
PHANTAŚY: I love you since 1605

"I am Phantasy Winters, a developer and I have developed feelings for you, Mr Fretakis."  "Miss Winters, the search engine says you are a student of archeology."  "....." Phantasy's husband has only few months to live and has just lost his memory, so this quiet wife sets out on a journey to make her hubby's last days the most memorable while fighting off bad fate that has been set for them. But author is Phantasy the only one allowed to be cool...? Meet the Chairman of Wife spoilers and one of the Co-Founders of Wife Doting Husbands Community. Nicholas Fretakis Lucifer who prefers to be the villain rather than the hero to get what he wants. Interested she asked the devil. "What are you doing?"  Engrossed, he did not look up at her like he would do and only replied. "Filling an application."  "Application...?" she repeated. Who dares to ask the devil to fill applications. "Application for what?"  He stared deeply into her eyes this time, his gold eyes taking her breath away every single time . "Application to be your husband."  __________________ You can only pick one. Power or Love. Which will be your priority?  ********* I am currently working on the editing, please be patient. The image does not belong to me so all copyright goes to the artist. Instagram @Loneliest_Empress This book is a series book. Book 1: PHANTAŚY: I love you since 1605 Book 2: PHANTAŚY: Good for my Fantasy

Loneliest_Empress · Fantaisie
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And to top it all, this little girl did not seem to be aware of how much power she held on the devil.

Anna did not get to see the man personally and could only look from the glass.

Since her childhood, Nicholas has always been in her dreams. Even when they went to school together and he was bullied for having gold eyes, the girls got scared of him for his eyes, she saw past all that and saw the young boy behind those chilling eyes. This man who had always looked invincible since young, was no less than a human like her.

Nicholas had always portrayed himself like he was above others. Whenever he was asked, his only reply was that.

"I am at the peak of everything. Tell me why I shall act like I am not?"

He was arrogant yes. Conceited. Maybe. And he alway thought no one was good enough for him. But she had felt that they would end up together which was why even when she was told by his family to not wait for him, she was strong headed and waited. As long as there was no woman by his side, she was okay.


Annabelle clutched her fists and bade good bye to Mrs Gregor. Phantasy. Is the girl here to ruin everything for her?

Even Mrs Gregor had started to act distant or maybe she was simply still shocked that her son could look really sick. On her way out, her wiped a lone tear and cursed Nicholas although she did not mean it.

"If you will pick her over I, I hope you dont wake forever."

She knew shes wa simply being childish about it, but at that point, it was truly how she felt. The image of Phantasy kept popping up in her head and it made her more annoyed. What does a twenty year old possess, that she has not? In every aspects, she was better than her.

But what she did not know was....It isn't easy to erase centuries long memory from a man.

In Nicholas dream, this time he found himself in a castle. A young lady in simply trousers was picking flowers a few feets away. Her hair was let down and the breeze did what it wanted with it. From her back view, he did not need to be told, who she was. Her hair alone and the feeling he felt in his heart, spoke it all.

The lady turned around to his enchanting smile, and waved him over. "Quick. The flower is blooming."

He slowly walked forward, hands in his pocket. His eyes twinkle more when she bent to sniff a flower and her cleavage was in his view. His cock twitches with need and he felt like throwing her down and taking her in the middle of the flowers

The scene changed and he found himself watching her run forward. Blue eyes shining with excitement. The environment was of mountains and clouds and her feet pressed the floor gently, making little prints on them.

When she got to him, breasts heaving up and down, dress stained with mud at the edges. The alluring lips moved to tell him. "My Lord, you look absolutely dashing. I am a lucky woman."

He gave her a smirk and bent, acting like he wanted to kiss her hands but instead, his soft lips landed on the line between her cleavage and she shivered, hands gripping his shoulders. He was merciful in the kisses he showered her and she tilted her head enjoying the feeling. When he looked into her eyes, they were misty and filled with lust. Slowly, his hands trailing up her arm, he replied. "I am the lucky one."

All of a sudden Nicholas lifts her up, pressing he back against a smooth surface, and her legs wrapping around his waist. He teased her lips with his, while he let his hands do the roaming and lifting of her dress. Phantasy wrapped small hands around his neck and leaned further, letting her now exposed breast, find the warmth of his idle lips.

Nicholas dream man Fretakis was enjoying this dream when the scene suddenly changed again. He hissed in his mind.

This time, he sat with Phantasy in a library and said something inaudible to her. She gave a sad smile and patted his head like he had done something good.

Like that, different scenarios kept popping up in his dream making him more confused.

But right now, what he really wanted to know was if he did fu*k the little girl against that smooth wall.

A week had passed and Nicholas pervert Fretakis was yet to wake. Phantasy was growing lean day after day but still had to study and promote other people's brand and page since she had accidentally come off as an influencer few years back thanks to poke nosing Sarah.

It was not until the eight day did Nicholas wake. Saraphine who heard the news from Mrs Gregor went to Phantasy.

She locked the door and whispered to her. "The love of your life is awake."

Phantasy shot to her feet and stared at the trouble maker.

"I am serious this time." As she had often joked with Phantasy within the past week about Nicholas waking from beauty sleep, she did not seem that reliable now. "I am telling you first so you can go over, sneak in and have some alone talk with him. I am only trying to help Nicholas here." she defended.

Phantasy took the gamble and made an excuse to leave the house without Sarah. As Saraphine had called Miss Selan in advance, it was easier for Phantasy to sneak in. By the time she got there, Nicholas was not in.

Miss Selan calmed her mind and said. "He must be with the doctors for check up. You can wait here."

It wasn't until after thirty minutes did she hear voices from the hall. It sounded like Mrs Fretakis and Mrs Gregor. She could also faintly make out Saraphines voice in the background. She looked around for a place to hide. How was she to explain that she was here when she was clearly supposed to be else where?

Having no choice, she hid herself in the closet and dared not breath loudly.

I was born in 1605. -_- argue with your phones.

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