
Pet Of Death

In a beautiful place where land related products grow abundantly, a 25 year old boy is living filled with satisfaction. The whole world is filled of an unknown phenomenon which is called "MAGIC" resulting an easy way of living. Owning different types of this magic just like air slash, teleportation, healing, and such, people really conclude that this is a gift of God! However as a wise man, this 25 year old boy of the name of Kiravis lives out of such lifestyle. Well taught by his parents, kiravis enjoy the sweat and tiredness of cultivating the land for he believe that living as a human, has never been enjoyable, than using your brain and creativity because it is what is unique to humans only. One day, a situation has forced this wise young man to be part of this so called magic lifestyle. Out of his awareness, an egg has appeared exactly on his top side causing him to catch it unwaveringly. Have you heard that when egg hatches, whatever is inside get unbelievably attached to whomever it sees first? Will if you don't, now you heard! Our wise kindhearted young man has been push to an edge where war is inevitable. Why? Well, Why dont we follow the boy's story? Let us little by little uncover the future of this magic filled world!

Storie_muxica · Fantaisie
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Kiravis the wiseman!

In the cool dawn, a 25-year-old boy got up to enjoy the world's nature. He waited on the roof of their wooden great house until sunrise. The boy really enjoys the different displays of the clouds every day. Yes! The clouds are being reflected by the rising sun! This is why the boy keeps waking up early—to enjoy the very own characteristics of the world!

When this boy reaches his 20th year on earth, it is finally time for God to grant him his very own ability! Yes! This is the so-called magic! To be honest, even at age 15, a young one is being asked by a mysterious calling voice saying...

"Your wish shall be granted!

Now! Reveal your wish!"

This way, magic of a certain kind is granted to the child, depending on his choice.

Afraid of regretting their decisions, other kids wait for the official MAGIC GRANTING so that they can think carefully to what they really desire.

Thus, with other people in their 20s, the young boy is also lining up for his turn to receive his gift.

Therefore, the high priest asked the boy

"Your wish shall be granted! What wish do you desire?"

The boy then answered wisely.

"Grant me the wisdom of man."

Suddenly, the place was engulfed in silence.

[what?! ... Wiseness?! ... What is he up to with that ability? ... Oh?! Can't he use his own brain? ... Well, I guess so?!...pfft!!! ... ]

Thus, the whole convention has been filled with laughter.


The boy unwaveringly waited for his gift, ignoring the crowds.

The priest then felt pity for the boy.

Thus, the priest says

"Why did you choose to be wise? Didn't you know that without physical capabilities, being wise is a little bit useless?"

The high priest then patted the boy's shoulder and said,

"That is why God granted us magic—for us to be able to fight with monsters and live happily.

Please choose your wishes wisely, my boy."

The priest then closed his eyes as he smiled while patting the boy's shoulder.

Despite the discouraging advice of the priest and the humiliation the boy receives from the crowds, the boy still stands firm to his goal.

Thus, the boy says

" How would I choose wisely if I am not yet wise? Or are you telling me that this is already the full potential of man's intelligence?"

The boy asked the priest as he pointed his right arm with his wide open hand to the crowd. His left arm is also pointing to the crowds, thus making an elegant presentation.

The crowd was ashamed of themselves, for they understood that they were presented as unintelligent individuals. For short, they were presented as IDIOTS!

The priest nodded and had nothing to say anymore; rather, he commended the intelligence of the boy, saying...

"Seriously, you don't even need the gift of wisdom, for you are already wise."

The boy denies the words of the priest, saying

"No, only God himself is the one who carries wisdom."

The priest only readied his hand for the prayer to grant gifts, as he says.

"I can learn more things from you, boy. May God bless your plans."

As the spirit of magic enters the boy's body, the whole convention building is filled with light. The yellow-colored light is sparkling in the whole place. You can even see numerous dove-like, transparent yellow lights that are flying all around the site.

No one thought that God's presentation of this boy would be this beautiful.

The only words you can hear are...

"Whoah... Too pretty... "

After these individuals received their gifts, God presented them by showing off lights in the whole place. Red lights for fire, blue for water, etcetera.

Now, the wise boy, as you've already known, is on the roof, watching the sunrise.

After relaxing to the cool breeze of the morning, he is now prepared for a fresh, hardworking new day!

In the dining room, where his loving family awaits, there are already prepared foods that really taste good.

Nothing beats a cup of coffee after lazing around on the roof and enjoying the horizon.

However, the news really interrupts the beauty of the world. Here comes this ferocious beast again, attacking a town somewhere.

One member of the family says

"15 deaths already?"

Another member said

"These beasts is really reducing the population of the world."

The father then said

"It seems that their magic is not that helpful after all."

The father then called out to the boy who was on the roof.

"Kiravis! Come here! Breakfast is ready!"

Their great wooden house is located on the summit of a mountain. They live their lives away from the world, for it seems the world has been completely infested by magic. Even though magic is helpful in some circumstances, the crimes caused by its use never go down.

"Humans have an innate sense of violence in them. Humans do sins without cause. Rational thinking: what good does it do to you to cause troubles for others?"

This is what the father said as the whole family watched the news.

The other member of the family asks

"Why does even God give magic to people?"

"It is for the people to be able to protect themselves."

" Oh"

"But now they are using it to do wrongdoing? "

"Talk about a wrong move."

The family is just happily conversing with each other when the lights of the whole household go out. There are crumbling sounds all over the place as the wooden roof rushes towards them.


Is what you can hear as the whole building gets crushed by a gigantic, scaled foot.

Being a magic-free family, they have been helplessly crushed to pulp. The boy Kiravis, being on the roof, has been able to jump away from the sure dead stomp.

As he fell to the ground, he rolled over on the slanting surface of the mountain and stopped as he bumped into a tree.


Kiravis spit blood.

That is what he gets for being physically weak and wise.

Kiravis opens his eyes because gusts of wind make him do so.

Branches, leaves, fruits, and different utensils are flying all over the place as Kiravis hear the powerful flaps of gigantic wings.

Whoosh whoosh

Kiravis turns his eyes upward to know what it is.

What he sees is a full-sized creature. It is filled with scales, even on its wings and tails, making it a featherless flying creature.

Its eyes are glowing red, along with its whooshing breath.

Seeing this, Kiravis just clenched his garment around his chest. He is gritting his teeth and contracting his teary eyes as well.

Kiravis rubbed his feet against the ground as he realised that they had finally received their own share of trouble in this world.

After all, he is seeing a very heartbreaking scene.

The foot of this monster that crushed the whole great house is rubbing and pressing the great house until it sinks to the ground.

"You were hiding in the mountains? Such a good resolve to escape your destined death. However, there is no escape! It is already time to end the world!"

Kiravis has been left speechless after hearing a loud voice from the monster.

"What was that?"

Is the only word he muttered as he looked at it flying away.

Kiravis heard numerous flapping sounds from the air, which made him immediately drop to the ground with his hand, grabbing grass that he could hold onto.

The pressure of the wind caused the mountain to get violently smashed by its powerful gust.

Kiravis keeps hearing different heavy groans. When he took a glance at what was happening, fear weakened his body.

There are thousands, if not millions, of those monsters flying all over the rising sky!

"Just what in the world is going to happen?"

Welcome to the world filled of magic!

Is magic really helpful or what?

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