
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horreur
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60 Chs

Small dark room

"You... You're back..." At breakfast in the morning, Ethan was walking with the troops under the guard of the soldiers when he heard a soft, soft voice coming from behind.

"Yes, I'm back." Ethan let out a small sigh in his heart, and without looking back, he knew who the concerned female voice came from.

Promise is also keenly aware that Ethan's mental state is far less than it was at the beginning.

Don't misunderstand, Ethan's goal is still firm, still determined, but his entire mental state is not good, can even be used to describe "malaise", what Ethan has experienced during this period?

"You... What happened?" Promise whispered asked, she was afraid of their backer collapse, she also curious Ethan experienced what.

"What happened?" Ethan's eyes blurred and he sighed deeply.

Let's rewind the clock to 26 days ago.

Baytown manager Mr. Dale said to give Ethan time to think, and the Baytown boss did exactly that, he not only gave Ethan enough time, and even gave Ethan an "independent thinking environment."

Yeah, Ethan's in a dark room.

This sounds like a funny word, but those who have experienced it firsthand know that it is not.

Ethan is thrown into a special cell, where life can only be described as inhumane.

Physical torture is always the lowest level, mental torture is really hard to bear.

In the dark cabin, Ethan sat against the cold concrete floor, even the faint blue handcuffs in his hands also annihilated the light, Ethan did not feel the passage of time, as if from the whole world.

Every meal, in the endless darkness and loneliness, in the painful days of hunger and cold and exhaustion, Ethan figured out many things.

Fortunately, Ethan has just gained the ability to heal himself, even if how cold and hungry, even if the handcuffs how to suppress Ethan's powers, but Ethan's body can still carry.

In that dark prison, when everything around is so silent, and the senses are unable to receive anything outside, the reactions of the body and the struggles of the heart are magnified countless times.

People with a little weak willpower, I am afraid they have collapsed.

Ethan spends his days counting the scratches on the concrete. Although he can't see anything, he can feel them with his fingers. Each scratch represents a day.

Every day brings Ethan closer to the brink.

In the first three days, Ethan thought more than once about pretending to surrender to Bay City, and then figuring out how to escape and how to get revenge.

It wasn't until the fourth day that the turning point came.


The impenetrable door of the cell was opened in a small gap, and the jailer placed a lunch box on it. Do not imagine what delicacies were there, perhaps a strip of dried meat made from a cold alien dimension creature, or a handful of dark beans, or even just a small glass of water.

Lord Dale tortured Ethan both mentally and physically, if it was an ordinary person, a daily meal, and it was something like this, I'm afraid not to surrender in weakness, it collapsed in torture.

Ethan suddenly blocked his hands in front of his own eyes, even if the outside came a bright light, but Ethan in the dark environment for a long time, still can not stand such visual stimulation.

Ethan expected the jailer to upset the lunch box, close the window and leave, but found that the jailer did not go this time, but crouched down and looked into the cell.

"Seventy-six, I've seen what you're capable of, and the fact that you're here means you don't want to give in to that old man."

"Man, whatever you're thinking right now, I hope you don't give up."

The gaoler said here,

The words suddenly stopped, then shook the mind, a little frown, and suddenly knocked the lunch box to the ground, a crash!

The small window in the cell door closed tightly, and Ethan was plunged into darkness again.

Ethan froze, surprised at what had just happened, because of the reason, Ethan was not able to carefully observe the expression of the jailer before and after, but from the attitude of the jailer before and after, there must be something strange.

Ethan will doubt buried in the bottom of my heart, step by step, the palm of my hand finally touched the lunch box scattered on the ground, not surprisingly, the small lunch box is empty, Ethan continue to look for, and finally found a piece of meat on the ground.

The strips of meat were hard and smelled fishy, and it was not known what kind of creature they were made of.

Ethan licked his dry lips and took a bite.

The next day, the same scene was repeated, but Ethan did not sit in the back of the cell, but with his back against the cold door, waiting for the jailer to deliver his food.

