found it hard to fathom.

A click sound rang out and the entire ship began to depressurize.

"We have reached our destination, Please disembark in an orderly fashion." An announcement rang out.

"Come on, that's our signal." Alessa said as she began to lead him out.

"We have to go to immigration as well.", Alessa led him.

After showing the required paperwork, she began to lead Danny to the exit.

"My bond-mate and I agreed to meet near one of the confectionary stands.", she explained to Danny.

Pretty soon, she led Danny to an Asari.

"Danny this is my Bond-mate Arianna."

Danny saw a 6 ft 8" tall purple colored Asari. She was towering over Danny.

"You must be Danny. Alessa told me about you. Lets get something to eat and then go," Arianna said.

Entering the restaurant, she order some food.

"We will get home and then I will introduce you to the family. Did Alessa tell you our family name." Danny shook his head indicating no. "Well we are the F'entons. Alyssa calls it fate you know."

An expression of surprise came over Danny face but he controlled himself.

"Don't worry. We intend to be your guardians. We are already aware that you dont have any potential for biotics. There is no need to worry. You can excel in many other fields like science or join the diplomatic core. We just have to wait until you can be called an adult to decide. Humans turn into adults at 18 so you have time to decide."

The food arrives and they spent the rest of the time eating the food.

Pretty soon, they called a skycar and the trio got in.

On the way, Danny felt that it was necessary to ask one question that had been bugging him the entire way.

"So what about school?"

This caused Alessia and Arianna to start laughing.

"Dear, you will be learning from the extranet. Similarly, you will get your certification from there as well. Teaching units are only for the primary level. After that, you are taught over the extra-net unless its combat training. Exams are a different matter, your physical presence will be required for them. Asari age at a lower pace then humans so their development and education is also very slow as well."

"The extra-net?" Danny asked.

"It is a network that connects all the planets under the entire citadel space. You will be taught in the virtual space. Most of the curriculum will be self-study." Alessia explained.

Danny nodded at that. Pretty soon the sky-car stopped.

"We intend to surprise our daughter with this arrangement. I will clear out one of my work rooms for you to use as a bedroom. I will just order a bed over the extra net ," Alessia said.

Danny nodded and gave a weak smile.

And so time passed, Danny helped Alessia to clear the room and put store his meager possession that he bought with him.

Looking at the clothes and items that he had with him, Alessia said," Don't worry, we will go shopping tomorrow. Can't have you wearing a single pair of clothes now, can I? What would that say about me."

"There is no need for that." Danny said.

"Nonsense, we will go tomorrow. Besides, it will give us a moment to sight-see" Alessia said.


Nessesda was purple and 6 ft 5.

She had found a fascination with death metal from earth and had started a band with some friends with similar interest. She was dressed up in the same way, all black leather. A huge blazing skull on her back and recently she was also thinking about getting a tattoo.

The door opened and closed. " I am home" A voice rang out.

"Dear, its time for dinner. Wash your hand and come down. Also, we have an announcement to make", A voice rang out from the kitchen

Nessesda entered the dining room. She saw both of her parents sitting in a serious mood. The table already set. Her mothers gestured to an empty seat on their side. Taking the signal, she sat down with some trepidation.

The previous month had been one of the hardest for her. First, she found out that her mom was missing in a Bartarian raid. She was filled with sadness and hatred. She was just coming of age which meant that she had not yet developed proper control over her biotic abilities and her biotic potential was staggering. This caused various outbursts from her as her biotics were influenced by emotions. She could only calm down when she had talked to her mother after her rescue. Still this had left her a little agitated.

'Oh god, Is this gonna be another intervention'. She thought to herself.

"Dear, there is something we need to tell you." Her mothers looked her in the eyes as they said.

"Dear both your Mother and I decided to have another child." Alessia said.

'Oh, that's a relief.' She sighed.

"I found him on my trip and decided that it was meant to be." Arianna said.

"Wait him", she said out loud.

"Danny that's your cue enter."

"Hey", Danny said.

Nessesda saw one of the cutest boy she saw enter. She began to stammer and began to blush blue. There was something more about him specifically that made her trust him. Like he was strangely enough another Asari. Asari live very long lives and sometimes it is easier to connect minds to share information. Danny was giving off the feeling that he was another asari. That was part of the reason why Alessia had brought Danny with her and her bond-mate had agreed.

Seeing Nessesda blush, her mother Alessia coughed to bring her out of out stupor.

"Dear, are you fine with that."

Nessesda snapped out of it. "Do whatever you want to do."

Danny settled down and the group of four started to eat. Danny looked at his plate and saw a squid and something that looked like an orange pickles. With alot of hesitation, he took a bite. The squid tasted like salted chicken and the orange pickles tasted like an apple but hat the texture of a carrot.

"So dear, what's your plan for the future, you are coming of age." Arianna looked at her daughter.

"I intend to complete my biotic training and then I will go on a tour with my band." She replied.

"So Me and Danny are going shopping tomorrow, Nessesda can you join us?" Arianna said.

"Yeah mom no problem, There is something I want to buy as well," Nessesda said.

"Nessesda, show him around will you? I expect the best behavior from you. Maybe, you can take Danny to one of your concerts. He may even sing in them, who knows." Arianna said, her eyes twinkling. Seeing her daughter seethe. She was gonna enjoy this. Humans were still new and recent addition to the galaxy. There was plenty of curiosity regarding humanity among the asari. A species that looks very similar to the asari. For this reason, Danny would be fairly popular or would be a great curiosity for the asari living here. She was already starting to make plans to take him to her workplace.

And so Danny's daily life began on Thessia.

(Well that is before the events of mass effect and before he becomes one of the only superheroes in the Mass Effect universe. Next chapter, we will see what happened with Kenn.)

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