
I will help u...

<p>Angel: .....( looking shocked wt*f is said)<br/>min hai: ( oo God ) wait wait don't get me wrong let me tell u first why I am saying this<br/>Angel: mm ... o o ok tell me <br/>min hai: but one more thing before I tell u uhmm can I trust u...?<br/>angel: huh..<br/>min hai: I am asking can I trust u for whatever am going to tell u know u won't judge me and tell this things to any other person..( asking her with serious expression)<br/>angel:( without wasting any second she said) yess i promise u whatever u are going to tell me I won't judge you or tell about this to anyone u can trust me ( with wide smile)<br/><br/>min hai: okk thankyou so much first seat ( while taking seat next to her) soo I want to tell u actually i had a past which Is not good as everybody thinks after seeing me now<br/>angel: why..? what happened in your past.<br/>min hai: mm like other kids I have also been living with my family happily my father used to send me to school daily my mom used to makes lunch for me and dad everything was good they both love me more than anything , and i also have one friend she was my neighbour she was 8 year old that time we both used spend time with each other a lot she mostly stayed in my home then in her she also sleep used to sleep with me she and me are soo close to each other but one day my whole life changed one days I was going on a trip with my family we. were soo happy my dad was driving the car and my mom seat besides my dad and I was in back seat playing videos game but one moment just changed all thing a truck came from front just hit our car and.... anm. all thing changed ( he also don't when he started to cry while telling about his past ) they they di.. dieeed in front of me I was waking them... up ( angel don't know what she fell she came and hug him tight to comfort her and he hug her back) but they didn't didn't wake up... I was helpless i couldn't help them if I can they will alive staying with me now if I could from that day on i always get a nightmare whenever I used to sleep i couldn't my neighbour family adopt me and took care of me like there own child that girl family one day when i couldn't sleep she came to my room when i was crying and she said i will sleep with u ok and when I try to sleep while hugging her I slept that day peacefully but i think God didn't want me to be happy first he took my parents form me than that little girl and her family too from me I left alone ....( there is something missing he didn't told her that I won't tell u guys in future parts u will get to know soo just wait on let's continue) <br/>angel: ooo don't be sad see you have everything now whatever u want ups and downs came in every person life minu..( she said softly while looking in his eyes.<br/>min hai: but my nightmare haunt me now also after that girl left i again started to see thet night mare and yesterday when i slept with u I sleep peacefully without getting that I just want to clarify by sleeping one more time with u it happens because of vine or because because u slept with me soo .. so plse can u sleep with me one more night..?.<br/>Angel: ( after listening his story she decided to say yes)<br/>okkk min I will help u....</p>

hey I am soo soo sorry readers from soo many days i didn't update this sorry I know you all are waiting i. will update now due to some family issues I didn't get time sorry again. .

Nikita_Singh_3064creators' thoughts