There was a clatter, and the small window under the cell door opened, and in came a lunchbox.

"I have had a lot of inmates, they are very 'smart', they tried to use another way to escape, obediently bowed their heads on the surface, joined the Bay City, tried to plot revenge, but now, they are extremely loyal to the Bay City, perhaps their original heart is not so, but the facts show that they have now become a 'doll', let the bay City control, Let the old man drive you."

The gaoler's words suddenly stopped. He frowned a little, his eyes were clear, and there was a hint of surprise on his face. He had just tried to throw the lunch box in, but a large hand had grasped it behind the window.

"Hungry? Oh, bastard, finally know to pick up food? There used to be a lot of self-righteous people who shrugged off this junk food, but then they all made the same choices as you, you know, there was a proud bitch who didn't eat or drink and seemed to have a backbone, but then she got on her knees and begged me for an extra glass of water, haha!" The jailer sneered and slammed the small window shut, plunging the cell into darkness again.

Ethan put the small glass of water into his mouth, but was not disturbed by the jailer's mocking words, in fact, Ethan set off a storm in his heart at this time.

The tone of the words of the jailer is completely different!

The words were all from the jailer's mouth, and the tone was exactly the same, but the tone seemed to be that of a different person. It could not be said... The jailer was briefly controlled?

24 hours in the dark room is slow, really slow, in this dark cell deprived of all senses, the jailer's brief words every day became Ethan's spiritual support, yes, this description is not an exaggeration.

Unilateral communication until the 16th day there was a trace of accident, on this day, Ethan did not get the words of the jailer, the other side also seemed to be in a normal state of mind, mocking Ethan said a few words, then left.

Ethan held a piece of rotten meat in his hand, and when the window opened, he tried to resist the sting of light on his eyes and looked out, but the jailer's arm blocked most of it, and Ethan did not see the outside of the prison clearly.

What happened? What happened to the guy who sent him the message? Is he one of those people in the dark room? He had an accident? Or is he dead?

Just from what the jailers have been saying, this guy seems to be a man of steel, and he won't give in...

Day 17, day 18...

Ethan waiting for no good results, again and again hope to fall through, let Ethan's mental state is more bad.

If you give me despair, please be thorough, fate, why do you want to make trouble...

Unable to feel the passage of time, Ethan gradually became empty in the darkness, and gradually became angry.

On the nineteenth day the gaoler spoke at last.

"Listen, man, we've got to get out of here, Baytown won't hold us forever, they'll threaten us with life and death to join them, and we're valuable commodities too, so we'll come back to Deadtown again."

"You know what's funny? Most people who make it past 30 days, when they go back to the game of death, they don't want to come back, and that's when most Powers surrender, when they see the sun again, and they'd rather be slaves than go back to this dark room."

When the jailer opened his mouth, he regained his clarity again, threw down his lunch box and turned away.

Ethan silently leaned his back against the cell door and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with damp, musty air. It tasted terrible.

Day twenty.

"Dear 76, this game of life and death is coming soon, how about we play something big together?" Give me a reaction, knock twice on the cell door!"

Why do you always have to give me hope? Do you know how cruel that is?

Ethan reached out and took the dirty meat and knocked twice on the cell door with the hard, dry meat!

'Be quiet! Don't eat if you don't want to, you bastard!" The jailer regained his sanity and kicked the door with a vicious kick. He drank angrily.

A week later, a delirious Ethan is dragged back to the Bay Underground prison by soldiers.

Death Town is about to open again.

The necessary procedures still need to be followed.

For the first time, by God, Ethan felt like heaven in this ordinary underground prison.

In his confusion, Ethan heard the joyful cry of promise.

Ethan, dragged by the shoulders of the soldiers, tried to turn his head, and saw the face of Promise crying with joy, and also saw a tall figure next to Promise, a dark figure, with a pair of torch-like eyes, like a fierce beast in the night, waiting for the time to open its sharp fangs.